
Frequent urination in elderly men

Common Questions and Answers about Frequent urination in elderly men


Avatar m tn [2] Less common microbes include Ureaplasma, Mycobacterium, and cytomegalovirus, or Cryptococcus in patients with HIV infection. E. coli is more common in boys before puberty, the elderly and homosexual men. Non-infectious causes are also possible. Reflux of sterile urine (urine without bacteria) through the ejaculatory ducts may cause inflammation with obstruction. In children, it may be a response following an infection with enterovirus, adenovirus or Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Avatar m tn 2 days really nothing. The frequent urination is not because of std just after 2 days.
Avatar n tn The iCA just recently put out a new brochure on IC and Men since this is often misdiagnosed in men. We actually have an IC support network on this forum as well: You might want to consider a referral to a pelvic pain PT. They are often able to rule out and pelvic issues, muscular etc. that doctor's are not trained to look for. http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn My 18 year old son is having similiar problems. Started 3 months ago. Worse during the day (when sitting). His urinalysis (4 of them) comes back clear with no infection. He's had an ultra-sound that also came back fine. He's gone to two urologist (we didn't like the first one) and both called it Dysuria Frequent Urgency. The second doctor put him on an anti-biotic (sulfameth) just in case there was a slight infection not showing up in test.
Avatar f tn Although I have read that occasionally men will find blood in there semen for one reason or another... But in my case it's all seems like it would have to be one major coincidence, For all of this to be happening and it not be related to my encounter...
393893 tn?1283551230 Knowing an age would help from any medical pracs in the forum, but def get a prostate and urinary check, could be anything from an infection to diabetes, again I am no doc but having lived for 53 years I have been the route with many of the male problems.
Avatar m tn Benign prostate enlargement is common in older men, yes it does lead to more frequent urination but has nothing to do with there being a cancerous condition (prostates just get larger with age and can start being a nuisance when they press on nerves).
Avatar f tn I already know I have Herpes 2, but am not back in the US so I can get on medication. I have frequent nighttime urination which is caused by the Herpes 2 ( i had done a bacteria urine test and it was negative) . I just wondered, when I get on Valtrex will it take care of the frequent urination at night or do I need to get other medication for that? Anyone out there ever experience it. I think a lot of persons come here for support, not just because they are worried they might be infected.
Avatar m tn pain or burning with urination; pressure or cramping in the lower abdomen; and strong need to urinate often. Often in an elderly person, mental changes or confusion are the only signs of a possible urinary tract infection. Check with your doctor for proper management. Warm regards.
139792 tn?1498585650 Since you are faking sleep using the drug, which is a Central Nervous System suppressor, at least in your case, I would think that the drug alprozolam may be preventing brain from producing ADH, which in turn causes the frequent urination. I could not get any supporting document from the net, but it does say that it can cause inappropriate ADH production, which could mean either MORE or LESS of ADH production.
Avatar m tn Almost all trichomonas infections in men are entirely asymptomatic, and men usually know they have it only when a female partner gets infected. Rarely it can cause nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), with urethral discharge and/or uncomfortable urination. It probably can linger for years. Nothing shows up in urinalysis or routine culture. Happily, trich is harmless in men and usually not serious in women either.
Avatar m tn In younger men, psa tests have value when there's a rapid rise in the level between tests, as that's certainly attention getting. A study of a large grouping of men under age 40 showed that levels encountered were 0.01 to 3.34 with a median/average of 0.56 ng/L [ BJU Int. 2012 Dec;110(11):1627-35 ] Do you have a family history of prostate cancer?
Avatar m tn The symptoms are usually discharge from the penis which is more noticeable first thing in the morning and or painful urination. The painful urination would be most of the time. I recommend going to get tested when you can for your own peace of mind.
Avatar n tn im 27 male single smoking usually masterbate from month i noticed that i had frequent urination i go 2 doctor and made urine analysis he found RBCs 5-6 hpf in urine and x-ray on kidney didnt show any abnormal i do ultrasound in both kidneys and bladder he found gravel in kidneys and ultrasound in bladder show homogenous prostate he describe me (cystone - rowatinex) but now i suffer from colic in pelvic and bladder after urination and pain in the tip of penis when i urinate the pain some times i
Avatar f tn Is it possible to just have frequent urination? I have a more frequent urge to go. When I do go a fair amount comes out. Slight tingle or burning on the ride side of the head and genital area but no pain. And no discharge or pain when I do.
Avatar f tn I am a 40 year old woman with the problem of frequent urination. I do not have diabetes or UTI and my ultrasound scan is normal. I underwent a D&C procedure in December of 2007. My urologist thinks that I should see a psychiatrist. I have a bulky uterus. I was 200 lbs three years ago, now I am 125 lbs, (through diet and excercise). My gynec told me that I have over-exercised,(walking 14 km a day). I feel constant irritation and pressure in my bladder.
139792 tn?1498585650 The doctor ususally say that at 80, with insomnia, you do more frequent urination. Sombody suggested, at every 10 years after 60, you do add one extra visit two bath room. Any way we have to fight whether it is age related or some alignment related. I have also observed when i am tense, I have more frequent visit to bathroom. As it was not a major problem, i did not bother to rectify. I continue to treat now. Thanks.
Avatar f tn Also i drink a lot of water before going off to bed, may be that could be a reason but in general also i have a problem of frequent urination.
Avatar f tn I had the worst excessive urination from low potassium. I lived in the toilet and was getting splits on my skin down there from constantly using toilet paper. I was using Savlon cream to relieve the pain. The relief of orange juice! High in potassium. Went from excessive urination to normal OVERNIGHT! Low potassium causes dry skin too btw.
Avatar f tn Urinary tract (which consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra) infections are very common in young women. Symptoms of UTI are frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, passing of blood in urine and even fever. The most common causes of repeated UTIs are kidney stones and diabetes mellitus. Women who are sexually active, who use diaphragms for birth control, and/or are past menopause are at an increased risk for urinary tract infections.
Avatar f tn Sometimes the urine amount looks normal but most of the time its dribbling. I frequent twice in half an hour when it dribbles. There is no blood in the urine. Most of the time it is accompanied by pain and the sensation is there even after urinating. I did not have this problem ever, I drink 8 glasses of water every day. It started about 3 months ago, then stopped for a good 2 months and now I notice the problem again.
Avatar m tn urinary tract infection, interstitial cystitis, intake of diuretics and other medications, radiation therapy or bladder dysfunction. It would really help if you consult with the urologist for further evaluation and management. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar f tn I didn't really experience frequent urination during my first trimester...but am having it in my second 15 weeks 5 days..anyone else with the same issue.could this be normal?