
Estradiol and egg quality

Common Questions and Answers about Estradiol and egg quality


Avatar f tn s an impossibility and that your only hope is expensive drugs and procedures and/or donor egg ($25,000+). I have two sets of friends who were having trouble conceiving so they each went the fertility clinic route. When they were beaten down from that and still not pregnant, they stopped going and that's when both of them became pregnant! One of them now has two daughters, one of whom she gave birth to earlier this month at the age of 43. The other she gave birth to at 41.
Avatar n tn Hi There It seems no one has replied to your query, basically your FSH is meant to be an indicator of poor egg quality and low egg reserve and that you are entering into the peri-menapausel stage (this really starts with an FSH of 27). I was given an FSH reading of 27 in October at the age of 40 and have slowly reduced mine down to 20.5 as of this Monday. Are you trying for children?
419990 tn?1228259126 I'm 22 years old and my husband and I are ttc our first child. My husband had a vasectomy 10 years ago..(he's 10 years older than me) so one of our options was to do IUI with a donor. I've had all kinds of tests to make sure I can concieve. I even had an HSG done. Everything was good. However, we have had 5 IUI's and none of them worked. I am getting worried that something is wrong because I've heard after 6 IUI's that it's a slim chance it will work.
1328473 tn?1335874467 My estradiol was above 3800 the day before ER for both my IVFs and my docs were very happy. I was told that the more mature eggs you have, the higher the estrogen so its a good sign that the follicles are not empty and they'll get good sized eggs. Also estrogen is supposed to help develop the uterus lining better for implantation.
342693 tn?1425621476 I think it depends on your cycle day. It increases with each egg and how big the egg gets. Mine was as high as 7800 at the egg retrieval day.
Avatar n tn Yes, I would definitely get a second opinion, it dousn't sound like that doctor knows what he/she is doing. How can you ovulate on your own if your body was supressed before the cycle started? and how did they let your follicles reach 30 mm? you need to have a lead follicle between 16-20 mm and you'd be ready to go. They should have given you ganirelix, it stops ovulation and allows the follicles to mature into the right size before they take them out.
Avatar f tn 3 and am undergoing IVF treatments and each time after strong FSH doses for stimulation I get one very good fertilized egg ( blastocyst). I think my eggs quality is not good so what can I do to get more then one good fertilized egg? is there any medications or herbs or food diet to improve eggs quality?
Avatar n tn I am 45 years old and have been taking DHEA 100 mg per day since 2/09 to improve egg quality. I have positive pregnancy test on 11/25. I have read that you should stop DHEA with a positive pregnancy test, but am wondering if anyone has continued on a low dose during pregnancy. Due to my very advanced maternal age, I am afraid to stop the DHEA completely since I needed the supplement to get pregnant I think I may need it to help maintain the pregnancy.
374593 tn?1257879950 My estriodol level went up slightly to a whopping 184 on Friday cd13. The doc wants me to come in on MOnday for another check to see if I am ready for (trigger shot+ ) IUI early in the week. I had four follies on cd 12 measuring 12,11,11,9, etc. and the dr sent me home to grow a few more days. I hear stories of people having really high estriodol levels and mine is just under 200 with 4 follies. I am concerned this e2 level isn't strong enough for IUI and and I don't want the dr.
374593 tn?1257879950 I had bloodwork done today (cd4 - but it shiould have been cd3) I had my FSH and estradiol tested, they said that the results were "great" . I didn't have a pen when they called with them, but i think one was 46 and the other was 6 or 9. Anyhow what does that mean? Also If they are concerned that I not only have severe endo, but maybe mild PCOS, does having normal lab values on the FSH and estradiol mean that I dont' have PCOS? (I have normal periods every month!
Avatar f tn been trying to have a second baby the past 3years on off cycles of clomid, IUI among others then 4months ago discovered low amh which means low ovarian reserve and my RE didnt recommend IVF but i wanted to try so he gave me a short intensive course of merional and only 1 follicle appeared with low Estradiol level so he cancelled IVF and did IUI 2weeks ago and just got my period so it failed.....i have read about DHEA and bought it...
631676 tn?1333718203 I just had 7 embies tested (1 live and 6 expired) and only 3 were normal. Of course the normal 3 expired day 5 in the lab. So my egg quality is in the toilet. It took me a year to find out I had MTHFR. And six months to save up for IVF. Now at 39 my chances of getting preg with my own eggs are 10%. And I'll def begin menopause on the early side he said - before 50. How are you?
Avatar f tn The link posted above is great for checking normal hormone levels...but your levels seem totally normal. Your FSH is in the "good" category (this checks your egg reserve and quality), and your LH is low, which is should be this early in the cycle (this is the hormone that triggers ovulation later on), and your THS (which checks your thyroid levels) are also in the normal range. The levels are usually checked on day 3...
Avatar f tn I am 32 years old and I just had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and d and c on wesnesday. The doctor told me that my my ovaries were not what they expected because they are not that of a healthy 32 year old. They said they are not menopausal but not at all what they expected. Is there anything I can do to improve my egg quality before I do my next round of ivf.
Avatar f tn Hi all. I'm doing my first IVF and am taking gonal-f. is there any advice on how to produce good quality eggs cos i'm so scared of bad news after my egg retrieval. I did 4 IUI already.
Avatar n tn I had my egg retrieval on Tuesday and I'm going tomorrow (Friday) for the transfer. Out of 22 eggs, only 6 fertilized. She said that many follicles didn't have an egg. I'm trying to be optimistic with 6 eggs. She said that all of them fragmented a bit. I know this isn't a good thing, she said most likely they won't be able to freeze them because of this, but they can still be implanted. Has anybody had success with fragmented eggs?
Avatar n tn i am currently taking 125 units of follistim and on cycle day 13 today. yesterday went for us and labs, saw 3 follicles, largest 17, smallest 15. estradiol level was 1146. they want me to come back again monday for another us and labs. with estradiol level that high, doesnt that mean something is mature and i should trigger. i do have pcos, and don't want all 4 to release. any thoughts or ideas?
216278 tn?1308861082 , it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month? (I wear it for 10 days after I ovulate!) Thanks!
Avatar f tn I had moderate endometriosis (caused heavy painful periods)so I had a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, d and c, and another HSG and the following month and any other time it has been tested, it has been in the 5 to 6 range. So even though the drs wont say one way or the other in my situation I think my endo. was making mine high. I havent researched it or anything but I have no other explaination except that. Maybe something to look into.
Avatar f tn I have never had any blood work. Recently I have heard people talking about testing estradiol levels to confirm that the egg is maturing adn not just the follicle. I am wondering how common this is, and is it really nessesary. We know that my follicles are maturing and getting to a good size, is it possible that the egg inside them is not? Thank you so much!!
666970 tn?1273759854 I'm so sorry to hear of your losses!! Thanks so much for the information and advice. That is encouraging to know that others have carried babies to term with higher fsh numbers. That does make sense that they could only test the quality by retrieving the eggs and testing them but the Dr.
Avatar m tn I personally found generic Estrace (micronized estradiol tablets) to work better for me than the patch. And a bonus is that it is a $4 (for 30) / $10 (for 90) prescription whereas I think I was paying $70 for a 3 month supply of patches.
1293683 tn?1334019210 Well, after experiencing my 2nd miscarriage at present, I really want to do everything possible to improve my egg quality before our next round and was wanting to know what everyone thinks about DHEA?