
How to make nitroglycerin with household items

Common Questions and Answers about How to make nitroglycerin with household items


Avatar f tn Hi, I have thought for a while I may have herpes as I keep getting sores on my vagina. I'm going for a blood test in a few weeks. I got a sore yesterday and I was feeling it to see how big it was etc. and to see if I thought it seemed like it might be herpes. I didn't wash my hands after, out of stupidity really, and I'm scared that I may have touched household items which my family members may have then touched. Can they get herpes this way? I dont even know if it is herpes.
572651 tn?1530999357 I have nitroquik - sublingual nitroglycerin - to take if I have angina pains - this morning about 5 am I was miserable and couldn't tell if it was heart or ms symptoms and I took one. As always it stopped my discomfort, depressed my already low blood pressure and I went to sleep for about 3 hours. I've used nitroquik for the past 3 months or so and it always stops the pain and gives me relief within minutes.
Avatar f tn As you have read... blood to blood is how it is transmitted... and there is lots of blood with violent men, so that would be my main concern if I were you. If he is a very mild mannered person, and you or your son don't use any of his personal items, there is very little chance of him passing his hep c to you or your son. Loving an addict sets you up for a very uncertain life. I hope you make a wise choice.
Avatar m tn I would then spend a whole bunch of one on one time with your daughter getting to the bottom of it. Be careful not to lead her or put words in her mouth, but talk to her. It may very well be she is just resentful of this man and new baby taking mom's time from her and this is how she is handling it. Or, you may come to the conclusion he really did hurt her. Again, this is only my opinion and what I believe I would do if faced with the same situation.
Avatar m tn You might not even see the blood on the razor. Best to keep personal items to yourself. Nail clippers, toothbrushers, razors etc.
Avatar f tn I appreciate all the help and am fine with recieving used items, but there are certain things we would like to pick out ourselves. Everytime we talk about it with friends/family they reply not to waste our money and take the used stuff. It has even gone as far as telling us what to register for due to people already having items. I just want the joy of going shopping for my little girl and not feeling like being judged for spoiling her a bit. How do I politely tell them to back off?
Avatar m tn I had sex today with a hooker and the condom broke, I dunno if I got infected but if I did is there something I can do with household or pharmacy items to prevent getting infection? the same way as an antiretroviral method would?
Avatar n tn After The baby shower!
Avatar n tn how old are you? what is your weight? how healthful is your diet? do you exercise regularly? You may be able to strengthen your heart by following a more healthful regimen. It can't hurt to take a hard look at your lifestyle and see where improvements are called for. I am a 76-year-old female with CHF, COPD, diabetes. I carry nitroglycerin and an inhaler but have weaned myself to using each less frequently.
Avatar m tn I masturbated and right after I touched a doorknob my question is can anyone after me touch the same doorknob and get anything? And does this go with any other objects through out household items?
Avatar f tn Today, most people become infected with the Hepatitis C virus by sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs. Before 1992, when widespread screening of the blood supply began in the United States, Hepatitis C was also commonly spread through blood transfusions and organ transplants.
Avatar m tn Domestic transfer in a household is extremely rare to non existent. It requires blood to blood contact and would be most likely a result of direct, through-the-skin exposure to the blood of an infected household member. Yes it is recommended not to share personal items i.e. tooth brush, razors, nail clippers, etc. Anything that could carry blood. If you have concerns keep your brush in another area. But basically you have almost zero risk.
Avatar f tn What sites do you ladies shop @?
Avatar m tn You make an interesting point about how it might be better served to speak with her about it, rather than him directly. I think you nailed it when you said he is just doing what he's always done. I also agree about him being at the age where young adults can be a bit lost. Thanks again for some insight from a different point of view!
Avatar f tn I have been in and out of the hospital and doctors offices for the past month. The first week I had bronchitis. After that cleared, I began having chest pain and shortness of breath. Everyone dismissed my symptoms because I was a young female. I had a hysterectomy in 2009 but they said I still had estrigen to help prevent heart problems. After three weeks of testing (lung vq scan, GERD, and anxiety), a heart cath was done.