Graves disease and yeast infection

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Avatar f tn I am a 47 year old femal with Graves disease. I have a ugly rash that started on my back and now has spread after about 2 years to my arms and shins. It looks like tiny pin point somewhat raised rash. They do scab and if the scab is broken it bleeds pretty bad. It actully looks like someone stuck me with pins. I was also recently diagnosed with a blood infection of yeast (candidia) from an infectious doctor, after a recent admission to the hospital for a kidney infection.
Avatar f tn Elaine Moore tends to believe that immunotherapy (allergy shots) makes Graves Disease worse, and can possibly bring on the Graves Eye Disease. She recommends that allergies be treated with the cortisone-type nose sprays and antihistimines instead, because of the nature of an autoimmune disease. I was about to start shots, but now I am reconsidering. Does anyone have information on this subject? Thanks!
Avatar n tn You might also want to have your thyroid checked. I had Graves disease and ate and ate but actually lost weight. Graves disease is an overactive thyroid. Sometimes when you have diabetes you can develop other endocrine system diseases. I am not trying to scare you or make people think once you have diabetes you will develop another disease, but there is the possibility.
Avatar n tn Had some blood work done within these two weeks, followed by more bloodwork, was sent to a specialist and was told that I have Graves disease along with Hep C. Needless to say I am surprised and overwhelmed. In the past three days I have started on Tapazole, 5mg a day, and I am still getting hives this whole time, along with increased fatigue. In the past 6 years I have developed allergies (hives) from many antibiotics, where before the only allergies I used to experience were seasonal.
1428646 tn?1330978063 graves disease will attack and organ. the first time I had graves disease it was attacking my heart making my heart beat faster. I was on medication for about 2 years. then it went into remission now it is back. graves disease could attack any organ , graves disease is your immune system attacks your organs not virus or bacteria.
Avatar n tn However, there remains a chance of hypothyroidism and other complications, and not all Grave disease patients are suitable for this. Please discuss with your treating specialist. Take care!
Avatar n tn 3 weeks ago I had a yeast infection and was treated by my gyn doc but the itching started to spread and I now itch everywhere. I have returned to my MD and there is no yeast infection present but the itching continues. I had hepatitis B in 1972 and can remember in my career as a nurse having a patient that had severe itching with his end stage liver disease. My question is: Could this be notification by my body that my liver is shutting down as a result of the hepatits of years ago?
374933 tn?1291081784 I began testing my patients for bacterial infections 8 years ago, and I discovered a significant portion of these patients had signs of an infection. In the case of thyroid patients (i.e., those with Graves, Hashimotos’ or thyroiditis), the infection was located in the thyroid gland. In my experience, 80% of patients with autoimmune arthritic disorders (i.e., Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Sjogren’s, etc) and approximately 70% of those with autoimmune thyroid disorders (i.e.
Avatar f tn I have tried to lose weight for the last 5 years unsuccessfully, then I all of a sudden lose weight.. I also, have had a recent yeast infection, and now a bladder infection too that I never usually get, and is not going away easily, my hair is thinning and falling out, and now I have my last molar in the back up top on right side that is bad now and breaking that I need pulled.My eyes are also getting pretty bad too.
Avatar f tn You need a second opinion. Based on what you describe, you have autoimmune thyroid disease with markers for Graves' (TSI) and the other common antibodies (TPO and Tg) that are usually associated with hashimoto's. Graves' and Hashi should be considered as entities on two ends of a spectrum, not two completely different diseases. This may cause fluctuating thyroid function to hypo and hyper and back but this is not common.
Avatar f tn My mother was diagnosed in her early 40s with graves disease and her thyroid was removed, around the same time she was diagnosed with stage 3-4 colon cancer. I'm aware there are connections between autoimmune diseases and thyroid and intestinal diseases/conditions. As I'm getting older I'm noticing I'm following in the same physiological footsteps my mother did before she was diagnosed.
Avatar n tn I have graves disease, but was in remission. Then I had cancer and chemotherapy. My TSH level is hyper again and my other tests normal. The doctors won't say if chemo can activate your graves disease. They do say that a physical or emotional change to my body can trigger it. My thoughts, Cancer and chemotherapy are big time physical and emotional changes.
Avatar f tn 19 year old son was getting hives mainly at night. Diagnosed with Graves disease a couple weeks ago and on meds now. is this normal with graves?
Avatar f tn What is the differences between Endophthalmitis and Graves Ophthalmopathy with enlarged eye muscles? I have researched the treatment for fungal Endophthalmitis with Diflucan. Why would this not be a potential treatment for the enlarged eye muscles?
Avatar f tn They have removed me off of my medicine one time to see if my Graves disease had went into remission and within two months it came back with TSH levels of 0.003...basically non-existant TSH levels. They put me back on my 10mg Methmazole and within 3 weeks my levels were normal. That is pretty much a health summary of my graves disease for the past five-six years lol.
Avatar f tn i think i have a yeast infection is my low blood pressure because of that and what can i do to cure this infection?
1004564 tn?1250275030 It also itches a little bit too. Could this be a yeast infection or something like a bacterial infection?
823964 tn?1238826899 Although I have been euthyroid for four years, I was treated for hyperthyroidism from 2000-2002 with atenolol, tapizole and PTU, and currently have clinical evidence of mild Graves eye disease in one eye, demonstrated by lid retraction, and slight limitation of upward and outward gaze. He feels that Graves eye disease can be devastating in this setting and may not improve following withdrawal of therapy and councils me to wait and see if my liver stabilizes and new treatments become available.
Avatar f tn Most likely it is a yeast infection. Yeast are extremely itcy and can burn. First try an over the counter yeast kit such as a 3 day yeast treatment like Monostat or one of the many products. If that doesn't work You will need to get a vaginal swab taken at your doctors office to find out what it is. It could be bacterial vaginosis or BV. It is pretty common to get BV as well. It can cause a discomfort, sometimes pelvic pain and discharge. It is caused by bacteria.
Avatar m tn It should be pointed out that, especially in the US literature, the term ‘hashitoxicosis’ is sometimes used to describe an autoimmune thyroid disease overlap syndrome of Gravesand Hashimoto’s disease.2 In this article the term is strictly limited to the ‘leakage’ symptoms of active Hashimoto’s disease." *** I've had both Hashi's and Graves antibodies simultaneously but I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis previously.
Avatar n tn Can you have graves disease so bad that it would seem like bipolar and I thought Graves disease was an overactive thyroid, so how can you be hypro?
Avatar f tn Graves Disease is an Autoimmune Disease and usually when one autoimmune disease is found, there is usually a 2nd one found (this one being Diabetes). The Graves and Hyperthyroidism can be treated by either anti-thyroid meds or pernmanant treatment which will eventually stablaise the Diabetes although this is extremely hard if the Diabetes has been undetected for a long time. And something to watch for is ...Metformin can interefer with thyroid medications.
Avatar f tn I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease which is an autoimmune disease associated with ur thyroid. I have noticed that I'm needing more pain meds than normal to relieve my pain. My question is, does this disease affect the relief I am supposed 2 be receiving from my normal dose? Basically, does my pain meds need to be increased or does my thyroid affect the digestion process of the meds?