
Filgrastim termination

Common Questions and Answers about Filgrastim termination


493068 tn?1224765315 my stats seem to go up and down so I only have to take it now every 2 wks. It is unknown whether filgrastim (Neupogen) increases or decreasses an individual's risk of developing cancer. Based on limited long-term data from healthy people ( if a person is healthy why would they need neupogen in the first place ) who have received filgrastim, no long-term risks have been found so far. good luck to you....hope this helped!
Avatar m tn Do you mean filgrastim? And are you saying Dengue fever? It would be a surprising though perhaps not impossible use of filgrastim. Dengue is usually treated by pain managers and sometimes hospitalization and a blood transfusion. Anyway, if you have a legitimate prescription from a doctor, you should be able to fill it in the United States.
Avatar f tn For this reason, patients are prescribed antibiotics and even receive injections to increase white blood counts (such as filgrastim or lenograstim). If this 0.4 value really pertains to your white counts, then I believe this is really low and what you are experiencing is a condition called 'febrile neutropenia'. I would suggest you ask your doctor about filgrastim or lenograstim injections aside from the Levaquin. Regards.
Avatar n tn Filgrastim is also prescribed as pegfilgrastim (called Neulasta). My doctor used the 500 neutrophill count as a cut-off, so every time I got down around 500 I used Neulasta. The interferon drops neutrophils and platelets. Some people can do okay with low neutrophils but just as many end up with kidney and sinus infections, etc., that make you even more miserable.
Avatar m tn Doctors unable to give any explanation for such wide variations on a dose to dose basis. Till date, I have also taken 5 doses of Filgrastim - the WBC Stimulator. Can you pleae advice possible reasons for such wide fluctuations.
Avatar f tn Just the fact that you have a termination does not mean you can no longer get pregnant. There has to be other factors involved, termination or miscarriage in and of themselves do NOT prevent future pregnancies.
Avatar m tn I am 18 years old and I had a surgical termination on April 4th 2008. Since then I have been bleeding on/off and had two heavier bleeds which i assume were periods. These started around the May 9th and then again around May 22nd. I then bled on/off again but this stopped last week. How soon will my periods regulate, or does this sound like a more serious problem? I read that you return to normal after 6-8 weeks but i dont feel normal. Thanks.
Avatar n tn Has anyone ever had an abortion/termination?
Avatar f tn Hi, i had a termination about 4 weeks ago and since then iv had my period, the last couple of weeks it has came an gone like 3 days apart mayb. i have been having sex durring this time. Is this normal and when will it stop!? Can i still get pregnant again?
Avatar m tn I wasn't quite sure what the poster meant by "pain." We tend to interpret the word differently. For me there's often a deep ache when I do valsalva and the heart is trying to convert back to NSR. I call it uncomfortable; some may refer to it as pain. Then again, I compare every twinge to child birth. That hurt! Everything else pales in comparison.
Avatar m tn Just wondering how long i should wait until period will arrive after termination witch i read is around 6 weeks after termination and what are the chances of pregnancy after termination have read a lot that it is a higher risk but not sure how true this is. Period symptoms are so much like pregnancy symptoms so its hard to tell i have taken a test but nothing i guess i am just after any helpful information off anyone that has been through the same thing.
Avatar m tn Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) or NEUPOGEN® (Filgrastim) may reduce your chance of getting an infection, but it does not prevent all infections. An infection can happen anytime your neutrophil counts are low. Look for signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore. If you have any of these signs, contact your health care professional immediately.
Avatar f tn The good news is that makes this cycle 28 days which means Im finally getting regular again after my termination so next month should be a good one!
1986676 tn?1329862471 Musculoskeletal symptoms have been the most frequently reported adverse effects of filgrastim therapy. Bone pain has been reported in approximately 22% of patients. Reactivation of pseudogout occurred in a patient receiving chemotherapy. Postmarketing reports have included decreased bone density and osteoporosis in pediatric severe chronic neutropenia (SCN) patients receiving chronic treatment with filgrastim.
Avatar n tn i had a termination 9 years ago and i have never got pregnant since.
Avatar n tn Hi, With modern medical advances, especially effective anti-emetics, and growth factors (filgrastim), chemotherapy has become safer and more tolerable over the last decade or so. Hair loss will be your major side effect, and some intermittent illnesses may also be expected during the course of chemotherapy. But your overall long-term benefit will be much more than these temporary effects. All the Best!
Avatar m tn I have an appointment in 945 in the A.M for my 12 weeks of termination i live with the father i have 0 choice im crying alot my heart breaks i am bond with my child and i was kinda curious if this is how it will feel afterwards?
Avatar f tn I have to respectfully disagree with turkee. A termination that is done safely by a Dr. very rarely puts the mother's life in jeoprody. It can however leave uterine scarring and done too many times can make it difficult for an egg to attach properly to the uterine wall. So if done continuously it can make it difficult to have a sucessful pregnancy when you want to. I have had to have 2 D&C's due to miscarriage, and that is basically the same procedure.
476246 tn?1418870914 , the primary ‘rescue’ meds are (generic) epoetin alpha (brand names Epogen, Procrit, Aransp), and filgrastim (generic) (brand name Neupogen). We do have a platelet booster here that has been approved for cancer treatment; it is generically known as oprelvekin (brand name Neumega), but its use has not been FDA approved for HCV treatment to my knowledge; it tends to worsen hemolytic anemia, although we have had a few patients in forum that have tried it.
Avatar f tn Is it safe to go through the termination process in case I needed. I have to breastfeed my child frequently as I got to know that I have to refrain from breastfeeding for 10 to 12 hours after taking termination pill.....
Avatar m tn My wife underwent for his 20 weeks scan and doctors suggested to go for Pregnancy Termination. This is her second pregnancy and the first one also had the same issue and we go ahead and terminated the first one. Now the second pregnancy also has the same issue and not sure what to do. Doctors saying this is Dandy-Walker malformation. Not sure what to do. Awaiting for your responses. During 20 week scan got the below details mildly prominent lateral ventricle left ventricle 7.
Avatar m tn C is normal as your body tries to regulate again. Was it a termination of pregnancy? The hormones from a pregnancy and then having the pregnancy gone can upset the hormonal apple cart as well and then we get things like irregular periods or spotting. Did you have a post D&C check at 6 weeks? If not, I suggest you make an appointment to do that hon.