
Frequent urination causes blood

Common Questions and Answers about Frequent urination causes blood


Avatar f tn I had the worst excessive urination from low potassium. I lived in the toilet and was getting splits on my skin down there from constantly using toilet paper. I was using Savlon cream to relieve the pain. The relief of orange juice! High in potassium. Went from excessive urination to normal OVERNIGHT! Low potassium causes dry skin too btw.
Avatar m tn t it true that HSV-2 can cause frequent urination? and not everyone gets ulcers, lesions, and blister? correct? If this was from hsv-2 would my symptoms last this long. going past 2 weeks of frequent urination? The STD clinic said it could be from that and my heart sank. thank you for your time and i swear i did not mean to imply that i preferred the other doctor. He just knew more about me. I apologize once again.
Avatar n tn There are several causes for frequent night urination in men, the most common being an enlarged prostrate and medication. Google searches produced There are MedHelp discussion too http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn I saw a question about frequent urination and stress. I wanted to add this comment. I was having severe frequent urination problems. I went to several doctors and even the Mayo Clinic. I was eventually diagnosed with "chronic prostatitis." Not wanting to give up because of the problems it was causing me, I looked at stress as the possible cause. I went to a psychologist for biofeedback training -- relaxation training -- and after 3 or 4 weeks my symptoms subsided.
Avatar f tn I have frequent urination (every hr) and burning urethra (sometimes when I am dehydrated) for 4 months now.I have gone thru 20 days of levo,20 days of cipro,1.5gm of azithromycin and finally Cystoscopy 5 weeks back. The result in cystoscopy said mild chronic cystitis.I have been taken vesicare and xatral for 40 days now.I went to see the urologist again and he said he cannot pinpoint what is the root cause yet and it should clear on its own in 1-2 months.
Avatar m tn There are many possible causes for frequent urination. eg. Do you drink a fair amount of caffeine (coffee, tea or soda pop)? A urinary tract infection (UTI) would certainly do it. A bruised uretha could do it.
Avatar f tn Since doctors don't seem to want to help me figure out what's wrong, I'm trying to investigate my various symptoms to find potential diseases to rule out. For the past two and a half years, I've had a problem with frequent urination. No incontinence of any kind, but I tend to pee on average 12-20 times a day. Sometimes I'll be up one or two times at night, sometimes more and sometimes not at all. I DO drink quite a bit of fluid.
Avatar f tn About 3 days later I started noticing a increase in my need to urinate (because of this I started drinking more water, to be sure not to get dehydrated, which of course lead to more frequent urination ) I also started feeling a slight pain towards the tip of my penis... Not during urination but just throughout the day, I never noticed any discharge, swelling, or abdominal pain... And the frequency at which I urinate has gone back to more of a regular amount..
Avatar m tn I suffer from frequent urination between 2am and 6 in the morning. This happens every half hour, lots of urine, no burning, no pain.I have had blood tests, cystoscopy and an IVP done, all came back negative. I don;t drink a lot since i never get thirsty, a cup of tea in the morning and a glass of water for my blood pressure tablets. I'm not swollen but 2yrs ago i had a back op for a pinched nerve, could this be the cause? Please help!
Avatar f tn I have notice frequent urination durring the day. not at night when i'm sleep. I also feel a small, small pain,it almost feels like it burns at times. on my left side. How concern should i be and what should i do.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but urge of frequent urination can be due to increased intake of fluids or diabetes mellitus.Other possibilities are glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis(inflammation of the kidneys),urinary tract infection,hypercalcemia,hypokalemia(low potassium),hyperthyroidism,hyperparathyroidism,diuretic drugs and benign hyperplasia of the prostate(in elderly males).
Avatar f tn I am 25 and recently, i started experiencing frequent urination. I had side pain for a day so i got urine test done and it came out normal. The doctor still prescribed me antibiotic (Enoxabid) for UTI but it did not improve my condition. Now i continue experiencing frequent urination. Every 1.5 to 2 hours, i feel the urge to urinate and since the last 2-3 days i am also experiencing slight burning in the vagina.
Avatar n tn Over the past 2 years I have experienced episodes of dizziness, feeling as if I will faint, pounding heart. I have also developed frequent urination over time. My doctor has written off the episodes as anxiety. However, I have noticed that my blood pressure has been much lower than normal - BP has always been in "normal" range, but now is often in the 90s/50s. I have also noticed my heart pounding more than normal recently.
Avatar n tn I am not sure if it is just me stressing out over nothing or if I may have something else wrong. I did not mention the frequent urination to my urologist as my symptoms had cleared up for over a week and I just assumed maybe it was stress enduced. Should I be concerned?
Avatar f tn Hello, Your symptom is called polyuria (excessive frequency of voiding). It can be due to many reasons which can be physiological or disease-related, and include excessive intake of liquids, diuretic substances (including tea, caffeine, alcohol, certain drugs), anxiety, exposure to cold, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus (central or nephrogenic), urinary tract infections or obstruction, etc to name a few more common ones.
Avatar m tn but what could be causing the frequent urination? I only take fish oil and multivitamins. Medical history that I have is cervical stenosis also have herniated discs in the back as well. I am a drinker but have been sober for the past month.
Avatar n tn In fibroids a woman will have backache, frequent urination, pain in legs, painful sex, heavy painful periods etc.Ovarian cysts can cause irregular menstrual bleeding, lower abdominal pain, pain on urination and pelvic pain after sex.It is essential to rule out the above mentioned causes. Seek the opinion of a gynecologist. A complete examination and work up is important. Hope it helps. Best luck and regards!
Avatar f tn i m 29 yrs old and , i am having frequent urination problem for 3 years,about 4 months ago,i went to pcp ,he sent me for sonogram of my kidney and bladder and also for chest x-ray,the results came out negative and my urine and blood was also fine,then i went to urologist' he has done urodynamics and also looked into my bladder through scope and said that nothing is wrong with my bladder and urthera,he first gave me vesicare for a month than enablex but condition still remains the same ,then
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href='/posts/show/736634'>recurrent frequent urination</a> was started.
Avatar n tn Diabetes not only causes frequent urination but also numbness and tingling sensations.I would advise you to get a fasting blood sugar and Hb A1 C test done. If dibetes is ruled out then other possibilities which need to be ruled out are prostatitis(inflammation of the prostate gland),interstitial cystitis,overactive bladder syndrome,stroke and other neurological diseases,urinary incontinence,bladder cancer(rare) and bladder dysfunction . Pls consult a urologist in that case. Hope it helps.
Avatar f tn If there are stressful situations affecting him, try to make sure he has some relaxation time, or quiet time to spend with his family. After about 3 to 5 months, the frequent urination symptoms dissapeared for my son. I hope this helps. Take care.