
Does xyzal make you sleepy

Common Questions and Answers about Does xyzal make you sleepy


Avatar f tn ll tell you whether she wants you to take 10mg/day of Xyzal or do something else and whether you need to make an appointment ;)
Avatar n tn It has been 5 miserable weeks....I am on hydroxyzine pills which make me sleepy so I can only take at night to relieve itching/pinching. I have used multiple lotions. I called manufacturer who really were no help. Doctor said it will probably take 6 weeks to pass thru my system???
151928 tn?1275707337 I can't say I feel nauseous, but it does make me feel tired and just blah.
Avatar f tn ENT said eustachian tube dysfunction due to allergies (tested positive for various inhalent allergies) and said to use Xyzal and Flonase. Xyzal made me too sleepy so stopped, and Flonase has done nothing. ENT said it would take Flonase a month to clear up the ETD. The constant ear popping wouldn't bother me if it weren't accompanied by the lightheadedness and brain fog, which sometimes by the end of the day turns into a very bad headache and then disappears.
Avatar f tn Part of this is that are very common symptoms on brimonidine In fact in 20% of glaucoma patients on the generic version the medication has to be stopped because of complaints of redness, irritation, pain and discomfort and dry mouth and bad taste in mouth. If you still have it read the package insert that you get when you get a new bottle of medicine. Or go on the internet and read the side effects.
Avatar n tn Here is what I would suggest. I would make an appointment with the doctor who prescribed the xyzal tablets for you. I would tell your doctor what you just shared in your post. That if you do not take the tablet for more than a day, you experience itchiness all over your body especially on your arms and legs. Then you can ask your doctor if this is a withdrawal symptom . It is never a good idea to just stop a medication cold turkey as it were ie.
Avatar n tn If itching persists after you stop the drug for a few days, then you may take anti-histamines to treat it but you will first need to discuss this with your Physician.
Avatar f tn I was recently prescribed xanax an am afraid to take it because of all the warning labels. What does it do to you? Does it help you with the panicy feeling, or just put you to sleep. Is it anything like atarax?
Avatar f tn I have been dealing with hives since 2000. All i have to do is be in the sun and i break out. I have tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Singular and now i'm on Xyzal. The Xyzal i only tried one time and woke up the next morning feeling like i was drunk and hit by a train. It left a horrible taste in my mouth. I am so sick of these hives. I'm getting married in August and have a terrible farmers tan and i am asking for any advice on what to do.
Avatar m tn I make my own more irritation.
Avatar f tn If the only evidence you have is what you described above then i think you need to give her the benefit of the doubt until you have something more incriminating. Opiates dont normally dilate peoples pupils. They are more generally known for having the opposite effect.. ie; constriction of pupil size. I have been told that when i took benzos that i would often get belligerent and arguementative.
Avatar n tn I took XYZal for 4 days for my Fall allergies. Once I stopped, I developed this maddening itching all over!!!! I went to my dermatologist who prescribed hydroxyzine capsules. The meds help somewhat....but also make me tired so I can only take at night!!! I have been suffering for FIVE weeks. Any idea when I can expect this reaction to end?? Or at least some tips on method of relief? PLEASE!!
Avatar n tn If you're in fact anemic, your doctors will know. Are you in fact anemic? Because if you're not, taking too much iron can result in heart problems, so you don't want another problem. Also, the vast majority of iron supplements are not well absorbed, so you might not be absorbing your iron assuming you actually need iron. If your iron was high I assume your doctors would notice that as well, as I assume they're checking your iron levels regularly.
Avatar f tn I finally figured it out its was only happening the nightd he would have the xyzal....The xyzal made the outside of his lobes and his ears feel like they were on fire!!!
Avatar n tn They have started taking me off one drug at a time, now I am only on Xyzal, Singulair and 2 Hydroxyzine HCL 25 daily. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do or suggest what my doctor may need to test for. The only known allergy I have is fish.
Avatar f tn How many medications, vitamins or other supplements do you use on a daily basis for treatment of your Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue symptoms?
397118 tn?1219762250 I know is suppost to make you sleepy but I was wondering if you are on sub should it have the same effect on you it dosn't block that?
Avatar n tn God bless you all and past the word. Make sure you check all your foods.
Avatar m tn Soon enough I went to visit a doctor about it who took a look at my ears and told me they were perfectly fine but he gave me some xyzal and nasonex nose spray. After taking both the noise began to slowly fade away but this odd feeling in my ear has still persisted and every time I yawn I can still feel the slight uncomfortable/pain at the left side of my neck.
Avatar f tn I feel like a whole new person! Oh btw it is called Xyzal. The name I gave you was the generic. Hope you feel better!!!
Avatar f tn I get very tired, I also have low iron which can make you more sleepy
Avatar f tn When you lie on your back, the weight of your uterus presses on the major vein that returns blood from your lower body to your heart. Lying on your back for an extended period of time could make you feel dizzy. It could also interfere with the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and your developing baby.