
Gleevec joint pain

Common Questions and Answers about Gleevec joint pain


Avatar n tn hi, i hope you don't mind me asking you a couple of questions. how did they find out you had cml? my counts have been good but i have low grade fevers, joint pain and sweats. they don't think it's any type of leukemia but i am afraid because i lost a sister to acute leukemia many years. i hope you are feeling well.
Avatar m tn Hi, I don't know the answer -- but since both CML and Gleevec toxicity produce anemia because of marrow suppression, maybe it's not possible to tell the difference. E.g., both would show a low reticulocyte count. This full text paper on anemia from Gleevec shows that other signs such as red blood cell size can vary, so that doesn't seem to help. Sorry.
Avatar n tn Is it possible that after taking gleevec for only two weeks WBC droped from 36.7 to 7? All other blood counts are also came back to normal range. Could doctor make mistake in diagnosis of CML? Maybe I should get seg second opinion?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed last year and was immediatley put on gleevec 400mg/day.At my last consult my metabolic stats had risen,hence blood tests to determine if the gleevec is no longer working.I am still in firstphase and wonder what my options are if the gleevec is no longer an option.Amin pretty good form,just very tired and a lot of bone pain.
Avatar n tn After two weeks on 400mlg gleevec my WBC droped from 36.5 to 7.1. My doctor told to come for additional test in two weeks. Now my WBC is 1.3 and absolute neutrophils count is 0.04. I was told to stay home on antibiotics. How long it may take for my counts to clime back to safe range. And of course, I'm off gleevec right now. Does it seem that dose of 400mlg is too high for me.
Avatar n tn Am on Gleevec 400mg, now having problems with blisters on the palm. What can I do about it?
Avatar m tn I have CML and was treated with Gleevec for 4 years and achieved remission. I have for the past several months been experiencing sudden onset of weakness which last for hours, to days. My blood pressure which has remained under control for several years with atenolol has been running 145/105 and higher for the past three to four months. I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach, and I have sporatic episodes of mild coughing, this occurs maybe once a week.
Avatar n tn You might find he starts to be able to tolerate the pill. Gleevec is first choice for treating CML, and if he is doing good in every other way then encourage him that he is doing great. I hope this helps you. I would be glad to help you with any other questions.
Avatar f tn i get my heart checked every 2 weeks now and i am fine with the qt thing. i take the chemo pill called gleevec and have to force myself to eat so i dont get sick when i take it. how long will these withdrawel problems go on? i have xanax to take (1mg) but dont work to good. i should would appreciate any advice from any one on how to deal with these issues, family dr says its anxiety but i think its the withdrawels from the high dose of elavil.
Avatar f tn I started having joint pain a couple of weeks after gall bladder surgery. It is continually getting worse and in my shoulders, wrists and right jaw. My left hip joint has gotten better. The pain hurts really bad at night when I am laying and try to move my arms. I am also having trouble chewing with my jaw in pain. I am 63 years old and a Real Estate Agent. I never had a pain at all until after the surgery. I have always been in good health and don't drink or smoke.
Avatar f tn Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body's joints. Joint pain is a common complaint, and does not typically require a hospital visit. Arthritis is a frequent cause of joint pain.
Avatar f tn I got diagnosed with hsv2 last fall. After continual outbreaks my doc finally put me on suppression therapy. I've had weight gain depression and now joint pain. It's a 6 month dose and one month to go. Does the joint pain go away after dosage is done? Does the weight come off? I exercise regularly and eat properly. Depression I know is a mental battle. I just don't like the joint pain as I'm trying to get this weight off.
634590 tn?1293774093 As you know i took 20mg isotretinoin for 15 days and pain started in my right hip joint. Went to Arthopedic and he said it is infection. im now on antibiotics (one week on IV augmenten + oxidil and then on ciprofloxacin 500 twice) for last 5 weeks. Today i suddenly feel same kind of pain in my left groin (front of hip joint) . im wondering if there was infection in right hip joint how can that infection travel to my left joint even im on antibiotics.
Avatar m tn Hello Everyone, My concern is as follows: the only exposure I have is unprotected oral performed on other men. Since the beginning of the year i have been experiencing pain on my both knees that come and go and well, I'd like to know how does ars joint pain feel like. The doctor diagnosed some patellar disfunction but I doubt it, since I only started running last year and I read professional runners are those who get it. Or something.
Avatar m tn Alternatively, your physician might be able to recommend other treatments, possibly including injections into the joint itself or surgery, that can improve your joint pain.
Avatar f tn I have joint pain in my knees and elbows, weakness in knees after kneeling down and trying to stand up. I have numbness that comes and goes in my feet. My chemo/raidiation treatments ended a year ago. Are these aches and pains caused by the after effects of the drugs and radiation? I also have trouble taking antibiotics or pain meds. I seems to get every side effect listed. Alcohol of any type bothers me also. I use to enjoy a glass of wine but no longer.
Avatar f tn I've been having pain in my fingers, knees, hips and ankles for about a year, maybe a bit longer. I'm 28 years old and live a pretty active life. I've looked up joint pain on the internet and all I find is arthritis, but I really don't think that's what I have. Any help?
Avatar f tn Maybe you could ask to be put on .175 instead. Seems kind of drastic to go from .2 to .15 when there's a dose in between those two. I'd ask why there was such a drastic dose reduction and tell the doctor about your new symptoms. Do you know what your TSH was and the range?