
Escitalopram vs prozac

Common Questions and Answers about Escitalopram vs prozac


Avatar m tn 5mg of escitalopram at night and 10mg of Prozac in the morning. The transition was really difficult, but the withdrawal symptoms have gone away. Today the psychiatrist said to stop the escitalopram entirely and just take 10mg of Prozac each day. I am hopeful the Prozac will help her feel more energetic and motivated to do things and most importantly get her to stop thinking about suicide.
Avatar f tn ( , im scared about changing my med from prozac to Escitalopram even though ive only been back on the prozac a month , im in such a pickel :( i want my life back
553096 tn?1267348927 My doctor has recommended Cipralex (escitalopram) to combat side-effects. I am retreating and at Week 10 of 48 (Genotype 1). I do not have prior experience with this medicine. Has anyone had experience taking this medication. Was there improvement in taking this medication and any side-effects experienced. I look forward to hearing your experiences. Thanks.
Avatar f tn Increased sweating is a common side effect of Prozac (Fluoxetine is the generic for Prozac so it is the exact same thing). For most patients the sweating settles down after a month or two after start of therapy...but not for all. Some patients that struggle with the sweating issue with take their Prozac at bedtime to try to minimize this side effect, but even that doesn't always work. Keep in mind that there are other anti-anxiety/depression choices out there if you are willing to try.
Avatar m tn i'm posting a question asking for your medical advice as i've suffered from long term depression since i was 18 as i'm now 38 going through various medication regimes throughout that time. I've previously been on mostly SSRI's ie prozac and seroxat, with in addition dosuphin and amtitrypline. Prozac and seroxat worked well with me for some time until they "pooped out" on me.
Avatar f tn Thanks, prozac and escitalopram and setraline never gave me weight gain but made my pulse race. I am now quite scared to try others. I was on 40mg citalopram for 12 years and put on over 3 stones with it in that time. I am trying a low dose 10mg to see if itll help me but not cause the weight gain.
Avatar m tn How long have you been taking it? What dosage? Sometimes side effects dissappear after a short time.
Avatar m tn I have been diagnosed with depression and social phobia from a psychiatrist.Initially i took escitalopram and olanzapine for one year but then i changed doctor because i didn't like him so much.I noticed that after the first couple of weeks of taking the meds my cognitive abilities dropped down a lot.The new doctor prescribed me prozac and rhisperdal but right now i also have short term memory problems.
Avatar f tn These medications are also used to treat Trichotillomania and OCD and include clomipramine, fluoxetine (prozac), sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, escitalopram, nefazodone and venlafaxine. These new generation antidepressants - the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - are really safe. I'm on them myself. You can also try some behaviour therapy like habit reversal training and with Exposure and Response Prevention which some nail biters find helpful. Hope that helps!
Avatar f tn stopped working. Escitalopram gave me fast hearbeat as did trazadone, Setraline fast or slow and irreg heartbeat. Never considered effexor xr/venlafaxine as i was so put off with the reviews of weight gain and the awful discontinuation symptoms. Prozac was great but major weight gain in two months. i need one that works without serious side effects and no weight gain. Setraline would be perfect if it wasn't causing heart probs.
Avatar m tn I m taking ginkgo biloba with floxetine and escitalopram , it help me a little.but m thinking to b12 injections too at every this good for m suffering from deppression from last 5 years. Give some sensible advice and please don't give diplomatic answers.
Avatar n tn Sounds to me like you are choosing meds for the wrong reasons. You wanted to try Pristiq because you saw it being Rx'ed a lot where you work? I'm SURE you can understand how that would not be a good reason. If you were taking an AD for anxiety (the Prozac), Pristiq would have actually not been the best choicem as it can be quite activating. I'm sure you're not having a psychotic break...sounds more like it is affecting your memory and increasing anxiety.
Avatar n tn Said that it is not as addicting and will help me through the paxil withdrawl. ??? He said give it a month and then stop taking prozac and getting off prozac is much easier because it stays in your system longer. I am soo sick of taking pills. I went there for help and I left with more pills. Whatever..
Avatar f tn Was on dutonin, got taken off market, citalopram 14 years, stopped working. Escitalopram and trazadone gave me palpatations, prozac major bingeing. venlafaxine i was too scared to go on aft hearing lots of negatives about it. Really hope this one goes well as its for anxiety and depression both of which i have.
Avatar m tn Paroxetine (Paxil), Fluoxetine (Prozac) and Citalopram/Escitalopram (Celexa, Lexapro) are inhibitors of CYP2D6 - the enzyme responsible for metabolizing lots of medications. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) is inhibiting another enzyme. Sertraline (Zoloft) do not have this side effect, and Venlafaxine (Effexor, a SNRI) is also perhaps a good choice, as itdood said. Citalopram and Escitalopram are both prolonging the cardiac repolarization and they are usually not recommended with arrhythmias.
Avatar m tn All SSRIs, including escitalopram, should not be combined with drugs in the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor class of antidepressants such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate), selegiline (Eldepryl) and procarbazine (Matulane). Such combinations may lead to confusion, high blood pressure, high fevers, tremor or muscle rigidity, and increased activity.
390848 tn?1215804061 s they make me feel as if i am detoxing off opiates, so i hope these pills are not exagerating your detox, after some time you will be able to look back and see what was a symtom of the detox vs taking the prozac, i can promise you that your brain will go back to normal, its a rule of thumb that people with an addiction get their marbles back when they are 5 yrs clean, so it may take sometime, so hang in there and be in it for the long haul!!!
822153 tn?1333062995 Hi tomskat, I just posted on the depression forum that I noticed a difference in Prozac and the generic form (fluxientine sp?) Prozac worked wonderfully for me were the generic form didn't do me any good. I spoke with my doctor (not the one who perscribed either med to me) about this and she agreed and said the generic Prozac is not as effective. Hope this helps.