
How to remove wrinkles from photo

Common Questions and Answers about How to remove wrinkles from photo


Avatar m tn i recently accidently produced wrinkles under my eyes from trying to rub soap out of my eyes in the shower, the soap , and i tried getting it out in the shower by rubbing my eyes because they were stinging and since soap on skin creates a lot of friction i discovered i got wrinkles the next day and the skin under my eyes its a bit more corse than usual. i must of stretched the fibres of my skin im only 20.
Avatar m tn Wrinkles in my scalp---Buzz cut looks WEIRD</a>.
229760 tn?1291467870 ) Your profile displays your most Recent Photos. If you want to add Photo Albums to this page, you can do so, but you cannot remove Recent Photos. Hope that helps. If you need further help, you should contact Customer Support through the Contact Us link.
1287128 tn?1331134538 Id like a display picture even if its a defult one just so i dont blend in so much lol anyone know how to do this? I thoughy when u were in your profile you could choose from a defult photo but cant find that or cant figure out how to upload a pic.
203342 tn?1328737207 I'm can't figure out how to make the photo albums. I did make one and it's showing that I did when I click albums but over each picture it says "Remove". Did I not complete the process? I can't figure out how to finish it then. Also, it's not showing up as a photo album under my profile. It's just showing all my photos like before. What did I do wrong? I want to try to separate the pictures into albums if I can. Thanks.
203342 tn?1328737207 Thanks for the suggestion. We'll add that feature to our list of to-do's. In the meantime, if you'd like us to remove a specific comment, please provide the link and we will do so.
Avatar f tn I suddenly (within the last four days) noticed three strange lines on the left forehead/temple area. At first I thought these were suddenly visible veins because a day prior to seeing the lines I felt a throbbing pain under my left eye and when I looked there was a purple broken vein under my left eye. These lines are indented...just like stretch marks are indented in the upper layers of skin. I have never seen anything like this before. They are not wrinkles. They are vertical lines.
Avatar n tn Hello. I've had this issue for about 2+ years now and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with it. The skin located around my stomach region has become darker and also rougher. It's also constantly dry, despite putting lotion on it to moisten it up. On a normal day, looking down on it would reveal a grayish color, indicating the dryness of the skin. When I scratch it, it gets ashy and leaves a white mark.
Avatar m tn what do u think is better to use to remove access discharge a klenex or a washcloth cause i used a klenex on my right eye and it scratched my eye now i have a huge visible scratch right at my eye which looks awful i dont know what to do?? can u reciev wrinkles from rubbing your lower lash line with a washcloth i thought that was ok to do??
Avatar f tn Is it fibrous tissue that replaced collagen that has attached itself to underlying muscle? What could cause pitting and what could cause pitting to turn into wrinkles? Can you give me a medical description of what happened to my skin? I'm frustrated and tired of dealing with people who, in fear of a court case, will not give me a straight answer or recommend a treatment for this symptom.
Avatar m tn Seeing as you are a virgin, you won't have to worry about STDs, its probably just normal variation of the skin. Have you ever had sexual contact?
Avatar f tn Does anyone know what this could be, how to remove it, and if it could be a problem in the long run?
365714 tn?1292199108 Then medhelp can remove it... The winner gets my permission to upload the photo and the bragging rights to winning the raffle.
382218 tn?1341181487 It is sometimes startling to look in the mirror or at a photo and realize how illness has affected your appearance. It is possible that the droopiness will remit, and you'll look like your old, or should I say young, self again. But in the meantime, it *****, I know. I renewed my driver's license recently and also didn't like what I saw. I had held off for months in doing it, so at least my vision had improved to the point where I finally no longer looked cross-eyed!
Avatar m tn Just nasty and it took a week to get over... A day after returning from the trip (second day of Diarrhea) I get this ulcer on my soft palate. I'm tripping out so I go to the doctors and he proceeds to tell me it looks like Herpes (in fact he is pretty sure). And then he tells me in my file that another doctor reported an Aphthous ulcer (no description as to where it was) over a decade ago.
Avatar m tn MedHelp members can't remove their own posts but we're happy to remove dupes. You can also just click the "Report This" link to alert us to dupes.