
Fetal development weeks of pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Fetal development weeks of pregnancy


Avatar n tn Dr drew blood to check my hcg levels because he believes im very early in the pregnancy. But calculating the date od conception and start of my laat period, it was about a month ago. What stage/ how many weeks into the pregnancy does heart/brain/organs starr form?
Avatar f tn Hi! Yes, that is too early to see a fetal pole or cardiac activity. In ten days, you should see a nice change with development of a little "grain of rice" with a tiny flickering heart beat. I wish you the best!
Avatar f tn I personally think it's selfish and foolish to drink during pregnancy. Your putting your baby's health at risk and fetal development during the first trimester is crucial. Any alcohol use during pregnancy can result in a child being born with FASD. To me it's not worth the risks.
1431138 tn?1294566894 They actually start to develop the last few weeks of the first trimester. I think 14 weeks is the earliest you may be able to see the sex?
Avatar n tn This is her second pregnancy and she was told today that the baby had a cyst on the right side of the brain. Can someone tell me what this means?
Avatar f tn The fetal heart undergoes a considerable amount of growth very early in pregnancy. The most critical period of its development is between three and seven weeks after fertilization, when a simple heart tube assumes the shape of a four-chambered heart. In fact, the heart actually begins beating by the 22nd day of life.
Avatar f tn How did you get 8 weeks 3 days pregnant, and embryonic ages of 10 weeks 3 days and 9 weeks 2 days? What start point are you using when you count the 8 weeks 3 days number?
Avatar f tn Once you complete your embryo transfer, you will have approximately 1½ weeks to wait before a pregnancy can be detected. The following tables outline an approximate timeline for what happens during a successful pregnancy after a 3-day transfer (3dt) and a 5-day transfer (5dt).
Avatar n tn Below is the chart for the normal HCG range during pregnancy. You can see the range is huge. There are a couple of different reasons for it...multiples (yes, one can be hiding the first ultrasound), molar pregnancy or partial molar pregnancy (not very common). Also, just one of those things. My OB told me that less and less is being made of HCG values, mainly because early ultrasound is a better way to date and keeping your eye on a pregnancy. Chances are it is nothing to worry about.
Avatar n tn Hi. My last period started 24.01.2010. On 22.02.2010 my HCG read 50. On 27.02.2010 my HCG read 200 but nothing could be seen on a transvaginal ultrasound. On 09.03.2010 my HCG read 2,000 and a sac and fetal pole together with fluttering fetal heartbeat (!) could be seen on a transvaginal ultrasound. I was pretty sure on that day I was 6 weeks and 1 day, however, the doctor said the size of the sac and the rate of the heartbeat was more like that of aprrox. 5 weeks.
Avatar f tn The fetal brain may create these cysts as a normal part of development. They are temporary and usually are gone by the 32nd week of pregnancy.
Avatar n tn "Congratulations! A live fetus!" The zygote migrates from tube into the fundal uterus with implantation on day 22–25. The first ultrasound sign of pregnancy is a gestational sac (chorionic sac-5th week) that appears as a double ring that is comprised of the certain membranes and confirm that it is implanted just below the surface of endometrium. Also the uternie orientation and consistency are also evaluated to see the sustenance of pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Yeah, a prenatal is rounded out and specific to what a pregnant woman needs. Id switch to just a Prenatal.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry your feeling scared. The unknown is just awful. A babies heartbeat can be detected by ultrasound anywhere from 5 1/2 to 7 weeks. It can depend on the equipment, the skill of the tech and a host of other things. So it doesn't mean the fetal pole and heartbeat aren't there, just that they could not be detected. Unfortunately the only thing you can really do now is wait. A follow up u/s should be done in about a week and that should give you your answers.
1012319 tn?1251465964 This is a mild elevation in TSH that should be treated in the setting of pregnancy to achieve a goal of 0.3-2.0. Treatment should be with levothyroxine. At this TSH level, there is very low risk to fetal neurologic development, but it should be addressed/corrected.