
Fentora conversion

Common Questions and Answers about Fentora conversion


624839 tn?1221807899 I am currently battling Recurrent Ewing's Sarcoma and to manage the pain I am on Fentora (Fentanyl Buccal tablets). No matter how drowsy this medication makes me sleep just doesn't exist with me. I was curious to know if anyone knew if I would be able to take Fentora and another medication containing Diphenhydramine to help me gain sleep as well. I have spoken to my Dr.
Avatar n tn There is now oral Fentanyl in a dissolvable tablet called Fentora but it is indicated only for cancer pain. However, there are a few patients with chronic non-cancer pain that have been prescribed Actiq (the fentanyl lolipops) or Fentora if and only if all other treatments failed and they are experiencing intractable pain, also known as suicide pain.
Avatar m tn Simvastatin 20 mg(1T QD), Diazepam 10 mg(1T TID), Opana ER 40 mg(1T BID), Atenolol 100 mg(1T QD), Lunesta 3 mg(1T HS), Cymbalta 60 mg(1C BID), Fentora 800 mcg(1T BID PRN), Fentanyl Citrate 1200 mcg(One lollipop QID PRN). He was OK for a couple of months but yesterday he started acting weird again. Slurred speech(more than usual), lack of balance, forgetfulness, etc. How can I prevent future episodes from happening? Please I need help.
Avatar m tn I very recently moved to Gainesville, FL from CA, where I had an excellent pain management doctor. Prior to moving, I found a Dr. here in FL whom I believed would continue my pain meds. My prior doc did send a re ferral and very min. documentation. Found out the hard way that this area has Suboxone pushing doctors and are much more concerned about losing their license. I have an extremely high opioid tolerance and have been on almost every kind of pain meds in the past.
Avatar f tn What are the chances of fraternal twin sisters both being diagnosed with Conversion Disorder? I was diagnosed as Bipolar and having Conversion Disorder. It started with hand tremors then stuttering to the point of not being understood. I also have Celiac Disease. My sister has Celiac also but no mental health issues. She started having Partial Complex Seizures. With Celiac you can develop speach problems, tremors, and seizures. I find it hard to believe that both of us would have it.
Avatar f tn Are there any new treatments for Conversion Disorder? i have suffered with it since childhood. Just wondering if anything new has been studied or new treatments evolved. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/Anybody-Heard-of-Pseudo-seizures/show/1453412">Anybody Heard of Pseudo-seizures?</a>.
Avatar n tn Does anyone know of a Doctor who know about conversion Disorder and how to cure it? I am looking for my brother who is in pain all the time from shaking. He doesn't have MS. Please if there is anyone who know anything about this disorder please hlep Thank You.
Avatar m tn My niece has been diagnosed with conversion disorder, she can no longer walk - is in a wheelchair - and now is having trouble with her speech. She needs an in patient treatment facility and a doc that specializes in conversion disorder- does anyone have a recommendation? I've seen Dr. Pandya's name identified at Cleveland Clinic - can someone please tell me if he deals with adolescents?
Avatar f tn If there is a certain situation one is afraid of, the body reacts by conversion, preventing the situation to even arise. This is the simplest model of conversion that I can explain here. You are correct in saying that conversion disorder does not necessarily have a personality disorder associated with it. But there are certain personality types, especially in females, which are known to be associated with it. You may have heard people call it a personality problem.
Avatar n tn The symptoms he has are compulsive lying, depression, lack of motivation and most importantly conversion reactions. He has serious conversion reactions frequently. He will usually lose sight in one eye and have severe weakness with either his right or left limbs. Also spends money or even gives it away. In other words, he will write a check for 100 dollars he does not have and not think about the consequences. he has tried to committ suicide many many times.
1874425 tn?1321972660 This is my first time posting in this forum! I am trying my best to "survive limbo land" and today wasn't one of my best days. I am in the midst of an ugly symptom flare (heavy limbs, tingling everywhere, twitching, extreme fatigue) and went to the ER today because I could not take deep breaths. It scared me. I wound up w a psych eval and they referred me to intensive "day therapy" for two weeks to rule out "conversion syndrome".
3241062 tn?1346895870 I was wondering if anyone has a link to a conversion table for the Erfa Thyroid. I was on 75mcg of Synthroid and my gp started me on 30mg of Thyroid. I tried to tell him that it didn't match my T4 dosage but he wants to wait for the blood work,arrgh. I was feeling great on the 30mg for about a week-what a tease,lol. Now I'm back to where I was before.
Avatar m tn Would someone with conversion disorder that made them feel weak have arreflexia in their lower limbs, bilaterally?
696755 tn?1236016312 I recently saw a neurologist due to my severe symptoms that I have been having for over 2 months. He said it may be conversion disorder? Is this rare, does anyone have any further info on it, because I have not had anything traumatic going on lately so I don't see how I could have this? Not to mention I don't think the symptoms fit. Also if I do have this, will these symptoms come back if something stressful happens later in life???
535882 tn?1396576685 Vitamin deficiency can also cause conversion problems. Have a vitamin deficiency test done. I too ...sufferred with conversion problems, only to find out it was due to vitamin deficiencies. Ask your Doctor to do the test. It may surprise you.....mine did.
533063 tn?1262366101 I'm sure that this happens back in the states & in other developed countries as well, but it seems more prevalent here! I'm currently residing in Romania & have had all of my bloodwork performed here. Some of the values seem the same, but others are just waaaay out there! I was trying to fill out my Thyroid Tracker and realized that my Free T4 values were the same for two and different for the other two... and completely in different units than the Tracker indicates! March - 0.
805158 tn?1271089738 in the last year i have been going thru alot of physical problems. I have recently been told i have conversion disorder i read a little on it and boy it makes sense. I have major vision problems, gait issues, seizures that arent from epilepsy. I have other mental disorders also. My question is ...from what i have read it should only last a few weeks. well, it has been months that this has been going on.
Avatar n tn My doctor is recommending cardiac conversion. I do not want to do an invasive procedure if possible. Is there a non invasive option for me?
1263071 tn?1270294245 My MRI is clean and I keep hearing you might want ot consider conversion disorder over and over again. I am discouraged though because I have been to a psychiatrist that ruled that out. So I have half drs saying MS and half saying conversion disorder. Has anyone every experienced this and do you ever feel like you leave your dr office like you have just had the wind out of you? How long have some of you had to wait for your diagnosis? Did people say you were nuts?
Avatar f tn In addition to the problem with Armour mentioned by LM, the 60 mg Armour is not enough to substitute for 137 of Synthroid. According to readily available conversion charts, 80 mg would be the right amount. Personally, I would not even consider changing back to Synthroid at this time, and risking further hypo problems during the switch. I would take the additional Armour, or better yet, make a switch to Nature-throid, which is basically the equivalent of Armour, without its recent problems.
Avatar m tn Finally more test including a contrasted MRI a new NCV, and pretty much all of the blood tests available, with nothing out of normal range bedsides my cholesterol(again), this is what convinced my neurologists that I was really having a Conversion Disorder/Somatoform condition. They explained to me that the adrenergic discharges can irritate and/or damage my nerves so I feel this way. I'm currently on a crisis, because, even with all that I still feel bad, really bad sometimes like today.
Avatar f tn Our family is desperate to help our 14 year old daughter who has a conversion disorder accompanied by depression & severe anxiety. Her case seems to be unique for a number of reason that I can expand on if anyone out there needs more information. Our child has been doing very well once we finally found the medication Lexapro. She was a year into taking 30mg daily plus Clonepin (.25mg 2x daily) and doing very well. Recently, she started going down hill.