
Hysterectomy and fibroid

Common Questions and Answers about Hysterectomy and fibroid


Avatar n tn Do not get pushed into a hysterectomy,I was and I did not know you could have fibroids removed,I asked and was told there was no treatment for them,l I understand know is wrong so please dont just be told hysterectomy is the answer because its not and I am regretting it.
Avatar m tn I am 38 years old. I have an 8.5 cm fibroid and an enlarged uterus(about a 14 week pregnancy size) I can feel the fibroid in my abdomen especially when my bladder is full. This is the reason I went to see the doctor - to find out what that hard mass was. The doctor recommended a total laparoscopic hysterectomy. I do not want more children I do have other symptoms like heavy bleeding and urinary frequency.
Avatar n tn I have a fibroid about the size of a grapefruit on my uterus and at least 2 smaller ones. My doctor was going to try the procedure wherein they go in and cut off the blood supply to the fibroid when she thought it was just one. Now that she has learned through an ultrasound that there are multiple fibroids, she said that procedure is not an option as it would basically cut off the blood supply to the uterus if they did that for each fibroid.
Avatar f tn If you have heavy or irregular bleeding, that can be treated with medication. And if the fibroid is large and pressing on organs such as your bladder, there is a surgery to remove JUST the fibroid (myomectomy) thereby leaving your uterus and its many lifelong functions intact. Most ovarian cysts resolve on their own. It can be hard to tell if a cyst is truly complex or multiple simple cysts. How large are the cysts?
Avatar f tn I had my hysterectomy on August 22 of 2006, I was 36 years old, started having thyroid pains within eighteen months of surgery. Cysts in both breasts within 3 months of my hysterectomy and again a year later. Cysts on ovary, now I've been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer (papillary) at 38. Could there be a connection between the Hysterectomy and Thyroid Cancer? No major problems before hysterectomy.
Avatar n tn Am scheduled for a partial hysterectomy on sept 22. the fibroid is causing a lot of constant back pain, heavy periods with clots, and pelvic pain, so that seems the best option for now. when results from biopsy come back, the plan may change. what did your dr give you for options? good luck. p.s I've had that fibroid for at least 5 years, along with cysts.
Avatar n tn I have been experiencing severe pain and discomfort from a combination of ovarian cysts and fibroids for 3 years now. I was treated with birth controls pills and then steroids and nothing has worked. I just got back the results of my most recent ultrasound. I have 2 cysts on an ovary and 2 fibroids. The doctor has talked to me about a myomectomy option vs. hysterectomy for the fibroid removal. I don't know which way to go on this.
752468 tn?1237560359 I'm 62 and post menopausal. I have had vaginal discharge with blood more puss like at the beginning, and my white blood cell count was high when my Dr. did a vaginal swab. To make a long story short. I had a uterine biopsy and they found suspicious cells. I'm still bleeding and have a hysterectomy scheduled march 9. I have had breast tenderness also that no one seems to acknowledge. I too am very anxious about the outcome.
Avatar m tn Please consult an oncologist. It sounds like they are saying "We don't know for sure what it is, it might just be a fibroid, but we don't want to test to find out because you would have to pay for the tests out of pocket, and since you're anxious let's tear everything out." I don't like that kind of medicine, the kind that acts without having a firm diagnosis in hand that justifies the action. Why didn't anyone give you an MRI?
Avatar n tn I am worried about uterine cancer as I have all the symptoms. If this was caused only from a fibroid would a hysterectomy be appropriate? Or could the bleeding stop eventually on its own if was just caused from a fibroid? I don't want to go through an unnecessary surgery, but I do want to know without a doubt if its cancer or not. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Avatar m tn Hello, Pain is a common symptom associated with fibroid and Anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid may help in easing this pain. Surgical methods are the mainstay of treatment include hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus (and the fibroids with it). Myomectomy is the selective removal of just the fibroids within the uterus. Myomectomy can be done through a laparoscope and hence you can opt for it.
Avatar m tn Endometrial polyps can be removed and endometrial resection done to prevent relapse. Recurrent fibroid polyps may require a hysterectomy. Discuss with your Doctor. Hope this helps. Take care and good luck.
Avatar n tn I am 50 years old and I have been "watching" a fibroid for 19 years. It has grown to 18 cm on my last sonogram. It is on the outside of my uterus. The symptoms are not debilitating but I have grown accustomed to the small, nagging backache and fullness in my belly. They cannot feel my ovaries or see them on ultrasound any longer. My physician feels that once I reach menopause the fibroid will shrink and I can avoid surgery.
