
Exelon nrg

Common Questions and Answers about Exelon nrg


Avatar n tn Exelon patch is on back order from the manufacturer until October 24. What alternatives are there?
Avatar f tn t calming her down any, and she did not refil the prescription. 2 months later she had another bad dream and the doctor was notified. He then prescribed exelon. My question: If she does not have Alzheimer's disease, why would he prescribe either of these medicines for her? If this is dimentia, aren't there other drugs out there for that or even drugs that have a claming effect? From what I have read about excelon, I am not sure if it is compatible with her heart medication.
Avatar n tn My husband has been prescibed the the 9.5 exelon patch but we still have a supply of the 4.6 patches. With them being so expensive can I use two of the 4.6 patches at the same time until we run out?
Avatar m tn can i combine 225mg. of effexor xr with exelon or dexamphetamine to help my sedated or lethargic condition?
1158557 tn?1262725929 it was best to get up and get moving and the day was alot brighter...I used in the daytime tho..rarely after 5 pm cos i used for nrg..nrg to work etc cos I am a CP patient and nrg can be a problem when peeps r in chronic pain...getting up and out of the bed was often hard to do//but for me was the most positive thing i could do rather than sinking into that yucky feeling the health pages r full of stuff out there to help u sleep etc..
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar f tn he said peeps who get nrg from narcotics are prone to become addicted...many just get nrg buzz....after a couple of years they started making me tired and depressed...couldnt get that feeling back...maybe a good thing cos it may have been easier to stop since i got no good feeling from them anymore..only a bumbed out feeling/// ur use is not high...u can do this...
1032715 tn?1315984234 how do u feel with the nrg thing? I think i had gotten mione back by 6 months...just remember it took a while...150 days is gr8!
Avatar n tn not sure which would be worse//but for me being a high nrg person always on the move//the lack of nrg and the depression was hard..i did not have much anxiety at all... guess we deal with what we gotta deal with..and u did all u could to make ith thru!
Avatar f tn the low nrg thing lasted a few months for me..exercise helped dr also gave me provigil cos i felt as tho i was gonna lose my job i was so tired,,,i didnt and nrg returned..time helps but plus some supps and my dr....i had no problem with sleep but many do and that can also hinder ur nrg returning..
Avatar m tn we r able to get scrips cos we do have a legit pain complaint..narcs give most addicts nrg//stats say that if a person feels euphoric and enegized on narcotics..that the addictive tendency is there...many peeps/most peeps/just get sleepy taking narcotics//and they r lucky! Plus chronic pain wears u out! so the nrg is welcomed..until they turn on us Remember the reasons u quit..relapse doesnt solve anything...may feel like it would help right now..but we both know it will not..
Avatar n tn Never had a problem until now. He started with temp memory loss and the doctor put him on 2 Exelon Patches per day to help him with the memory loss and also he now on Oxcarbazepine 300 mg. My question is with him taking these two type of medications he is still having seizure and cant sleep. Me as a mother do know what to think and do to help him. Can someone help me with this.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Recently, she started back on the lower dose of Razadyne. Her neurologist doesn't think the medicine is the cause of the nausea, though it could be aggrivating whatever is causing it.
912614 tn?1242992657 just kiss the ground each day that u dint lose ur nrg..cos most do...altho for me..i felt great for bout 2 weeks then boom! i kept getting sick and quit working out..worked and crashed..i unlike most slept alot during wds and a whole lot was unhealthy..i could sleep 16 hrs if i coulda....just keep posting and hang onto ur nrg...
Avatar m tn For me, looking back, the signs were buying pills cos I ran out all the time, worrying about running out, taking them to get an nrg boost, using to erase depressive thoughts like "am I an addict?" and when I thought about certain x being one of those. I really didnt know what my triggers were until I stopped using and they all came out..staring me in the face and I felt defenseless against them without my pills.
Avatar n tn She has since tested negative for H Pylori, and has been taken off Razadyne(24 mg ) for memory problems, put on Exelon (6mg patch), then taken off it after two weeks and more nausea. She has been off the Exelon patch for 72 hours, and still experiences nausea when she moves about. Still puzzling and frustrating. doctors are stumped (still) and I am feeling worthless because I cannot help her kick the nausea or find the cause. Really looking for help here. Any will be gratefully accepted.
Avatar f tn I am in the exact same situation, I am going to wait a week, if pregnancy test still negative, I will go to the doctor. Hopefully we are both pregnant.
Avatar f tn ok...trying to understand ur question..ur having a lack of nrg? what was ur original dose of oxy? now it is only 2 a day so ofcourse u dont feel the same as when u were on a higher dose/and u never will cos ur tolerence has increased..u may need to look at alternative pain control methods as narcs were never intended to be used long term due to tolerence and addiction..i u were on 100 mgs of oxy for a while and now u r on 20..then u r not getting that nrg buzz u used to get....
Avatar m tn I would have to say tyrosine in powdered form at 2,000mg a day with EmergenC along with exercise helped this lots. NRG is sumpin most crave especially as we get older...the pills were mine and i no longer had them. If u read other places, many suffer from low nrg who are not addicts.....The pills werent giving me nrg anymore anyway, just dragging me down piece by piece, along with my bank acct!
1032715 tn?1315984234 i feel it in my bones and she will not say that she will quit drugs! I am at the point to where my nrg is being wasted...she is a manipulator//as addicts can be..she has never even thanked me for finding her..i can not spend my nrg worrying about someone i do not trust...this is the reason i never asked her to move in here//i have a big house..i do not trust her//nor do I belive a word she says...the brain damage could be irreversible..