
Is second hand smoking worse than smoking

Common Questions and Answers about Is second hand smoking worse than smoking


Avatar f tn I seat down and basically told him the results for second hand smoking and how that was much worse than actually smoking. So we came to the agreement that he would just smoke outside when we come over & he want smoke around me. So just look up the facts on second hand smoking then present your facts to your family & let them know your concerns regarding your unborn child.
1117137 tn?1345227905 is it just me or is second hand smoking SO annoying? i think my radar is just super tuned in right now, but it seems like people just light up and leave their used butts, everywhere! i understand that it is a free world, but i guess i just find it even more bothersome, now that i have another life to support inside me. i will go as far as pulling my shirt over my face as i walk by it, and i don't care who sees that or what they think.
2006603 tn?1331329327 There are many risks with second hand smoke exposure even for ppl who are not pregnant. Second hand smoke can cause under developed lungs, increase the chance of sids, low birth weight, baby can develop asthma and a bunch of other things too. Its good your fiance doesn't smoke in the house or around you but he should get into the habbit of not smoking in the car either. The nicotine can settle into the fabrics which is the same as smoking a cigarette while being in the room with the baby.
Avatar f tn I smoked on cigarette today but that's the first cigarette I had since I got pregnant I mean I'm sometimes around my uncle who smokes everyday and I heard second hand smoke is worse so I was wondering was it harmful to my babygirl when I did smoke that cigarette?
8182713 tn?1419265366 I don't think you're wrong. You're doing what's best for you and your baby. My boyfriends family smoke I try to avoid them when they do cause I really don't wanna breathe their smoke I don't even want smoke to be around my baby! My boyfriend agrees with me and I know he'll be strict with his family about smoking next to our baby.
Avatar m tn I would also recommend that you stay out of places where smoking is prevalent. Second hand smoke is even worse for you. Take care.
203342 tn?1328737207 it clings to the hair, clothing, inside cars and houses where smoking is happening...not good for children at all...
Avatar f tn We are all low birth weight babies. Smoking was likely the cause. Second hand smoke is just as dangerous, so if avoid it and ask people to step away when they smoke.
Avatar f tn Look if you're that worried about your baby then seriously just stop going over there. Think about it if you will. You either be alone or go to your grandma's where you will inhale second hand smoke which is way worse than smoking itself. It's terrible that your gma is like that but if she is indeed like that then just stop going over there. She obviously doesn't care to stop so just stay home and try to stay occupied. Your babies health is of the utmost importance.
Avatar f tn s what I thought, plus the affects of smoking while pregnant seem to be way worse than the withdrawals to me..
Avatar f tn When chewing or using your mouth your brain cuts out the emotion from thought drastically this is why people find smoking a releif in the first place oral fixation gives you an unknown mental break :) if you just breathe and remember you dont want to smoke foe your babys health then chew some gum and distract yourself you will be there in no time :) keep up the good work xx
Avatar f tn is the baby breathing in second hand smoke? If not...
5601615 tn?1383450616 I don't think any kind of smoke is safe for babies
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have the habit. My child's daycare have been taught that smoking kills people etc.. so move away from people if they're smoking. A lot of parents from the daycare have come in abusing the child care Centre as they're smokers and there young children keep telling them they're going to die.
Avatar m tn I am suffering from a slight fever, but my coughing is worse than ever. How do I figure out if it is the cough which accompanies any other fever or whether something more on the lines of bronchitis? I ask because I smoke close to a pack a day (not sure if that is relevant though).
Avatar f tn my bf smokes not inside but I still smell it off his clothes n if I go to a bbq at a family member house I have second hand smoke. ..I try n walk a way cus I know its bad to breath that in...all I think about is having one I'm craving it...what should I do ...
Avatar f tn Im going through the same problem. Due date is in less than a week and he has yet to even cut back on smoking. Its tge most frustrating thing ive ever battled with. He made the promise to me, so i feel like hes not only breaking a promise he made but that since hes not quitting he doesnt care for this baby as much as he should. I know not the best way to think but i cant help it its how i feel.
Avatar f tn Thank you so much. I really never drank before and didn't do drugs so my only thing is my smoking. But the other problem is that if second hand smoke causes the same thing, my Child's father and I live together and he smokes a pack a day or so and doesn't plan on quitting. So as for now that is my milestone. It's hard to quit when you're around it constantly.
Avatar f tn Look up some articles if you want to know the effects of smoking. You don't want to put anything into your body tat isn't good for either of you while you are pregnant. I don't know of any doctors who would encouraged you to continue smoking unless you are stressing out more from not smoking.
Avatar f tn What can I take or use to quit smoking cigarettes? I'm almost 8 weeks and I've tried quitting but its hard, I have went down to ultra lights but want to quit completly..How can give me advice?
Avatar f tn You and baby are fine unless the smell makes you physically ill.
Avatar f tn t plan on starting again . I want both my boys to be healthy .
Avatar f tn Yes it does, according to some credible studies. It may also be a contributing factor in developing MS in some smokers and those exposed to second hand smoke.
Avatar f tn Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have the habit. My child's daycare have been taught that smoking kills people etc.. so move away from people if they're smoking. A lot of parents from the daycare have come in abusing the child care Centre as they're smokers and there young children keep telling them they're going to die.
Avatar f tn Hi all, I'm new here and was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. TSH was 13.9 (don't recall the other levels). MD put me on 50 mcg of synthroid which I have been dutifully taking for the last 10 days. I'm aware that it can take 4-6 weeks for the medication to take full effect, but I've actually started to feel worse. I'm more tired, my skin is itchier, there's a slight ringing in my ears and I just feel kind of addled. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Avatar f tn I'm off the fags a month now today.. I went cold turkey for 2 weeks and the last two weeks I got the electric fag not the ecig one.. I was told not to smoke that as we really don't know what's in it and in ten years we will probably find out that it was worse than real fags.. so I wouldn't trust it but my doctor told me its OK to smoke the electric one with the green light on it.. but don't rely on it too much..
Avatar m tn second hand smoke is worse than smoking a ciagrette yourself. look for another place to live or have a talk with your roomate about smoking outside.
1565702 tn?1295292830 While there was certianly alot of other discrimination back then, such as against women, minorities, and people of different sexualities, all of which is way worse than cigarette smoker discrimination; at least I would be able to smoke my cigarette without ugly stares from everyone. Especially since cigarette prices and taxes were far lower back then than they are these days, I can only imagine how truly out of hand my chain smoking might get then.
Avatar f tn Alright thanks girls :)
Avatar f tn Once the baby is born, though, second hand smoke is a huge factor and using a patch or ecig would be much better for the baby.