
Estradiol and leg pain

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Avatar n tn And, it was honest. I so often feel the same way. I take estradiol (the only estrogen to use in my opinion) and Testosterone. My husband has been trying to get to the root of some problems that have caused a huge lack of desire... we think it is related to Sleep apnea and he will be tested... yeah! But, when I mentioned this to my doctor, he said, "Oh, you don't need the testosterone, then.
Avatar f tn Your back and rib cage pain (and possibly leg pain) could be an indication of bone loss which can occur fairly rapidly after the ovaries are removed (or shut down after hysterectomy). But hysterectomy (uterus removal) even when ovaries are not removed destroys pelvic integrity since the ligaments that hold the uterus in place are the support structures for the torso.
Avatar n tn The estradiol supresses this mechanism, allowing multiple follicles to mature, and making your chlomid or other drugs a better shot at producing multiple eggs.
Avatar f tn i just wonder what could be caiusing the headaches and breast soreness and also i have depression and on meds for it but its seems my mood is worse since starting the estradiol and promitrium....i have called dr and she is trying to help me but i dont think estradiol is for me..
Avatar m tn Did you have a full hysterectomy? If so, they usually put you on estrogen. I believe your hormones are out of whack. Why don't you have a hormone panel run? That should tell you real quick what you need. I can tell you I personally have been through hormone-hell since I had a full hysterectomy in 2010. I was put on Estradiol 1 mg. did well for one year. Then started getting severe hot flashes and facial hair growth, wasn't sleeping well either.
Avatar f tn In the past three days my beta increased from 186 to 534, but my progesterone and estradiol both dropped. Progesterone went from 93 to 73.3 and estradiol went from 520 to 503. Should I be concerned? I'm 15 days post-transfer. Thanks.
Avatar n tn feet problems were huge this summer when my Progesterone was high and Estradiol was low. I had problems walking and I have always been active. Leg cramps and fuzzy thinking also topped the list. It should not have to be this hard! I totally second the Vote on Dr. Vliet. I found her work last Spring and honestly, that woman has given me my life back.
1386249 tn?1303092096 I need some feedback on my hormone levels since this hormone testing is new to me. I haven't heard from my OB, but this is what my Progesterone and Estradiol levels are according to my family doc: tell me what you think ON CD10 taken February 24 Progesterone level is 0.7 Estradiol level is 1.71 What this means...I have absolutely no clue. I tried reading on it, and it seems as if I should not have tested on CD10. I should have tested on CD this correct?
216278 tn?1308861082 , it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month? (I wear it for 10 days after I ovulate!) Thanks!
Avatar n tn For menopausal reasons and especially at your age, I am glad to see your doctor gave you estradiol and only that (no other estrogens in the mix). As far as the patch goes, use trial and error if you have problems with it sticking. Also, sometimes if you are exercising frequently, you may be metabolizing the estradiol rather quickly, so keep a list of symptoms as they occur so that you can share this info with your doctor in case a dosing change has to be made.
Avatar f tn t absorbing it which would imply that your symptoms are from the loss of your ovaries and not the estradiol itself. I am also on estradiol tablets but I don't take mine orally. I either insert them vaginally or let them dissolve between my cheek and gum (transbuccal). And I use a higher dose of 1mg. My Rx is for 2mg but since I don't take them orally / swallow (no first pass through the liver), I cut them in half and only take 1mg. The use of only 1/2 pill makes it dissolve faster too.
Avatar f tn Norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol – Significantly impacted severity and duration of migraines, but provides no protection against other PMS symptoms and cause me to be a rageful, emotionally insane person for 3 days.
1134811 tn?1284550821 The change in cervical mucus I did not notice. However my doctor prescribed estradiol at the same time with my 150mg of Clomid. The estradiol helps to create more of the beneficial ewcm. I also did the 150mg of Clomid with no IUI. The side effects at this high of a dose were terrible for me though... Ugh!
374593 tn?1257879950 My estriodol level went up slightly to a whopping 184 on Friday cd13. The doc wants me to come in on MOnday for another check to see if I am ready for (trigger shot+ ) IUI early in the week. I had four follies on cd 12 measuring 12,11,11,9, etc. and the dr sent me home to grow a few more days. I hear stories of people having really high estriodol levels and mine is just under 200 with 4 follies. I am concerned this e2 level isn't strong enough for IUI and and I don't want the dr.
Avatar m tn Hello, Vagifem can cause headaches in 9% of the people as its side effect. It can also cause abdominal pain, genital moniliasis, vaginitis and vaginal discomfort. It can also cause insomnia or hot flashes. Hence I suggest you to get this drug changed to some other estradiol tablets for atrophic vaginitis. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn How long after a confirmed pregnancy are you suppose to continue taking Estradiol? Just read on the internet that it can cause birth defects and I can't reach my doctor to confirm this.
Avatar f tn I had moderate endometriosis (caused heavy painful periods)so I had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, d and c, and another HSG and the following month and any other time it has been tested, it has been in the 5 to 6 range. So even though the drs wont say one way or the other in my situation I think my endo. was making mine high. I havent researched it or anything but I have no other explaination except that. Maybe something to look into.
Avatar f tn Probably not coincidentally, at about the same time my leg symptoms showed up, I experienced symptoms in my hands and my head which have been attributed to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and cervical issue. PT has helped the latter, but thus far, my TOS is still in full bloom.
4128244 tn?1350073611 I've read somewhere that estradiol (I'm on the patch) can increase your T4. Has anyone else heard this? Also, that time of day and fasting can affect TSH. I'm going for TSH, FT4, and FT3 tomorrow. Thanks!
Avatar f tn The last six months I started getting my P every month for 3 weeks! My doc first prescribed me an estrogen (Estradiol) pill and told me to take it when my P was longer then 10 days. Well that didn't work. Two months ago he put me on the patch. A new patch every week. It worked the first month and I got no period at all (which is what he told me would happen) now I'm starting to bleed again. I'm so frustrated and I'm worried that it's gonna be another month long period.