
Graves disease and hypothyroid

Common Questions and Answers about Graves disease and hypothyroid


Avatar n tn Hello. I'm 36 and I am almost 9 weeks pregnant. I have Graves' disease and had radiation treatment back in 2009. I hadn't been taking my thyroxine constantly for a few months as I was super stressed and now that I am pregnant haven't missed a dose. My thyroid levels are still very high and I'm worried that this will affect my baby's brain development/IQ levels. Has anyone else had similar experiences? I'm scared and worried.
393685 tn?1425812522 6 years ago I was diagnoised with Graves Disease off a TSI lab and an uptake scan indicating autoimmune Graves. I had RAI done 6 weeks after the DX due to a thyroid storm. In the years after RAI I was very hypothyroid but no other autoimmune tests were done and I gradually became extremely ill. I recently have found two wonderful doctors who have helped me in switching my medication and running appropriate lab work.
Avatar f tn I am a 25 y/o female diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at 16 and later with Graves Disease and Goiter. I have been on Tapazol along with Atenelol (for the Tachacardia) off and on for the past 9 years with no results. Every doc I see wants to discuss nothing but RAI or surgery. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few years with no success. I finally found out that I was pregnant the beginning of last year and made it to 4 months and suffered a miscarriage for no apparent reason.
Avatar f tn Hypothyroidism slows metabolism and this can cause the parietal cells to produce less stomach acid (hypochlorhydria). Adequate levels of stomach acid is required for vitamin B12 absorption. Another cause for vitamin B12 deficiency is due to other autoimmune disease that may occur with Hashimoto's thyroiditis such as autoimmune pernicious anaemia or celiac disease. Prevalence and relative risk of other autoimmune diseases in subjects with autoimmune thyroid disease. Am J Med.
Avatar f tn Your Free T4 and Free T3 are both quite low and show that you are hypothyroid, even though your TSH indicates you are hyper. There is no denying that your Free T4 and Free T3 are too low. You are Hypothyroid. Your TSH may be low because of a pituitary problem or an adrenal problem. It should be high, given your lack of T4/T3 hormones. It doesn't look like Grave's at all, other than the TBII result. Could you give a little more background information?
Avatar f tn My mother was diagnosed in her early 40s with graves disease and her thyroid was removed, around the same time she was diagnosed with stage 3-4 colon cancer. I'm aware there are connections between autoimmune diseases and thyroid and intestinal diseases/conditions. As I'm getting older I'm noticing I'm following in the same physiological footsteps my mother did before she was diagnosed.
687079 tn?1230948612 can graves disease present as hypothyroid or even euthyroid? asking because i have the eye symptoms and am not responding well at all to my thyroid replacement even a little and i feel extremely hyper, but my endo wont test me because she says graves can only be hyper and thats it....
Avatar n tn I have graves disease, but was in remission. Then I had cancer and chemotherapy. My TSH level is hyper again and my other tests normal. The doctors won't say if chemo can activate your graves disease. They do say that a physical or emotional change to my body can trigger it. My thoughts, Cancer and chemotherapy are big time physical and emotional changes.
Avatar m tn It should be pointed out that, especially in the US literature, the term ‘hashitoxicosis’ is sometimes used to describe an autoimmune thyroid disease overlap syndrome of Gravesand Hashimoto’s disease.2 In this article the term is strictly limited to the ‘leakage’ symptoms of active Hashimoto’s disease." - Touch Endocrinology - Hashitoxicosis – Three Cases and a Review of the Literature There are many comments on this link which you might be interested in reading. https://www.medhelp.
Avatar n tn Has your doctor told you, you have Graves Disease? Yes, your TSH is extremely low and your FT4 is extremely high, indicating that you are hyper, but your antibody tests indicate Hashimoto's. TSI is the definitive test for Graves Disease and I don't see that listed. Have you been put on antithyroid med?
