
Hoarders hulu

Common Questions and Answers about Hoarders hulu


Avatar f tn Try Hulu. I really enjoyed their prenatal yoga!
Avatar f tn So far I've won 3redbox movies, one month free Hulu Plus, Med Fry, Quarter pounder, mcflurry and so close to collecting all the colors. Best way to get the most tickets is by getting a meal that comes in a box. I get number 15 with a Med drink and Lar Fry, everything has tickets.
7923170 tn?1412999504 Gave that a shot as soon as they started me on P17 shots and said light duty n that was at 16 weeks I'll b looking like mrs hulk lol. I freaking can't stand it I'm going crazy! Legit!
Avatar f tn Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
389974 tn?1331015242 Just to let you all know, hulu ******* has the first three seasons of The Rockford Files. Makes Swampy nostalgic for the 70s.
Avatar f tn So.... my husband's parents are hoarders and I've never been to their house but our daughter has. She's 3 years old. We have a little boy on the way and I just don't know if I want my kids going over there especially if I'm not allowed to.. Idk how bad the situation is and I know my husband is embarrassed. I've never talked to my in laws about it. They make me uncomfortable as is. I have been distant from them for the last couple months.
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
Avatar f tn I shared the video on facebook to have my family and friends watch it. My mom was able to see this video and she cried. I felt bad that I made her cry, but she was able to see what I meant all the more when I talk about the pain I get that is unexplainable.
Avatar f tn After I stopped working I started watching Netflix, Hulu, Amazon alot lol and Ive been part time babysitting. It's helped time go by, Im down to 46 days!
Avatar f tn But me I would just go to a family members and stay there for a bit. Hoarders have a weird attachment to their items.
Avatar f tn Try and eat alot of potassium rich foods such as bananas and I believe brocolli. Are you taking Potassium supplement? make sure you follow instructions on bottle because too much potassium can mess with your cardiac rythems. Did you try calling your doctor and asking what other things you couold try for RLS?
Avatar f tn m always on netflix and hulu!
Avatar f tn I know exactly how you feel. The only rooms that aren't messy at my place are the bathrooms & the babys room lol! I work full time & when i get home I'm like why bother?.. Hopefully i get a day or two cleaning spurt & get it done!
Avatar m tn I recommend the excellent film "Fat Head" to every diabetic, or anyone with blood sugar issues. Available on Hulu for free, or Netflix instant streaming. It's changing my life, helping me to control blood sugars. Also, see the books by scientific investigator Gary Taubes, and his blog.
Avatar f tn I dont even want to look at him. He gets to have fun and do things. And he wants to cancel our hulu cuz he never watches it (we dont have cable) and talks about us not needing internet. Those are the only things i have. I dont even want to be with him anymore. I want this baby to come out so i can get a job and leave him.
Avatar f tn No groups have been suggested to me or offered. I feel out in left field all alone. Are there any hoarders in this company, and what are they doing to deal with it?
Avatar f tn I just got through watching the second season of orange is the new black I loved the first season but I love the second more it got into detail but that's all I'll say I'm not a I swear my husband does spoil the **** out of me all he ask is for me to cook every night clean take care of my angel inside me and out baby girl Shelby(puppy) and to have sex on a regular basis.
1507968 tn?1327800570 'Gurl, I know what you mean about watching those shows, only for me it is Hoarders and Clean House. I don't know why I watch them because especially with Hoarders I feel sad afterward. Maybe I am looking for answers about my mom and trying to understand. My husband tries to understand but he thinks I dwell on the bad stuff too much. He may be right. A lot of this is simply way beyond me or my control. The main positive is that watching that stuff renews my vow to not be like that.
Avatar f tn Thankyou for coming back to me. Besicaly the boy didn't start speaking until he was 6 years of age. These problem use to create a tanturum ( crying) alot of times. when i say jumping araund and ubnormal movement. It is like this, when he is jumping it is like a play and it is. But what councence me is not the jumping auround, it is the look of that he is on his own world. poeople might say " he is a child of course he is on his own world what do you expect".