
Estrogen patch fertility

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen patch fertility


Avatar n tn Hi! I have low estrogen and normal FSH (I'm 38, though). My course of action is to wear an estrogen patch from 3 days after ovulation to 12 days after ovulation (since that's when mine is dropping off). I have heard of (and tried it once, but didn't like how I felt) that the patch can also be worn during CD8-12 to help with low estrogen. My acupuncturist told me that the patch is the most similar to actual estrogen (versus pills) so I pushed for that!
Avatar f tn I take estrogen patch & medroxyprogesteron pill &also I have hot flashes. I'm only 33yrs old.
216278 tn?1308861082 So, I am 13dpo today. I took off the estrogen patch yesterday. I had a VERY restless night sleeping last night (woke at 2 and couldn't fall back asleep until after 4 - very unusual)....I could list a ton of 'symptoms' but none of them matter because they can all be explained by the increased estrogen due to the patch! So, I can only wait to see if my dreams come true this month of not! But the hardest part is that I feel so alone and sad right now (this came on pretty suddenly....)!
Avatar m tn I have already ovulated last week according to monitor but it keeps telling me to test. When I do test it comes out low fertility. If I am pregnant would estrogen be high enough to be detected as a high value instead of a low value?
Avatar f tn Estrogen causes some of the glands in the breast tissue to swell .Birth control patch causes consistent release of estrogen which causes elevated estrogen levels throughout the body making the breasts become larger. If you are too concerned it will be best to discuss it with your gynecologist. I hope it helps. Best luck and regards!
Avatar f tn What? At 20 years old? That seems very odd to me. The fact that her progesterone is low simply means she hasn't ovulated, which is not uncommon right after getting off the pill (and that also explains why her period is late, yet she's not pregnant). I'm not sure about low estrogen, though. Getting some tests done might not be a bad idea, but I wouldn't stress out about anything yet.
642393 tn?1227032656 I hate the Mirena IUD just had it removed; constant issues for me but many people loved it. I would suggest the non-hormonal IUD it last a long time and doesn't affect future fertility. Best of luck.
778044 tn?1299542934 I have a question for anyone using the Ortho Evra Patch to help control their endometriosis. It says right on the box that you are exposed to 60% more estrogen using the patch then other birth control pills. Since estrogen "feeds" endometriosis, how does this make sense? I have been advised by my doctor after 6 months of Lupron injections, to use the patch consistantly (not having a patch off week and not getting a period) until we are ready to get pregnant.
429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
Avatar f tn Oh definitely - headaches can be caused by ovarian hormone changes. Since your only ovary was removed two months ago, you may still have some of your body's own estrogen and the patch may be giving you too much. Or the fluctuations of the patch may be the cause of your headaches. The problem is that every woman who has hormonally triggered headaches is different and what works for one may or may not work for another. So it is a matter of trial and error to find what works best.
492936 tn?1244651570 I was wondering if anyone here has heard of the fertility diet and if you have gotten the book or followed it, gotten pregnant with its aid or not? I have an IVF cycle starting up next month and want to increase my odds. First one failed.
Avatar f tn Could you tell me if eating soy would interfere with the estrogen patch I take? I am on the vivelle patch .1mg and was wondering if eating edamames would help. Can the phytoestrogens be taken with the estrogen patch? Thank you so much for your help!
Avatar f tn Hi, I had a complete hysterectomy and have been on an estrogen patch ( vivelle dot) for ten years. I have had migraines for 30 yrs. I’m really struggling because changing the patch every three days triggers a migraine like clock work. At 12 hrs the pain begins and builds so by 24 hrs it’s debilitating. Pain meds are not an option that frequently obviously. Would it help to overlap the tone I put one on and take the old one off. Clearly the rise and fall of estrogen is the trigger.
Avatar f tn Dear Amy good question personally I am in favor of estrogen replacement , especially at your age.
Avatar f tn this website has heaps of interesting information.
Avatar f tn They are having me increase my Progesterone shots from 1cc to 1.5ccs and get an Estrogen patch. The nurse says that this doesn't mean that the procedure didn't take but I am worried. It sounds like a bad sign. My question is for other people who have had IVF. Has this happened to you? Did it mean you weren't pregnant? I am being paranoid or should I prepare myself for the worst? I have had IUI twice and this is my first IVF.
296340 tn?1336164001 Many of the herbs that increase fertility have been found to possess natural forms of estrogen and other pharmaceuticals routinely used to treat pregnancy issues in synthetic forms. The names of some of these herbs, like black cohosh, are fairly familiar, but others, like red clover and chasteberry are less well known. How do Fertility Herbs Work?
216278 tn?1308861082 I am sorry I do not know too much about the Estradiol patch and estrogen levels, but I understand your concerns and second guessing. I am sure if you made the right decision to do use the patch and now you are like you said second guessing. Relax and trust your decision. I hope someone has more constructive information for you. Good Luck!!
Avatar n tn s also Vitex which is a natural herb that help a lot of women conceive naturally. You can also consider a fertility cleanse as well to prepare the body. As well as choosing a healthy prenatal and diet and exercise.
Avatar f tn I think that stress is very common after ivf transfer. We put so much of our hopes on ivf! Some people try to take a vacation and relax but it's difficult. I am sure it does not affect implantation. My dr put me on estrogen pills w/o checking for my estradiol levels. I started taking them right after transfer (I had a day 3 transfer). I don't think you should be concerned. Good luck to you! I hope ivf works for you.
Avatar f tn To avoid pregnancy, use either condoms, the IUD, the Pill, the shot, or the implant (is that even still around?) Do not try to guess by the calendar, do not try "pulling out." All you will get with the last two approaches is pregnant.
Avatar f tn Mayfly, It is so hard to say if the patch of Vivelle caused the weight gain. This is such a complicated subject. I am wondering if your body was making Estrogen in the form of Estrone (which is the 'menopause' estrogen that is made as a by-product from the fat in our system... and this fat is what causes the fat around our middle section so that it is readily available for use by the body since women's bodies crave estrogen)...
1052633 tn?1311872678 in april of this year i was seeing a fertility specialist who had told me that my fsh levels were high for my age (32). she then had me do another blood test and again called me with bad news stating they are high and thats not good. (I plan on doing the IVF procedure because i have one tube and it's damaged with scar tissue and the one i used to have was destroyed from a very bad ectopic pregnancy. i do however have a healthy 13 yr old so i should be ok for IVF, or so i hope.
Avatar n tn or rather used a estrogen patch..Estrogen is available in many foms ,,lotions. body mist,,vaginal pellets,,,I like the patch its small acurate and easy to use...Please use bio identical..Premarin the "old-fashioned " estrogen is actually made from horses urine..Bi-Identical is the closest possible at this time to what your own body would make...I recommend Vivelle..Of corse you must discuss with your doctor what she or he thinks is best or you,,and then YOU decide...
Avatar f tn I have been on the estradiol patch for 5 weeks! I was on the .725 dose. I have gained about 8 pounds and I am freaking out! I have been extremely co scoops of my diet and etc. my doctor suggested we lower the dose to the .375 to see if it will help! How long will it be before I see the weight come off?
Avatar f tn )) I did take off the estrogen patch soon as I had chest pain to avoid getting into a serious situation, and I recovered soon after. Have called my RE too, now waiting for them to call back. was just wondering if other ladies here might have had similar experiences, so I can stop freaking out!!