
Flexibility articles

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Avatar n tn t have any foot problems or anything, but as a baby and toddler, my sister was fanatical about him not wearing shoes, over concern for his feet developing properly, and attaining correct balance and flexibility, etc. She showed me several articles by different pediatric orthopedists. The articles made a strong point, and convinced me she was doing right, but that was back when he was 2 ½ years old.
Avatar n tn Where I could find articles about Right carotid artery dissection with pseudo aneurism and what causes it. Thanks.
Avatar m tn I have flexibility issues in almost all of my joints (Knees, elbow, wrist, ankle). Coincidentally, all the joints in the right side of my body are worse. I cannot squat as the back of my feet cannot touch my butt, my hand cannot touch my shoulder, cannot do pushup as wrist will hurt a lot. I have done xrays but doctor said my xrays are fine. Went through physiotherapy but joints flexibility does not improve no matter how much i stretched.
Avatar m tn Usually the main predictors of aortic dissection are family history, aortic size, and aortic flexibility. For someone of your aortic size, I would take it easy. Try the ARB approach with a max or ultra-max high dosage (as long as your doctor lets you) and see if that reduces aortic size and aortic flexibility (the "pulse pressure" is one way to estimate the flexibility - Google it). If so, then perhaps you can talk to your doctor about athletics.
Avatar m tn http://jn.nutrition.
Avatar m tn I am unable to read any of the articles and am going to pull my account. The advertisements are blocking all the articles I wish to read about sleep paralysis and sleep apnea. Why even have an article to be shown if you are going to allow ads to block pertinent information. I know this is free for me, but honestly, what a pain in the ***.
Avatar f tn Stretching isn't the best way to improve flexibility—lifting weights through a full range of motion is, according to a recent study at the University of North Dakota. Pausing for 2 to 3 seconds at the "down" position of the lift (where you feel the stretch) without relaxing your muscles is even more effective.
700000 tn?1231287536 t lose any strength in the arm but did lose ALOT of flexibility. I still was able to go on to play college Division 1A football as a defensive end for another 5 years. The only problem I have is that it is kind of a bummer in that without the flexibility in my wrist, some of my basketball and martial arts activities that I participate in currently are limited. I still live a normal life as an engineer and go to the gym 5 - 6 times per week and never feel any pain except on REALLY cold days.
Avatar f tn When I Google ways to keep yourself going at work during your third tri all the articles seem to talk about things to do at the office... Umm hello! What about us that have to be on our feet all day doing physical labor?? I am not in any way saying that people who sit don't also have pregnancy pains, I'm just saying there's really no advice for people who actually need it?? Please don't take offence if you have a sit down job.
Avatar m tn I am very active and cycle about 5 hours a week and about 5 hours a week of more weight bearing exercise. I have not been able to regain full flexibility to the knee, I am lacking 10 degrees of motion. I ice my knee most every day after exercising. I completed a series of 3 shots of Euflexxa about 6 weeks ago and have felt no difference from that. I started physical therapy twice a week for the last three weeks which lasts about 1.
Avatar m tn If you can understand that with increasing age the flexibility decreases and you can regain that with much practice and concentration. You need to strengthen your feet with proper exercise and control over a period of time, we are sure you can do better than what you are doing now and under a good trainer. Take care!
Avatar m tn I am very active and cycle about 5 hours a week and about 5 hours a week of more weight bearing exercise. I have not been able to regain full flexibility to the knee, I am lacking 10 degrees of motion. I ice my knee most every day after exercising. I completed a series of 3 shots of Euflexxa about 6 weeks ago and have felt no difference from that. I started physical therapy twice a week for the last three weeks which lasts about 1.
Avatar n tn I have a bulging L5 - S1 that has been causing problems for just over a year now. I've had 4 epidurals, and have been taking pain pills daily. About 6 month ago I started getting really bad upper back spasms, I had an MRI, CT Scan, and Ultra Sound that all came back clear. I got another epidural about a month ago and the back spasms went away (they are starting to come back as the epidural is wearing off).
Avatar n tn But also, as we age our flexibility diminishes. So flexibility should be focused on as well. Youre target heart range after you have been cleared is (220-your age) x .85 You are not too old to increase your strength, flexibility endurance or efficiency. In fact, since you are so out of shape-it will be more likely that you will have a steep curve of improvement with some concerted effort.
Avatar f tn When I was first diagnosed with diabetes I was on basal-bolus. I had one very serious low. I hated it as there was no flexibility in eating. I then changed to basal-bolus and not only did I have much better control and excellent flexibility, I no longer have any serious lows.
Avatar m tn Working with a chiropractor, I got a hip flexor malady adjusted; the PT said I needed to work on flexibility. My left leg kind of 'hangs/float' and doesn't extend out normally. I feel it even when I'm walking. The odd part is that I can't really self-correct it with mental striving. I'm thinking it's more than just bad flexibility - wondering if I'm not really neurologically talking to my lower leg?
Avatar m tn At age 13 (13 years ago) I had both my hips pinned due to a slipped capital femoral epiphysis on both sides. I have issues in mobility and flexibility and was wondering if there was any surgeries or treatments available to enhance my mobility. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Take a look at this article: Unfortunately, without journal access through a university/medical library, the full text costs $$, but google scholar caught this glimpse from it: "Several recent investigations have also identified a high prevalence of orthostatic intolerance among those with fibromyalgia. ... " so it does link CFS, EDS, OI, and fibromyalgia (and is by Rowe).
192055 tn?1263555537 t want to use bolts since it would make it a fixed joint (there is suppose to be a little play) so I would lose some flexibility. Well my doc now said that he thinks that my neck muscle could be too tight which is causing my pain that I am having. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to see if I need a second surgery. If I do need one, I would not mind bolts, I already lost some flexibility and it won't strain any muscles. Has anyone had any surgeries like this? Should I do the second surgery?
1050179 tn?1253899186 Does anyone know where I can find articles that are concrete in using methadone for chronic pain? I'm on 110mg's of liquid methadone and have to go to the clinic twice a week because I have 5 take home days. But I don't want to have to go there anymore to get the medicine. - At first,I went there because I was taking percocet for my FM pain and kept having to take more and more to get the relief I needed.
Avatar m tn Every part of my body has hurt at one time or the other. I am trying to get the flexibility back to my foot, but I still experience swelling. My foot is fatter, but as long as I have the possiblity of being mobile, I'm much happier. I am very active, so this is very difficult. I'm wondering how long one might expect recovery from this type of injury??? My doctor indicated possibly a year. Is that accurate? Any suggestions to promote flexibility to promote stair climbing???
Avatar n tn The person is able to walk with a device, however, sitting afterwards creates stiffness and inability to continue walking. Is flexibility possible?