
Filgrastim in healthy patients

Common Questions and Answers about Filgrastim in healthy patients


493068 tn?1224765315 Based on limited long-term data from healthy people ( if a person is healthy why would they need neupogen in the first place ) who have received filgrastim, no long-term risks have been found so far. good luck to you....hope this helped!
Avatar f tn With this figures, I could surmise that the nurse is talking about your white blood counts or the neutrophil counts. White blood cell precursors in the bone marrow are usually affected by chemotherapy and this can lead to low levels of these blood cells. Since white blood cells are our body's defense against infections, the manifestations of low white blood counts would include fevers or any focus of infection.
1118724 tn?1357010591 Efficacy was demonstrated at doses of 4 to 8 mcg/kg/day in the phase 3 study of nonmyeloablative chemotherapy. Patients in the BMT studies received up to 138 mcg/kg/day without toxic effects‚ although there was a flattening of the dose response curve above daily doses of greater than 10 mcg/kg/day.
1986676 tn?1329862471 Bone pain has been reported in approximately 22% of patients. Reactivation of pseudogout occurred in a patient receiving chemotherapy. Postmarketing reports have included decreased bone density and osteoporosis in pediatric severe chronic neutropenia (SCN) patients receiving chronic treatment with filgrastim. Bone pain associated with filgrastim usually has localized in the lower back, posterior iliac crests, and sternum.
Avatar m tn My mother in law in the Philippines needs this medication. Then the doctor said she might be okay after that..She has Dungee..I live here in the USA and these meds just happen to be very high priced there.Please be serious.
1391695 tn?1298139789 Rare fatal cases of splenic rupture have been reported following administration of filgrastim in both healthy volunteers and patients. Patients reporting left upper abdominal and/or shoulder tip pain should be evaluated for an enlarged spleen or splenic rupture. Cytopenias resulting from an antibody response to exogenous growth factors have been reported on rare occasions in patients treated with recombinant growth factors.
163305 tn?1333668571 NEUPOGEN® ( Filgrastim ) Program is designed to assist those patients who are medically indigent (patients may be uninsured or underinsured). Eligibility is based on patient's insurance status and income level.
Avatar n tn Filgrastim is also prescribed as pegfilgrastim (called Neulasta). My doctor used the 500 neutrophill count as a cut-off, so every time I got down around 500 I used Neulasta. The interferon drops neutrophils and platelets. Some people can do okay with low neutrophils but just as many end up with kidney and sinus infections, etc., that make you even more miserable.
Avatar m tn Taken 21 injections of Pegasys 180 mcg till date. i am having very wide fluctuations in WBC and ANC. The range is between 6500 and 1400 for WBC and 4700 and 260 for ANC. Doctors unable to give any explanation for such wide variations on a dose to dose basis. Till date, I have also taken 5 doses of Filgrastim - the WBC Stimulator. Can you pleae advice possible reasons for such wide fluctuations.
Avatar f tn I'm scheduled for an echocardiogram in two weeks but my doctor told me to continue all activities a she believes I'm very healthy and that the EKG reading is a "fluke" and that it's most definitely exercise induced. If it is exercise induced, is there any harm in having LVH? I've read that sometimes they ask you to stop exercising for 3 - 6 months . . . if I do that then I WILL be unhealthy!
Avatar m tn I have been told by my Cardiologist that Lipitor has a protective effect for cardiovascular disease even in patients with normal lipids, if there are other risk factors, such as family history. Is there evidence to that effect? I am a 63 year old male. I was started on Lipitor in 2000 after some small calcium deposits were discovered in my coronary arteries on a screening CT scan (I was asymptomatic). Cholesterol was about 190.
Avatar m tn Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) or NEUPOGEN® (Filgrastim) may reduce your chance of getting an infection, but it does not prevent all infections. An infection can happen anytime your neutrophil counts are low. Look for signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore. If you have any of these signs, contact your health care professional immediately.
Avatar f tn Neulasta is the same drug, filgrastim, only pegylated to stay in the system longer. Don't they have it available for cancer chemo patients? I find it hard to imagine that such an important chemo rescue drug is not available in Australia. Try looking it up as filgrastim and if you can find it your doctor may be able to prescribe it off label. It's a biological, like interferon, so needs to be kept cold and may not ship well.
1225178 tn?1318980604 The filgrastim causes the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells, and, as a result, patients may experience pain in their bones. "In clinical trials involving over 350 patients receiving NEUPOGEN® .... medullary bone pain, reported in 24% of patients, was the only consistently observed adverse reaction attributed to NEUPOGEN® therapy." After all this, I don't think I answered your physiology question, so my bad!
Avatar m tn It is a good idea to wear gloves when cleaning the litter box. I have found the clumping litter to be the best and the easiest to keep clean. In stead of dumping the entire litter box out when cleaning it, a person can just pick out the solid pieces (both the feces and the clumped urine) or scoop them out, put them in a plastic bag, and toss them in the garbage can.
Avatar m tn I get bad chest pain across my chest, numbness in left arm, sharp pain in left shoulder , and an irregular or palpitating heart beat. It scares the **** out of me, even after having this condition for over 2 years. I have had my heart checked with a stress test utrasound 1 yr ago, and a neuclear stress test done 6 months ago, and both were normal. It seems the symptoms are more prevelant when my stomach is bloated, or when I am constipated.
Avatar n tn Hi, With modern medical advances, especially effective anti-emetics, and growth factors (filgrastim), chemotherapy has become safer and more tolerable over the last decade or so. Hair loss will be your major side effect, and some intermittent illnesses may also be expected during the course of chemotherapy. But your overall long-term benefit will be much more than these temporary effects. All the Best!
Avatar f tn PSP has been shown to significantly enhance immune status in 70 to 97 percent of cancer patients. Turkey tail is also being used to treat many different infections, including aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, E. coli, HIV, Herpes, and streptococcus pneumonia, and is hepatoprotective. It may also be useful for chronic fatigue. Himematsutake (Agaricus blazei): Himematsutake, also called Royal Sun Agaricus, is a relative of the common button mushroom.
Avatar n tn I had a run of NSVT on an 18 hour holter in 1987, I was 22 at the time, I'm now 49, PVCs and NSVT in a normal heart or even a heart with mild insignificant abnormalities poses little or no risks, no greater than the normal population, We all are at some statistical risks, no matter how minute, but to think about it constantly robs one the ability to enjoy a normal carefree life, which can in the long run carry more risks than the NSVT or PVCs.
Avatar m tn To All the people out there Who reading this my message im a healthy carrier my sgpt is 40. according to my doctor before, im a healthy carrier and im not contagious in casual contacts even with food saliva and other. but im prohibited to sexual contacts.
Avatar f tn My best friend has been living with hiv for 25 years and has never been sick.He is healthy and strong.He recently finished 4th in a marathon in sydney.
Avatar m tn In regards to increasing white cells, or managing the virus?
2022648 tn?1328711666 Hello, this is my first time on this forum. I just wanted to see if anyone is having or has had some of the same problems. Five weeks ago I started a 48 week treatment for hep b with 180 mg Pegasys. The nurse gave me my first injection in my arm which hurt for two weeks. Since then, I've alternated the injection sites. Twice in my thighs and twice in my belly. I have these big, round, red rashes with bruises in the middle. They just seem to be getting worse.
Avatar f tn Does anybody else notice ur patients is running very low w ppl now being pregnant