
Does sleep deprivation kill brain cells

Common Questions and Answers about Does sleep deprivation kill brain cells


Avatar f tn As a teenager I went through a year of sleep deprivation. I got about six hours of sleep a night. I felt very sleepy every day and even had feelings of confusion and derealization. Did I cause any permanent damage to my brain? In addition, has damage caused by oxidative stress and free radicals irreversibly increased my cancer risk?
1926359 tn?1331588139 m going down by a third a week-the doc said this was ambitious but I really want to be free so there you have it. If I can get a few nights good sleep I will be prepared to deal with the sleep deprivation again....Ugh. So easy to put in your hard to get out. Wish me luck with the sleep fairies tonight....
Avatar n tn During REM sleep vital bio-chemical reations occur and it is the rest for your brain. Deep Sleep is the portion of sleep where your body rests.
326352 tn?1310994295 how do you EVER get enough sleep? And of course, the diet gurus all say that adequate sleep is so important. How do you do that with 2 babies who are alternating their wake-ups....sleep restlessly (in our bed, they don't start there, but end up there around midnight)...and God love them, keep mommy from getting a good night's sleep. Vegas was good for the sleep, but 2 nights back at the house and my butt is dragging the ground. Is there a happy medium somewhere?
Avatar m tn 30 or so, only getting around 4 hours of sleep. I tried to get back to sleep but the people around me were up and keeping me awake. After a while of me laying in bed, everyone left except one friend, and me and him layed around all day being too tired to do anything, but not wanting to sleep the day away. That whole day I felt pretty normal.
Avatar n tn Long term opiate use changes the way nerve cells in the brain work. These cells grow so used to having the opiate around that they actually need it to work normally. If opiates are taken away from dependent nerve cells, many cells become overactive. Eventually, these cells will work normally again, but in the meantime, they cause a wide range of symptoms in the brain and body. These are known as withdrawal symptoms.
1580703 tn?1651904887 t exhale well and have resistance even on symbicort and prednisone, comibvent inhaler. is low oxygen eventually going to kill some of my brain cells? will pangraf or xolair (my IGE 165) help me breathe? my O2 is down to 86-88 during the day.
1794093 tn?1357930759 I definitely understand the sleep deprivation. It really ***** :( I work overnights and have a terrible time trying to sleep during the morning/afternoons. Im also up every hour, or hour and a half, then still manage to work/do things around the house. I always thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to be the best, sure i dont feel sick anymore, but this has been brutal for sleep. Thats exciting about your ultrasound coming up, and really exciting that you are not finding out the gender!
1082476 tn?1275617999 Hello Everybody! I had a meeting with my psychiatrist a few weeks ago to raise some sleep issues that I'd been having. The constant tiredness brought on by staying up until all hours of the morning had, I think, actually helped the suicidal thoughts, emptiness, tearfulness and misery that I'd been experiencing because I was too tired to focus on them.
1606496 tn?1491508730 After mild sleep deprivation OR caffeine/stimulant withdrawal, I crash hard. I fall asleep wherever I am and can't really fight the urge. After waking from my nap, I feel unbelievable tired, weak and almost paralyzed. For the next 1-4 hours I feel as if my brain is swollen. So long as I regularly get 8 hours min sleep and avoid all stimulants, this isn't a problem but sometimes stimulants or sleep deprivation are unavoidable. What could this be?
Avatar f tn I am not sure if I am a food addict. If I set my mind to it, I am able to stop eating after a couple of cookies.  I don't usually obsess about food. But I do when I am on a diet. I end up feeling deprived. Then I crave food more than usual. I eventually end up 'falling off the wagon'.  Does this mean that I am a food addict? I need to loose weight - but how do I do this without feeling deprived?
Avatar m tn I'm 15 years old, and I have been getting bouts of memory loss. Recently, I cannot remember things that I should be able to remember - only to think of them after like 10 seconds or more when I should be able to remember them instantaneously. Before, I don't remember having memory problems like this. Only, in the past couple of months do they start happening.
Avatar m tn Obstructive Sleep Apnea is unlikely to cause hallucinations, but and they can occur with certain medications, stress, sleep deprivation, in certain brain disorders and with schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. So, like you mentioned sleep deprivation can cause hallucinations. But if they persist, I would advise you to discuss your symptoms with your primary care physician for further evaluation. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn You sound to me like you are suffering the effects of sleep deprivation. Is there any way you could get yourself into a more regular schedule by any chance. If not, then you will just have to do what helps you the most. But I would talk tot he doctor about the Adderol. Are you officially diagnosed as ADHD or do you think you are ADHD b/c you cannot focus well? I need more clarification.
Avatar n tn Prolonged oxygen deprivation to the brain, called hypoxia, may result in posthypoxic myoclonus. Myoclonus can occur by itself, but most often it is one of several symptoms associated with a wide variety of nervous system disorders. For example, myoclonic jerking may develop in patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Avatar f tn You are probably under too much of stress and need to relax. Do you remember of any factors that has triggered the sleep deprivation off late? Have you been under care of a physician and was Methadone prescribed to you? "Methadone is now primarily used today for the treatment of narcotic addiction. The effects of methadone last longer than those of morphine-based drugs.
Avatar n tn It is like a filing system, the brain stores or discards what it does or doesnt need. Also as soon as you fall asleep the brain releases a chemical into your blood stream that tells the body to start repairing and healing all the little or big imperfections within you ie; cuts, infections, restoring and growing bone, making new cells etc etc..., and is the time that the body grows most. Sleep is essential for good health in both mind, body and spirit.
Avatar m tn hey im a 20 year old male. i was real real dumb this weekend and decided to try a "whippet" with my friends that were doing multiple. (i was also drinking etc).. anyways i blew out air and breathed in from their canister about 3 times to get in all the lil tank cartridge maybe over a period of about 1-2 mins before taking a real breath. well its been about 48 hours and a still have a head ache and have had some slight trouble with basic cognitive and motor skills.
Avatar m tn Oxygen deprivation kills brain cells. If nitrous oxide killed brain cells it would not be used in medicine. Refrain from depriving yourself from oxygen and you will be fine, regardless of any amount of nitrous, as it is a non toxic compound, barring the b12 depletion seen after years of abuse.
7033493 tn?1387272744 The hallucinations and other things you mentioned while you are huffing is because it is killing your brain cells. The more you do it the worse it will become. Taking lamictol is already changing how your brain's chemistry is acting, killing your brain cells is only making it worst.
Avatar m tn I already was struggling with poor sleep due to sleep apnea that was undiagnosed at the time. At work my responsibilities increased and I was constantly rehashing in my mind the various decisions I had to make in selecting and writing specs for a data management software conversion. Then an extended family member was killed in the military and I had to plan the local service while the parents were out of state at the memorials on the base.