
Humulin and humalog insulin

Common Questions and Answers about Humulin and humalog insulin


Avatar n tn Some people find that one works more effectively than the other, so which is used is really up to the patient. Humulin, more commonly called Humulin NPH, and even more commonly called just NPH, is a long acting insulin. It is absorbed more slowly, and it's effects last longer, about 12 hours. Usually NPH is used in combination with one of the fast acting insulins. An alternative long acting insulin would be Lantus.
Avatar n tn I have been using Humulin R and just started using humulog in combination with this to try and put weight back on , lost about 25lbs . I seem to be having trouble with the humulog . I know our readings are different in canada , 5 to 7 is normal.I have had sugars as high as 32 and used 10 units of humalog , half an hour later I am 34 , I don't understand this ? What is the ratio of humalog to carbs ? I had the flu and I know it can really mess up your sugars , but this was a month ago .
Avatar f tn Examples are insulin zinc suspension, protamine zinc insulin, and the insulin analogues insulin glargine and insulin detemir. The latter two insulins are now the most widely used long-acting insulins. * Biphasic insulins: mixtures of short-acting and intermediate-acting insulins in different proportions, such as 30/70, 50/50. Examples are NovoMix 30, Humulin M3, Insuman comb and Humalog Mix25.
Avatar n tn After giving birth, the gestational diabetes took a respite for 6 months and then my sugars shot up and I lost 30 pounds hoping to avoid insulin but I ended up on insulin anyway. I kept off those 30 pounds and was at an average weight until I started Lantus and now I gained back all that weight. While doctors will tell you it's not the insulin as they don't want you to stop taking it, I do believe some insulins (like any medication) have side effects.
Avatar n tn The concern with the metformin is if they have to put you under for a csection. I did insulin (humulin for long acting and Humalog with meals) as well. I think they prefer the insulin tho.
Avatar f tn This is because the insulins we inject are much slower than the insulin the body makes, and also because people with diabetes lack hormones that slow the rate of digestion. The answer, as you alluded to, is not usually to take MORE insulin. Rather, we need to either make the insulin work earlier or make the food work later. This can be accopmlished by: A.
Avatar m tn I had much better control when I was using humuln n and humulin r . I am now taking lantus and novolog .I have had to increase my dosages and am still having a hard time getting control of my blood sugars. My aic is 7.8 this quarter vs 8. last quarter. should I go back to using the older drugs that gave me better control?
Avatar n tn I decided to try giving my shots in my rear and I have had a lot of success...and the insulin is absorbed better there for me because I do a lot of walking and bending to pick things up. I also remember this happening when I was younger to my arms and that's why my doctors had me move to my stomach...too much built up in my arms and the needle just wasn't long enough to get the insulin through. I know sometimes the butt is hard to reach, but the thighs are a good place to try as well.
Avatar m tn My suggestion is to see an endo and get put on a regimen of basal and bolus (long acting and short acting) insulin and learn how to match your carbs to your insulin dose. You don't want to continue to have highs like that on a regular basis.
Avatar n tn Lantus, Humalog, and Novolog ALL require prescrptions because 1) they have not been out on the market as long as the conventional porcine/bovine insulins (Humulin N, R, L, 50/50, 70/30, etc), 2) The onset of actions for Humalog, Novolog, and Lantus are quite fast (anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes), and although these insulins generally do NOT cause hypoglycemia episodes (low blood sugar), if patients do not know how to use them properly, they can lapse into a hypoglycemia episode and this can
233382 tn?1193658141 If he is having some high spikes and they seem to be happening more often than they used to happen, maybe it is time to rethink his humulin and humalog. Maybe considering a pump or considering the 24-hour Lantus and a quick-acting insulin like humalog or novalog are worth discussing with his doctor. His a1c level is almost where the goal level is set, so this is encouraging.
Avatar m tn Hi, yes, it can be normal for someone with type 2 to take both long acting (Lantus) and short acting (Humalog) insulin. The important thing is to control blood sugar.