Avatar n tn Has anyone has a hysterectomy and a tummytuck together? I have an enlarged uterus and a fibroid, but my stomach is a mess after having 3 c sections. I have a huge vertical painful scar and a extremely poochy belly. I always had a great tummy and now it's just a fatty blob, stomach muscles stretched etc,, I havent talked to anyone yet about having both procedures, justr wanted to some opinions of others who have done it or thought about it.
Avatar f tn Your cavity has not been successfully evaluated and your Gynecologist is now recommended hysterectomy which would allow reassurance and likely resolve your symptoms. Uterine Artery embolization would not resolve the concern of a possible underlying cancer. I suggest that you consider cytotec which is used for cervical ripening and try ultrasound guided EMB if you are resistant to hysterectomy.
Avatar f tn He told me that I will have a number of options (birth control, mirena, ablation, or hysterectomy) he told me that I may want to seriously consider a hysterectomy because over time the fibroid will grow and cause discomfort and I already have serious side effects from the heavy bleeding. He took a sample of the uterine lining, told me not to panic and wait for the results to see if it showed polyps.
Avatar n tn Hello, I'm in my early 40's diagnosed with a fibroid tumor, which has grown in size and is now as large as a grapfuit. I have rapidly worsening symptoms of right lower pelvic pain (always right side), bloating, diarrhea and bleeding in-between menstrual cycles. My doctor took biopsy of the fibroid, which came back normal. However, I'm concerned about the symptoms and terrified that the fibroid may mask something worse in the right ovary. Am I imagining the worst? What should I do?
Avatar m tn I had a Myomectomy 3 years ago. Family history my Mom had a hysterectomy 51 many fibriods and heavy bleeding. Will I have to take hormones if I get a hysterectomy? Thank you for your quick comments!
Avatar m tn Instead of working yourself up with excess worry, my mom had dealt with fibroids for so many years. And while some people think it's necessary to remove them/have a hysterectomy (not sure of spelling?), I do know they will dissolve on their own as time goes on. It's good to have a doctor's explanation, too. But try to relax about it.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone, I am scheduled to have open abdominal surgery in a couple of weeks to remove a large fibroid. I had been miserable for months and finally when I went to the doctor they found I had a large mass on the outside of my uterus and was anaemic. They explained that often drugs will shrink the fibroid, or they can be removed laparoscopically (sp?) but with the position and size, mine has to be open surgery- a myomectomy.
Avatar n tn The fibroids measured posteriorly 2.2x1.5x1.7cm.In the left side of uterus is a 1.81.8cm fibroid and a 0.9x1.0x1.0 cm fibroid. Does this mean a hysterectomy? Also slightly ill defined endometrial stripe.
Avatar f tn Surgery is the mainstay of fibroid treatment. In addition to hysterectomy and abdominal myomectomy, various minimally invasive procedures have been developed to remove fibroids.
733497 tn?1231721078 They will do everything in your power to keep your uterus. I am 26 now and was 25 when I had my partial hysterectomy but I had already had three kids and my tubes tied.
Avatar f tn Currently 5 days in my cycle and I usually have low flow. This time my flow is heavier, darker & looks clotty plus grainy. Also today I've had lots of pain on in my lower abdomen on the left side. Could the fibroid tumor I was adv I had now deciding to give me problems?
Avatar f tn Fibroids are benign growths and are very common. Oftentimes, they do not cause symptoms. Of course they can cause irregular and/or heavy bleeding which can oftentimes be treated with medication. Birth control pills or tranexamic acid (Lysteda) may be all that is needed. If you are of perimenopausal age, the bleeding could be caused by the lack of ovulations / hormonal changes and not the fibroids in which case one of the aforementioned medications would likely treat it.
Avatar f tn I am 53 yrs. old and post-menopausal for 5 years. I am scheduled for an abdominal hysterectomy in July. I've been told I have a 9 cm uterine fibroid and my uterus is about twice the size it should be. One ovary was visualized with an abdominal ultra sound, the other could not be visualized by abdominal ultra sound or transvaginally. If I ever had fibroid(s) previously, I was not aware of them. The worst menopausal symptoms I've experienced were during peri-menopause.
953787 tn?1246371213 Uterine fibroids are the single most common indication for hysterectomy. Fibroids can be present and be inapparent. However, they are clinically apparent in up to 25% of women and cause significant morbidity, including prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, and, in rare cases, reproductive dysfunction. Both the economic cost and the effect of fibroids on quality of life are substantial. Fibroids are not cancerous.