
Filgrastim not working

Common Questions and Answers about Filgrastim not working


493068 tn?1224765315 my stats seem to go up and down so I only have to take it now every 2 wks. It is unknown whether filgrastim (Neupogen) increases or decreasses an individual's risk of developing cancer. Based on limited long-term data from healthy people ( if a person is healthy why would they need neupogen in the first place ) who have received filgrastim, no long-term risks have been found so far. good luck to you....hope this helped!
Avatar m tn And are you saying Dengue fever? It would be a surprising though perhaps not impossible use of filgrastim. Dengue is usually treated by pain managers and sometimes hospitalization and a blood transfusion. Anyway, if you have a legitimate prescription from a doctor, you should be able to fill it in the United States.
Avatar m tn I guess you will know it is working if you don't get an infection. On the product insert it says: Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) or NEUPOGEN® (Filgrastim) may reduce your chance of getting an infection, but it does not prevent all infections. An infection can happen anytime your neutrophil counts are low. Look for signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore.
Avatar f tn For this reason, patients are prescribed antibiotics and even receive injections to increase white blood counts (such as filgrastim or lenograstim). If this 0.4 value really pertains to your white counts, then I believe this is really low and what you are experiencing is a condition called 'febrile neutropenia'. I would suggest you ask your doctor about filgrastim or lenograstim injections aside from the Levaquin. Regards.
Avatar n tn Filgrastim is also prescribed as pegfilgrastim (called Neulasta). My doctor used the 500 neutrophill count as a cut-off, so every time I got down around 500 I used Neulasta. The interferon drops neutrophils and platelets. Some people can do okay with low neutrophils but just as many end up with kidney and sinus infections, etc., that make you even more miserable.
Avatar m tn Doctors unable to give any explanation for such wide variations on a dose to dose basis. Till date, I have also taken 5 doses of Filgrastim - the WBC Stimulator. Can you pleae advice possible reasons for such wide fluctuations.
Avatar f tn No not yet i have an app in a couple of days
Avatar n tn Hi, With modern medical advances, especially effective anti-emetics, and growth factors (filgrastim), chemotherapy has become safer and more tolerable over the last decade or so. Hair loss will be your major side effect, and some intermittent illnesses may also be expected during the course of chemotherapy. But your overall long-term benefit will be much more than these temporary effects. All the Best!
Avatar m tn Yes, 2.6 is still good. When the ANC gets low, it's not that you are in grave danger from things like cat fecal matter, it's more to do with infections from human bacteria. Contrary to what most people think, those who are under going antiviral therapy are not as susceptible to infection as those who are undergoing something like cancer chemo therapy. If the ANC drops too low they should be careful but not so concerned as to avoid all contact with other people.
476246 tn?1418870914 Procrit is called Eprex here, Neupogen is the same) Am trying to organize myself before I meet with the hepatologist, making a folder classifying things, while I remember them. Not easy with this foggy brain of mine. My question is, what are the names of any other rescue meds and AD's which might be prescribed while on tx?
Avatar n tn It seems to be only in one lung bone scan, brain scan and all other test are clear. She was told surgrey would not be an option. My question is since it doesn't seem to have spread why can they not remove the mass and then treat with Chemo? The mas is in her upper left lung. Thanks for any info you can give..
1225178 tn?1318980604 Mild excercise (not fun when you feel bad) can help as improved circulation removes toxins from the body. MIld, not overexcertion, which can make things worse. 2. There is a catch 22 when it comes to INF therapy. INF therapy effects insulin production as well as caloric absorption. You can end up with Insulin resistance (caused by the INF canceling out INF and then your pancreas working overtime to get levels back up, and overshooting, and.
Avatar f tn You saying you are an impatient person does not mean diddly. Just because you are impatient does not mean the medication is going to work faster for you. The reality is because you are impatient, you need to find things to occupy your mind. Start an exercise program, practice meditation, get outside and chop some wood. Anything that is going to take you away from sitting in your house feeling sorry for yourself. Like I said, we have all been where you are.
290867 tn?1333569278 If what they are giving you to stop your contractions and that is not working but you are not dialting thats good. But if you cervival keeps shorting I would think they might put you on bedrest.
Avatar n tn I was prescribed zoloft 50 mg on the 16 it worked great I felt great now 10 days later not working so well I am starting to feel very sad again? does this mean it isn't the drug for me?