
Is solodyn good for a bladder infection

Common Questions and Answers about Is solodyn good for a bladder infection


Avatar n tn Solodyn is used for 'acne' and is NOT known for weight loss with it.
1094941 tn?1264559085 My neck is awful! It is so red, itchy, and bumpy and my right hand is the same way. Could this be a reaction to the Solodyn or what? I am getting very upset!
Avatar n tn I'm wondering if there's any research supporting a link between solodyn and eye floaters. I was on Solodyn for about 2 months and my vision deteriorated over the same period of time. I have pretty severe floaters that distract me in reading and computer use. Previously a little farsighted but not requiring glasses. Optometrist says the back of my eye looks like "a spiderweb." No retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.
Avatar m tn In a few more weeks your doctor may perform some more tests for fetal health. Be sure to take a really good prenatal vitamin, which is another safeguard. Good luck!!
Avatar m tn I recently came off a 3-month long session of Solodyn for a skin condition I was diagnosed with over the summer. Prior to that, I had been on antibiotics for a severe colds, twice and have gotten yeast infections twice due to those antibiotics, so it was inevitable that I was going to get another yeast infection after I finished the Solodyn.
Avatar n tn My daughter developed drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis after taking Solodyn for her acne. After a liver biopsy and a nine month course of prednisone she is much better and, hopefully, the autoimmune hepatitis has reversed. What did finally work for her is IPL (intense pulsed light) laser treatments. She had the treatments in May and her face is still, for the most part, clear of acne. And, it is drug free!
Avatar f tn I was just diagnosed with interstitial cystitis this month, after years of bladder infection symptoms without any actual infection. My doctor just put me on an IC diet until my bladder in healed. In a few months she said I can start testing other foods out to see how I react to them. In the meantime, I am only 18 and I don't know what to snack on. I'm not used to such a bland diet. Does anyone know of some bladder friendly snacks I could munch on?
285848 tn?1219092313 A Cystoscopy is a procedure that enables a Urologist to view the inside of the bladder and urethra through a cystoscope that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder. It sounds awful, but I was under anesthesia and was out the entire time. I've had to go back and get urine tests a few times since then. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Honey is high in sugar, and will attract and feed certain bacteria. It does fight certain other bacteria, but probably not the ones that attack the bladder. Because you're on antibiotics, the Kefir probably won't hurt, but you'll get more value out of a good probiotic supplement. The reason for this is that the antibiotics will kill off the few bacteria in the kefir, and the dairy might attract the bacteria, while a probiotic supplement has billions of organisms in it.
4476664 tn?1361632949 Your lucky!! Had the "symptoms" was hoping for a bladder Infection. But I have kidney stones :-( ugh this is the 2nd time during my pregnancy getting them and they hurt so bad!!
Avatar f tn One of the biggest prevention things you can do is to take cranberry extract in a pill form (Azo sells a good one) - that really helps prevent infections and will also make you feel a bit better until you can get on antibiotics. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I am scheduled for a laparoscopy on Monday since endomoetriosis is also a possibility. I was given a test where my bladder was given two solutions in which the potassium one gave me an urgency and irritated my bladder. The pain was only mild, and from my understanding is that people with ic will experience a lot of pain from the potassium solution. The other solution did not bother me at all.
Avatar f tn Im a ftm and just worried! Have any of you ladies had a bladder infection while Prego? I just need some good advice. Thanks!
279230 tn?1259923903 I think this is a question for a veterinarian, and Med Help has one here who volunteers her time, so it's free. :-) You can post your questions to Dr. Cheng on the Ask a Vet (Pet Health) forum.
Avatar f tn I have a bad bladder infection and I have been taking Azo but that doesn't help at all. It won't eventeventurn my urin orange. Is there something else I can take? Anything.
Avatar f tn he wuz an outside dog all his life, but trained for inside also. hes a 4 yr old golden retriever. his urine is dark brown & smells something awful. when he is done urinating blood will come out!!!!!! he seems happy. wages his tail, loveable, energy, hes eating & drinks plenty of water, his nose is wet...... can i just give him an antibiotic?
Avatar f tn I recently went to see a doctor for this is issue as well. I am 10wks and 5days and the prescribed me a pregnancy safe antibiotic to get rid of the infection. Pregnant women can be more susseptable to getting bladder infections than women who aren't pregnant and I don't exactly remember why, but just make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day and using the restroom when you have the urge.
4801019 tn?1359345412 old male dealing with what I believe is a Bladder Infection. So this all started off like four months ago. I was peeing a lot, burning when I peed, no discharge, lower back pain, lower abdomen pain & also a itch inside the penis. My family doctor did a urine sample on me & he said the sample came back with a bit of an infection, so he gave me a antibiotic but I can't remember the name, & said to take it for five days.
897447 tn?1242235987 I'm not dx'd with ms and currently in limbo a quick question. I recently had a bladder infection. I just stopped taking the antibiotic 3 days ago. my undiagnosed neurological was active but stable up to the point of the bladder infection. now I seem to be having more old sx returning or getting worse. is this a flare? should I tell my PCP now or should I wait? I'm having a physical in 2 weeks whatever this is seems to react when I'm sick or have an infection....
Avatar f tn Ok so from having to pee soo much i am starting to get a bladder infection i have medicine for them but worried it might hurt baby is there any natural ways?? Like juice or something.
6387609 tn?1393274731 went To My Ob And She Said I Have A Bladder Infection And A Yeast infection! I'm Not Dilated At All And My Cervix Is Closed So That's Good But This Hurts So Bad... Has Anyone Had One? Experience And How You Helped Sooth It?
Avatar f tn I have a bladder infection, I think. So I called my Dr and told him what was going on. He prescribed Septra generic DS. It made me so sick that I called him back and asked what to do and he said it would be alright to take a half pill twice a day instead of a whole one. This is the second time I've had a bladder infection in two months. The first time was when I was in the hospital. No catheter was used. They sent me home with a script for Septra and it cleared up with in 5 days.
Avatar f tn I'm 10 weeks and i think i have a bladder infection should i won't till Monday to get it looked at or should i go er?
Avatar f tn If not I am not kidding, the affects WD had on my bladder sure felt like an infecion, I felt like I had to pee every minute, urine sometimes had a little blood in it, and it hurt a lot to pee, this is why I am asking if they did a urine stick to be sure, because if not you may not even need to be taking the meds, could be from WD.