
Heartburn foods acid

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn foods acid


Avatar f tn I eat spicy food all the time and my doctor gave me a list of foods to avoid and spicy foods were not on it.
Avatar f tn I also had it extremely bad and I thought dairy was supposed to help and as I see it did for some woman but heartburn and acid reflux go hand in hand. Dairy will help with heartburn but make acid reflux worse. I learned after a month or so lol I cut out a good portion of it especially near bedtime. My advise is to look up acid foods and stay clear of them as much as possible. Good luck!!!!
Avatar f tn I craved spicy food all through out my pregnancy.
Avatar f tn ve been craving spicy foods for a few weeks now and all it does is gives me heartburn but im 34 weeks!
Avatar f tn If it is to the point of vomiting I would assume its more likely to be acid reflux than just regular heartburn. Most PPIs are safe for pregnancy (Zantac, Prevacid, Prilosec) but be sure to check with your doc to check first. If it is that severe home remedies arent going to do much, but keep in mind with these meds it takes around 1-2 weeks for symptoms to subside, its not an immediate cure.
Avatar f tn Any moms out there ate spicy food throughout there pregnancy? Ive been eating spicy foods from the start and I get weird looks from people telling me I shouldn't be eating spicy.
Avatar f tn t last but at least it safe n on top of nexium or zantac n try avoid white bread,pasta n pastry, foods that are tomato based eg-pizza, Bolognese, spicy foods etc I get it really bad n have tried everything maintaining a healthy diet n exercise if possible let me know..
Avatar m tn I included a link for our Health Pages where u can go to read a list of foods to avoid and lifestyle tips that can help u feel better. Many say apple cider vinegar helps, I am not sure I can bring myself to try that, But drinking a glass of apple cider has helped along with eating a piece of fresh fruit everyday. I am on meds but since drinking the apple cider , I have been able to cut back on my meds.
Avatar n tn Sounds like acid reflux. Avoid spicy foods, and maybe some dairy products. Acid reducers would probably help as well.
Avatar f tn google the acidity of foods. Certain foods will up your acid content meanwhile others are more alkaline and neutralizing. For example, I loved blueberries and ate them all the time not knowing they are acidic. Raspberries and strawberries are alkalizing so I started to eat them more. Good luck!
1486020 tn?1354028475 de stay away from spicy foods, also acidic and fatty foods, you can try ginger and eat small portions, so your not full then go back and have more later, give this a try and see how you go :)
2030273 tn?1329708650 I have awful heartburn and acid reflux. I usually take some tums with a little bit of milk and make sure I sit up afterwards. I have severe nausea too and the heartburn always makes me get sick again. It's common in pregnancy... but I know how bad it *****!
Avatar n tn I use tums
Avatar f tn i get it bad! i try to stay away from foods thatll make me get it, but its hard! specially tryna stay away from chile :/.... chocolate milk helps me fur bout like 10 minutes thats it...
Avatar f tn I'm 38w2d, and I def do! I've just learned to eat like nothing dif, just stay around the same things I usually eat that won't give me heartburn, indegestion, or acid reflux! The acid is the worst!! I've given up on my favorite foods... lol.. not much longer for us though and it won't happen..
Avatar f tn Yup. Its the old acid vs base trick. Your heartburn is acid in your esophagus and any form of base would work to coat it. Avoid orange juice, lemonade and spicey foods. Crackers, bread and any form of milk will help. I suggest investing in some zantac. My doctor said its safer than tums or rolaids, as they can damage the lining of your esophagus when taken for a prolonged period.
Avatar f tn Im 13 weeks and currently experiencing heartburn with Acid Reflux. What can I do to get rid of it? Its starting to keep me up and I can't sleep.
Avatar f tn How do u deal with your heartburn I know my heartburn be getting the best of me. And im only 24week.
Avatar f tn It happens because your hormones cause the valve that keeps that acid down to relax. That's why most treatments are only temporary. It's not that you are eating the wrong foods or too much food, it's that the valve is open and allowing the acid to be pushed up. Because you are only able to take so much medicine a day, peppermint and ginger help in between doses.
Avatar n tn do not lay down for 3 to 4 hrs after u eat...avoid greasy, spicy, acidic foods as well as caffeine, carbonated bevs and alcohol...many of which we r told to avoid while pregnant .... I use to carry saltines with me when I felt like this when I was pregnant.....
4205995 tn?1351169508 Neutralizing stomach acid means you ability to absorb nutrients is impaired. Warning in particular for nexium is magnesium deficiency on the FDA website - seen within 3 months but on average about a year after starting. Magnesium deficiency causes so many symptoms including acid reflux ironically. Magnesium is essential for proper heart rhythm. Calcium contracts the muscles, magnesium relaxes the muscle. The most important muscle in the body is the heart.
Avatar f tn been trying to stay away from anything with citrus or a lot of acid. Drinking more milk and having more dairy foods helps me too.
Avatar f tn and the number one symptom is Acid reflux. my freinds say i should go get my acid reflux looked at...but i dont know if its serious enough.
Avatar f tn I have been experiencing heartburn mostly after I eat. Has anyone else experience this? If so what did you do to prevent or make it go away? Or can you? I Do not Eat Spicy foods I Google ways to prevent and it say not to lay down right after you eat wait 3 hours and elevate your feet. I have done all n nothing works..
Avatar n tn I will be 20 weeks tomorrow, will I be able to eat any kind of spicy foods now.?
Avatar f tn Don't eat bread... wheat.. orange juice.. greasy foods. Spicy foods.. eat 3 hours before going to bed... don't eat a heavy meal before going to bed.. drink lots of milk.. && water... don't eat soo fast.. mmmm... there's many things you can do... if you Google it they give you so much more info... it's just the foods you eat... when you eat them... && yeah..