
Elidel perioral dermatitis

Common Questions and Answers about Elidel perioral dermatitis


Avatar f tn Thanks. Just one more question: can perioral dermatitis be provoked by prolonged use of Elidel cream?
Avatar f tn I went for a facial and got a bit of a rash , which I self treated with betaderm (cortisone) big mistake . I was diagnosed with perioral dermatitis and put on Apprilon (40mg of doxy) , metronizole cream, elidel and azelic acid . My face is covered in what looks like comeodones it almost looks fungal. All over , it’s also appearing sporadically on my chest .
Avatar f tn It could have been perioral dermatitis as the biopsy reports suggest or due to atopic dermatitis. Perioral dermatitis is a chronic papulopustular and eczematous facial dermatitis. Treatment consists of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. A mild soap or soap substitute, such as Dove or Cetaphil should be used for washing. Scrubbing should be avoided.
Avatar f tn I eventually got into the derm who not surprisingly diagnosed it perioral dermatitis. But to my surprise they prescribed hydrocortisone 2.5 twice a day, also Elidel for the "long term" once my insurance approves it. I'm confused cause I thought topical steroids made it worse! I finally got a hold of one of the doctors today and asked her if the steroid will make it come back worse and what I keep rwadi g on the i ternet and she said no, it's not strong enough.
Avatar f tn I've had perioral dermatitis for about three-four months now and I am finally noticing it disappearing. It's about gone on my chin, but now its just around my nose and above my mouth. I had a very bad/heavy case of POD this year because I used steroids for my eczema. Now that I am noticing it disappearing... and since it was such a bad case of POD, could it possibly ever scar? What are my chances of it scarring? Or will it just fade completely after a while? Thanks!
Avatar f tn I was placed on Tacrolimus ointment that I had no relief from after almost a month, followed by Elidel that also provided no substantial relief. My perioral dermatitis around my nose and chin is resolved with the Doxy but my lips remain flaking and red, peeling every couple of days with one day in between that they might look okay (still erythematous above, below, and in the angular area).
Avatar f tn Hello, it’s just a shot in the dark but I have a similar rash around my mouth that comes and goes and drives me nuts for the week or so while it’s there. After research I am leaning towards perioral dermatitis however it could be something else. I am going to try a combination of organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, miracle oil, jojoba oil, and colloidal silver cream/gel.
Avatar f tn It would come and go randomly without treatment. About a year ago I had some seborrheic dermatitis around my nose and the derm prescribed me Ertaczo (an anti-fungal). That cleared up the rash right away. I went to my primary physician and showed him the rash on my chin mentioning that it looked similar to the rash I originally had around my nose. By this time, the rash had cleared up on the right side of my chin and had jumped over to the left side.
Avatar f tn Even if treated, perioral dermatitis may recur several times. The cause of perioral dermatitis is actually unknown. But strong corticosteroid creams applied to the face can cause this condition while some types of makeup, moisturizers, and dental products may be partially responsible. The steroid creams should be avoided. And on your follow-up appointment, discuss with your dermatologist which moisturizer is best for your skin type and which could not trigger any future outbreak.
Avatar f tn The one involving the hands may be dishydrotic eczema while that on the groin may be a fungal infection. Perioral dermatitis may refer to the skin condition surrounding the mouth. Taking oral antihistamines may help alleviate the itchiness. Applying 1% hydrocortisone over the areas may also be able to help. If scaling is present KOH examination of the scales may be able to ascertain if a fungal infection is present.
Avatar n tn I am a 23 year old male and have been suffering from recurring perioral dermatitis for the past 4 months. I went into a local walk-in clinic with a dry, red, inflamed rash near the right corner of my mouth in early April of this year. The doctor told me I had “impetigo” and gave me two small sample tubes of Topicort 0.25% and some pills to treat it with. My skin quickly healed with the cream and pills.
Avatar f tn It would be fair to say that the Elidel is able to suppress the atopic dermatitis. That is not the same as saying that one can use this drug indefinitely, for Elidel comes with adverse, toxic reactions of its own. I suggest that you discuss this issue with your doctor and that you request consultation for a second opinion from a Dermatologist regarding the best and safest way to proceed with management of your skin disorders at this time.
Avatar m tn Okay thanks, so then how long would you expect it to normally take for EpiCeram to work and completely clear the dermatitis, before I should turn to the Elidel? How about the Elidel?
Avatar n tn Dear Doctor, I have gone to see my dermatologist for mild acne on my face and red burning sensation around my mouth. He said 'It's irritated'. I did some internet searching and suspect it's perioral dermatitis. He gave me locoid lipocream (hydrocortisone steroid cream) for irritation around my mouth but after 3 days it's more red, burning and now flaky. I had stop using it and the irritation is even worse.
Avatar n tn Hello, Perioral dermatitis is a chronic papulopustular and eczematous facial dermatitis.It is usually characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation around the mouth. Itching is not a common symptom.Treatment consists of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. A mild soap or soap substitute, such as Dove or Cetaphil should be used for washing. Scrubbing should be avoided. If the symptoms are not controlled by topical antibiotics,then oral antibiotics may be needed.
Avatar n tn My question is why would a dermatologist prescribe another topical steroid when this is the very drug that is linked to the cause of perioral dermatitis. Further, do I actually have perioral dermatitis, or could it be something else? The antibiotics I'm on are really causing a lot of heart ache and I'm wondering if I even need them, if this isn't perioral dermatitis?
Avatar f tn Hello, It can be due to contact dermatitis or perioral dermatitis. Treatment of perioral dermatitis consists of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. A mild soap or soap substitute, such as Dove or Cetaphil should be used for washing. Scrubbing should be avoided. Doxycycline is the preferred antibiotic for perioral dermatitis but minocycline can also be used.
Avatar n tn Hello, Tetracyclines are the standard treatment for perioral dermatitis and you have been prescribed the correct treatment. Perioral dermatitis like acne is a chronic papulopustular and eczematous facial dermatitis. It mostly effects women and appear around the nose, mouth and eyes. Treatment consists of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. A mild soap or soap substitute, such as Dove or Cetaphil should be used for washing. Scrubbing should be avoided.