Avatar n tn If your blood sugar is high enough to need insulin, then you do need insulin. But there are other types of insulin available. Maybe you are reacting to Humulin N.
Avatar n tn I agree with the answer that was given, and it may take some time to fine-tune the ratio. Novalog and Humalog doses should be identical... they were for me when I switched, and I have heard others say the same thing.
1554089 tn?1294855456 Humalog is insulin lispro, a rapid/fast acting blood glucose lowering agent. Humalog 75/25 is a mixture of insulin lispro solution [75] and insulin lispro protamine suspension [25], an intermediate-acting blood glucose lowering agent. Call your doctor's office for an explanation as to why you were put on fast acting alone.
Avatar n tn Steve, here is what I know about insulins and insulin pumps. Please consult your doctor for more details: Insulins: Novolog (aspart),onset 5-10 mins, peak 1-3 hrs, duration 3-5 hrs Humalog (lispro), onset <15 mins, peak .5-1.5 hrs, duration 2-4 Regular, onset .
Avatar m tn Humalog is a fast acting insulin. Typically it is taken before meals - up to 15 minutes before (not after) to match the amount of carbs eaten. It's duration of action is 3 - 5 hours, with most of the action in the first 2 hours. You need to work out a carb:insulin ratio (ie. how much Humalog you need to cover how much carbs/ protein). If you are going low overnight (how low?), then you need to be taking a lower dose of Humalog with your evening meal. What time do you eat dinner?
Avatar n tn I was a youth counselor at a camp for diabetics when I was younger and it was a great teaching tool for understanding my response to humulin and exercise. I personally used Humalog for a period of 2 years and must say it nearly killed me. The ups and downs were physically devastating and caused me to have to constantly check blood sugars (eight times a day) and if there was any deviation in caloric intake or exercise, or if I had to work a little late, I would get ill.
Avatar m tn Do not dilute Lantus and do not mix Lantus with any other type of insulin. And, do not switch to another brand or type of insulin or change the dose or dosage time of any type of insulin you are using without first talking to your doctor.
Avatar n tn We always thought that she needed to take the long acting insulin 2 times a day rather than 1 and when we saw her endocrinologist about a year ago, they changed her to Levimere insulin. You take this insulin morning and night. It has been a life saver for her in that she feels her lows quicker and her reactions aren't as pronounced. It takes a while to get the dosages right but we have also seen a tremendous change.
Avatar m tn Hello Dr., in 1993, at 37 yrs age, I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type II, since then I have been taking the insulin injection (huminsulin), but this week my fasting C-peptide came out 0.1 and my Dr said that it is almost nill, and recommended I should go on insulin pump. I don't know how to take this information? Is it that now my body has started showing signs of deterioration, and I need to watch out for further/additional complications?
Avatar n tn I use a sliding scale of Humalog at mealtimes and I use 14 units of Lantis each evening. Lantis is a 24 cylce insulin or a long acting insulin where Humalog is short term or short acting insulin. But this just shows you that different people have different needs. Before I used Lantis I used to use NPH-which is a shorter long acting inuslin-more like 8 hours. Have you tried giving your Novolin before you eat?
Avatar n tn The currently accepted treatment of choice is a basal (long-acting) insulin like Lantus once or twice a day and a bolus or rapid acting insulin before meals. A fixed dose of bolus like you describe is not as good as developing a carb ratio. You need to take the correct insulin dose each meal to cover what you eat (unless you want to eat the same thing every meal!).
Avatar n tn I had to go on county insurance because I lost my job, and they wont cover Humalog or Novolog. The only fast acting insulin they cover is Novolin R. The problem is that I am on an insulin pump. I know this stuff is different than what I was taking (Humalog, or the equivelent Novolog), but I don't know what it is going to do to me. My doctor isn't knowledgable and I'm stuck with her. I can't go anywhere else.