
Gastroenteritis sore throat

Common Questions and Answers about Gastroenteritis sore throat


Avatar f tn i have a sore throat stomach upset tired nose is stuffy i had my period last week and started not feeling good about friday i had stomach cramps and had what i call slight diarrhea and bubbly upper stomach then felt better for a few days now today i have stomach cramps on and off with the same slight diarrhea and sore throat and stuffy nose and tired feeling i freak out vary easily about stuff
Avatar n tn Hi there. Starting on 3AM last Friday, I started having symptoms of what I thought was the flu going around. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever (101.5), muscle aches (mild to severe), sweats and chills, stiffness, weakness, some dizziness, no appetite. I automatically assumed it was the influenza virus but in almost everywhere I read, it says a cough and/or sore throat almost always follow. I've had neither, nor have I had any chest pain.
Avatar n tn On Friday I was feeling lethargic and had swollen lymph-nodes in my throat and the sore throat persisted. I woke up Saturday morning feeling fine, and actually went on a 30 mile bike ride (I felt that good). By Saturday night (last night), I was feeling very nauseous, and was throwing up by 9pm. I spent 4-5 hours last night with bad diarrhea and vomiting, which felt much like a very bad case of food poisoning. Could not keep so much as a sip of water down. By 10pm I had a 101.
Avatar m tn Hi. Good morning! Would some doctor please help me with this situation I'm going through? On November 4 I had a risky intercourse (receptive anal intercourse, the condom broke). 50 days later, on December 24, I had hives and angioedema (lips and eyes). I went to see my dermatologist. She diagnosed me with urticaria. She gave me betamethasone and loratadine. The same day, both the hives and the angioedema went away and did not come back.
Avatar f tn The test at the 5 and 7 weeks mark were also Rapid finger prick test but no tube of blood was drawn since i took anonymously. ive had no symptoms, no rash, sore throat, or swollen glands. i went to the ER on Wednesday because of a stomach flu and turns out i had Gastroenteritis, they did blood work there but it came clean. can i move on from this ordeal or do i have to get tested again? and how reliable are the rapid finger prick tests? thank you doctor...
665881 tn?1248926997 It started yesterday morning with a dull headache, sore legs then about noon fatigue set in, chills,fever,sore throat , lower back aches and that was it, I was in bed at 1 oclock till 8 next morning. I could hardly walk to the bathroom in the night my legs were so weak. thank god its over.
Avatar f tn r n they did blood work n a ultrasound which came back normal. I was think gallbladder stones idk.. So doctor diagnose me with gastroenteritis prescribe me pain killers. N next morning with the dull pain that comes n goes. Ouch! Is it normal???? Im scared im praying to god to please let it not be nothing else..
Avatar n tn My daughter is 14 months old and she has has watery diarrhea and vomitting. When she was born she was perfectly healthy, but once I had to return to work I began to give her formula and that's when she began to have these complications. She began to have watery diarrhea and vomit. I took her to the doctor and they said she had gastroenteritis, but it's been a while now and she is still the same? Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Thank you.
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn Hello! I seem to have unfortunately caught gastroenteritis. I was given Ondansentron and it helped immensely. However, I can't sleep. I'm so wired and my stomach still hurts but luckily, no side effects. Is this normal? Is it the gastroenteritis or the drug?
Avatar m tn My symptoms include swollen lymph node on my right side, very horrible sore throat, puffy eye lids, and also my ears clog up like when I'm up in an airplane, and I can't really hear anything. Ive already been to the doctor's and I tested negative for strep, but would you think I have mono? Someone please help me, I can't really talk or eat that much because my sore throat hurts so badly.
Avatar f tn I had a horrible sore throat in the beginning of my pregnancy and I dranked a very warm Cinnamon tea and it worked :) try it
8593574 tn?1398970803 Does anybody have any suggestions for a sore throat? I know I can't take any medicine so just wondering?
Avatar f tn i Need Something To Help With My Sore Throat??? I've Tried The Lemon Hot Water With Honey That Doesn't Help Me Nor Does The Gargling Salt Water... Help Me Please I'm 34 Weeks Pregnant!!!
Avatar f tn I got sore throat, when I was around 28 weeks, and my dr told I could take Tylenol regular strength 325mg every 4 to 6 hours and those candys for sore throat only that, oh and LOTS of fluid. That's what I did and like 2 or 3 days I was way better.
Avatar f tn Benadryl.. the childrens liquid benadryl i took an adult dose like a table spoon and a half and it worked wonders!