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with Graves disease 11 years ago. My endo prescribed Methimazole, which I was allergic to, so he told me he didn't want to prescribe me anything else because sometimes the allergy kills the thyroid. It apparently did, because all of a sudden I was hypo and I had to go on synthroid. Since then, I lost my health insurance and got handled by my PCP instead of the endo (cheaper).
Avatar f tn He indicated that the iodine sensitivity mainly occured in people with Graves Disease. I am classic hypothyroid though after my procedure they ran a TSH and found it low inidcating my thryroid was more stimulated than normal. The Dr. indicated that it takes about 2 months for iodine to get out your system. I really hope this is the cause because the drugs they're giving me to relieve the symptoms just make me so tired!
Avatar n tn t take it. I am a sever asthmatic on 8 medications, but I also have Graves disease and had my thyroid killed. Therefore, I take Amour Thyroid. What is the problem with Advair and thyroid disease? My mother and brother who have hypothyroidism are also on Advair.
Avatar f tn I don't see a range, but they said its high. Over the range TPO indicates Hashimotos hypothyroid disease. In Hashimoto, autoimmune antibodies are slowly attacking the thyroid gland. This is the most common cause of hypothyroid. Most of us here have this. No med will lower antibodies, thyroid med is simply replacement hormone for what someone with Hashi is lacking.
Avatar n tn I have never been diagnosed with graves disease but i was just wondering about it. I seen a program about thyroids and graves disease on tv and i knew that hyper thyroid could lead into it but didn't know if hypo thyroids could do the same thing or not.
415098 tn?1214856836 From what you have described, this may be due to migraine type of headaches most commonly due to stressful situations or inadequate rest. Knowing your previous history of graves disease and previous radiation treatment, these symptoms may be a sign of going hypothyroid together with some electrolyte abnormalities. I suggest that you be referred to a specialist like a neurologist just to make sure. Other causes would include deficiencies in vitamins (especially vitamin B) or calcium.
Avatar f tn This is a very old thread and it is not likely they will reply. So please let me try and provide some info. Are you truly symptom free? If so, why would you consider changing meds/dosages? There is an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." LOL However, I would like to know your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report. Also what is your daily dosage of T4?
Avatar f tn Fine hand tremors can also be thyroid, because i have fine hand tremors with my graves disease, and i cant stand heat, i go all gooey, and fatigued, I do think there is some neuro-endocrine,connection with all off this i just dont know what I am still being assesed of my neuro, for my sensory symptoms, I hope i havent bored you, but with some simple bloodwork i would look for auto-immune thyroid, and vitamin levels to start off with. Keep in touch, we could perhaps help one another.
1428646 tn?1330978063 graves disease will attack and organ. the first time I had graves disease it was attacking my heart making my heart beat faster. I was on medication for about 2 years. then it went into remission now it is back. graves disease could attack any organ , graves disease is your immune system attacks your organs not virus or bacteria.
Avatar f tn Hi, I am a 28 year old woman and was diagnosed with graves disease 3 years ago. I have commented o many forums regarding my problem but would like your advice. I was treated with radio active iodine in 2006 and then became hypothyroid, I now take 150mg of levothyroxine daily. I have never suffered from graves opthalmology as far as i'm aware. For the last 6 months I have had a chronic daily headache. This started 3 days after purchasing new glasses.
Avatar f tn my girlfriend has graves disease and a hyperactive thyroid she also has bipolar in her family and I believe she also has that. she's very irrational which is expected and the more I read the more I'm convinced she has bipolar. how cannot get get to see someone about it without her getting upset??
Avatar n tn I had graves disease, but I never suffered from vertigo, just the low B12 and Vit D.
Avatar m tn It should be pointed out that, especially in the US literature, the term ‘hashitoxicosis’ is sometimes used to describe an autoimmune thyroid disease overlap syndrome of Gravesand Hashimoto’s disease.2 In this article the term is strictly limited to the ‘leakage’ symptoms of active Hashimoto’s disease." *** I've had both Hashi's and Graves antibodies simultaneously but I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis previously.