
Humira information

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Avatar f tn im looking for any information on Humira,im having tests next week to see if im suitable,the doctor at the hospital said they have had good results,in patients with Crohns,but id really like to hear from real people who have tried it,any info good or bad will be appreciated, thanks
158939 tn?1274915197 I've just had my 2nd injection of Humira today (on 20mg, 2x month). Both times I've had no energy and felt bad for about 12 hours after the injection. Anyone else have this type of reaction to the injection?
Avatar m tn Of course it seems a lot of folks have the same questions you do after reading humira info online - found a lot of questions asking if humira causes herpes. If you already have herpes simplex, either orally or genitally, it could cause it to reactivate. Most people never get tested for herpes to know that they have it.
Avatar m tn I am having a hard time getting information. I have Chron's disease and had sugery August 2nd 2011 for small intestine obstruction. 10 days post surgery I was back in surgery with a massive inflammation blockage. This is first time something like that has happened to me since I had 3 prior surgeries. The only difference is that I am taking Humira for past 5 months and was told not to take the injection before surgery.
1974283 tn?1425609124 s anyone out there that can give me more information on cimzia. Every medication I have tried either makes me worse, or I have reactions to. I created a reaction to Remicade and Humira just doesn't seem to work anymore. I am bleeding more than I have in years and I am only 18. My brother met a girl who takes Cimzia and she is having amazing results. I have, well, little hope that the Humira will turn around and stop working.
686769 tn?1236272131 Has anyone been on Humira and what kind of result did you have? Any side effects? I am on lots of meds which are not decreasing the pain. My doctor wants to put me on Humira and I was wondering if anyone out there has had any success with this drug. I am desperate to NOT be in pain anymore. Help...
Avatar f tn Anyone taking humira and feel like they are sick coming down with a cold for a week after injection? Not a full blown cold but the start of one. I feel like this always and this is my 3rd dosage ( counting the starter kit), so I'm new to humira. I've noticed if I'm stressed, I'll even get a sore throat. I know humira suppresses your immune system but are you supposed to feel like you're coming down with something every injection or will this go away with time?
Avatar f tn Hi monicaroni, I have been taking Humira almost 8 months. I take humira for Crohns Althougth reap the benefit for the AS. I am thinking that you probably had a concurrent infection brewing when you Started Humira. Good Luck managing your AS, I appreciate how difficult it can be with mobility issues, and treating pain.
Avatar m tn Both are supposed to do the same thing in the body. The only difference is Remicade is a made-protien where as the Humira is a human protien. With Humira you give yourself a shot every other week. So far, after using both, I prefer the Remicade. I didn't mind the treatments as much as I do the Humira even though the Humira is more convienient (I hate having to give myself a shot.
Avatar f tn As you well know Humira is an immuno-suppressive drug , which mainly inhibits TNF (tumor necrosis factor). There's a growing amount of evidence of the development of Autoimmune conditions, related to TNF inhibitors, such as Remicade, Humira and other biologics.
Avatar m tn My gastro is going to start me on Humira and my question is, does Humira aid with digestion and stop the diarrhea. Thanks!
Avatar n tn My husband missed his dose of Humira by 24 hours a week ago. He is now vomiting regularly like he did prior to his diagnosis. Is this normal with a missed dose? He has been on Humira since September.
Avatar f tn I just started Humira (2 shots so far) and have had a worsening of symptoms since the first shot. My hands/feet have become swollen and my joints hurt more than before I started taking the Humira. I also have systemic vasculitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) and am on Cytoxan and Prednisone, but I have been taking both for more than a year and know the side-effects from each.
Avatar n tn I also have suffered from psoriasis most of my life.I stopped taking Humira back in September but did take one shot around the end of March. I was also on prednisone the entire month of march. Should my test results make me feel any better or do they mean nothing at this point.
Avatar f tn I changed to Humira recently and was wondering if anybody has had success with humira who has ankylosing spondylitis. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn I have RA and use Humira/methotrexate. How long do I have to be off Humira to get a yellow fever (and/or tyhphoid) vaccine? How long to I have to stay off Humira after the vaccine?
1326907 tn?1274923270 Well, narcotics work wonderfully for the pain, however you can't live life being on narcotics all the time. How would you work/drive/care for your children if your head is clouded by narcotics? I was like you - I had awful pain, started Humira and within a few months felt completely better. I am still on Humira and haven't had any flare ups (fingers crossed so that I don't jinx it) for two years.
Avatar f tn Any body else taking humira? I have Ulcerative colitis and thats the meds they put me on. My condition is pretty bad because all three of my doctors told me not to come off the meds. That it could cause problems and early delivery. Any one?
Avatar f tn Hola, lobo.... No tengo ninguna experiencia ni conocimiento sobre humira... he leído ahora que son unas inyecciones para tratar la artrosis, es para eso para lo que te lo han recetado ? Llama a tu médico y consulta con él/ella o la enfermera si es normal que te siga doliendo.. cuanto antes lo consultes mejor y es normal que les llame para algo así. Si hay una reacción, lo sabrán y si es normal te tranquilizará que te lo digan.
Avatar m tn night last 4 mths also Endep 10mg 2 before bed to help restlessness ....still in pain now about to start Humira but I cannot afford to gain weight,, and the forum makes me afraid to met have a few years ago ...any one still on Humira injection every fnight?.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Crohn's 9 years ago. I have been taking Asacol (5-ASA) and Imuran (Azathioprine). Last february I was hospitalized for the first time and was put on prednisone. I am still on prednisone and my body won't let me get off of it. My doctor wants me to start Humira, but I am scared. I don't like reading about the side effects and things that can happen when on that drug. Does anyone have any experience with this drug (Humira)? I would really appreciate it.
Avatar m tn I have started Humira injections which is a tnf drug and since I started taking it three weeks ago I have had a constant headache. Is this normal as not even strong painkillers are helping.
Avatar m tn I had a high risk exposure almost 10 weeks ago. I took one 40mg dose of Humira two to three weeks before exposure. 1.Will that one dose of Humira affect or prolong the production of Hiv antibodies or p24 antigen. 2. I've been having symptoms since week 2 and have gotten worse since. It started with a rash on my torso. some of the rashes looked like purple streaks and some looked like pink spots. they weren't that many and they didn't stay long.
Avatar n tn I have injected humira 2 weeks ago and after 3 days developed a itch and cant sleep. will it subside?
Avatar f tn he thinks that i will get some help from humira and i am to start that this week. i have done searches but only find info on humira induced lupus, nothing about treating lupus with humira. is anyone on here taking humira for lupus? any advise would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!
Avatar f tn I have been treated for rheumatoid arthritis with Humira for 7 months including a combination of Humira and methotrexate for the past 2 months. I also take 5mg of prednisone, and 6 Azulfadine tablets each day. I was taking Humira once every fourteen days and I am on 15mg of methotrexate a week. About a month ago, I started experiencing numbness in my toes and feet. I mentioned it to my rheumatologist but she wasn't concerned and simply told me it wasn't rheumatoid arthritis.
Avatar f tn I'm 33 and have psoriatic arthritis and was recently started on Humira. Within a day of starting I had pain in my fingers, toes, shines and forearms (none of which I had before). Has anyone else experienced new joint pain after starting Humira?