Elisa test for lyme

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Avatar f tn Hi Goldie23 You are asking good questions -- I'm guessing FMS means fibromyalgia? MPS and DDD I don't know. Lyme patients are sometimes told they have fibromyalgia, a disease syndrome with no known cause or cure. We do know however that Lyme is caused by a specific bacterium and is treatable.
280418 tn?1306325910 I went to Johns Hopkins Nov. 08 and I received my records recently. An interesting finding, my ELISA for the Lyme bacteria is positive. Even more interesting, the seemingly thorough report from the neuro there did not mention ANYTHING about the positive ELISA. Is it just me, or isn't that something that should send a huge red flag up for someone who has been experiencing neuro symptoms and no firm diagnosis?? I called my local neuro three days ago (once each day) and no answer.
Avatar n tn There is a newer, different test for Lyme, called a polymerase chain reaction [PCR] test that Lyme specialists often use in addition to the Western blot and ELISA tests. The Wblot/ELISA tests rely on your immune system reaction to determine whether you have a positive (+) test or a negative (-) test for Lyme.
255738 tn?1230233362 I asked my PCP to test me for Lyme Disease. He has ordered an Elisa test for lyme disease? Is this test better for diagnosing Lyme Disease than the Immunoblot aka Western Blot? Thanks for any information.
Avatar n tn What is/are the urine test(s) definitive for the diagnosis of untreated Lyme Disease?
5871250 tn?1377708161 the standard elisa test for lyme is worthless you nee to get tested thru Igenex Lab google it and call them for a test kit its 200 bucks for western blot igm igg that's what u need to do the other tests are a waste of time and not accurate for lyme
Avatar f tn The doc should know what to order, and if they don't, then they may not understand the results either. :( There is much misunderstanding among docs about which tests to use and which ones to believe. here is some of the explanation from California Lyme Disease Assn (aka CALDA) on this point: ---------------------------------------------------- Antibody tests The most common tests measure the patient’s antibody response to infection.
Avatar f tn Greetings -- I'm with Katya, that a bit more investigation may well be worthwhile. IGeneX has a number tests, and your MD may want to test you (perhaps in addition to Western blot) run a test called PCR, short of polymerase chain reaction. PCR tests look in your blood for the DNA (unique cellular material) of the Lyme bacteria, and it quite reliable ...
Avatar m tn That's a question for your doc about the HIV, and a good one to ask. A wild guess from me is that the HIV and Lyme tests aren't affected by the presence of the other infection, but it's strictly a guess. Do call the doc who did the HIV test and ask the question, or ask your current doc (even if he thinks you couldn't possibly have Lyme). Always better to know than to wonder.
Avatar f tn Last year my general doctor tested me for Lyme and I got the results as Serum levels and it was negative, so is this Elisa test ? Or western blot ? Is this serum test is the only one available out there ( not considering private labs like Igenex ) The reason I ask is because I was hoping that if the test I had was Elisa ( and I know it's not accurate) that I can at least let my doctor order western blot this time if they have it..
Avatar m tn My wife has had a swarm of medical issues this year dating back to January when she was diagnosed with melanoma. The melanoma was removed and a lymph node biopsy performed that showed the cancer had not spread. In July of this year she had a major root canal performed. Two weeks later she got a staff infection on her upper lip that took quite some time to treat. Shortly after that she noticed that she had swollen lymphnodes in her throat and numerous other symptoms.
Avatar f tn Syphilis was close to being wiped out fifty years ago and is still treatable today, and Lyme is also treatable -- but first the doc has to test properly for Lyme and then know what medications to give and for how long. Most docs do not understand this... ...
Avatar f tn Could someone please tell me if I could test positive for Lyme Disease one week and then I was started on doxycline and four weeks later my infectious disease doctor told me I tested negative and I must not have Lyme Disease. Got tested for HIV and all other stds which came back negative. I did not have much energy all summer long. Then i started having tingling in my face, hands, and feet. Had no energy at all. My knees were sore and lower back was in constant pain.
Avatar n tn I am going to ask my neurologist to test me for lyme soon. Should I tell him what test I want or should I just let him order a test he thinks is best? I'm going to start there and if he refuses to test me (which I doubt because he is a great neurologist) then I will see a LLMD.
Avatar f tn Currently seeing an infectious disease doctor because my Lyme disease western blot was positive. The doctor is doing another hiv Elisa test..he says the results will be available in 3 days. Is there a chance that the Elisa will be positive and that the rapid test didn't catch the infection?
1498017 tn?1289003772 (Sometimes a doctor will give a short course of antibiotics if Lyme is suspected, and then will re-test for Lyme, because the antibiotics cause the immune system to begin to make antibodies again, which can then be measured by the tests. Perhaps the doctor who talked with you about Lyme would do that?) Lyme can also affect functioning of the thyroid gland, and your other symptoms are common to those with Lyme.
Avatar n tn The IDSA guidelines use a 2-tier blood testing scheme for detecting Lyme. In the 1st step, the ELISA test is used. This is like a screening test. If (and only if) the ELISA is positive, the 2nd step is to do a Western blot test, which looks for certain antibodies in the blood that are (mostly) specific to Lyme disease. There are criteria for how many "bands" (each band is like a different antibody) must appear on the Western blot to fit the CDC definition of positive.
Avatar f tn s reaction to the Lyme bacteria, the PCR test looks for DNA of the Lyme bacteria in your blood -- that is, a direct test, rather than an indirect test like W.blot/ELISA. Docs who are not particularly up to date on Lyme do not 'believe' in the PCR test but do believe that W.blot/ELISA is fully accurate. If you need help finding a Lyme specialist who understands all this, let us know.
Avatar m tn you can have Lyme, but the test can show negative, since the ELISA/Wblot test can be fooled into not detecting the immune reaction. By contrast, the newer and differently structured IGeneX test doesn't play hide-and-seek like ELISA/Wblot does: instead, IGeneX looks for Lyme genetic material (DNA) in your blood, which is a direct test and no fooling around playing hide-and-seek.
1718647 tn?1437510739 All of the many tests I had, which were the standard ELISA test fir Lyme (recognized by the CDC) were negative. Finally, I had a very knowledgeable and conscientious doctor, who recommended I get the Western Blot test (not recognized by the CDC). The western blot is much more accurate. The ELISA is reknowned for giving false negatives. I have encountered many physicians, who do not believe Lyme to be a real illness, or at least not chronic.
Avatar f tn m way too scares to test for hiv again. Do you guys feel like I should test again? Or believe that I have lyme disease?
Avatar f tn Any idea what the Augsburg Borrelia Center uses for tests? Just wondering.... It's got to be better than whatever the UK National Health is using. Just sayin.