
Dipyridamole myocardial perfusion scan

Common Questions and Answers about Dipyridamole myocardial perfusion scan


Avatar m tn Pharmacological stress Tc-99m MIBI scan was performed with Dipyridamole given at arate of 0.14 mg/Kg/min over 4 minutes followed by injection of radio tracer 6 minutes later. Findings are: Peak stress images revealed hypoperfused infero-septal and apical segment, which showed reversal at rest. Impression: Findings are consistent with infero-septal and apical reversible ischemia. Thanks all!
Avatar n tn ECG last month showed SVES, RBBB. This week he has stress test with dipyridamole protocol, and injection of thallium-201. The result showed "evidence of mild, small to medium size, irreversible perfusion defect in the inferior/inferolateral wall (mid to basal level)." Could you explain what this means? Does he need to have surgery or pacemaker? thanks in advance for your help.
182884 tn?1259312906 Results of Stress test on 04-28-08. Dipyridamole Stress Sestamibi Myocardial Perfusion Scan and Cardiac Wall motion Analysis..stress imaging of the heart. Finding.Myocardial perfusion--there is normal perfusion of the left ventricular myocardium at stress with no segmental stress perfusion score greater than 1.. There is decreased perfusion at rest in the inferoseptal region.
Avatar n tn While myocardial perfusion imaging greatly enhances the sensitivity and specificity of exercise testing, false positive and negative results are known to occur. False negative imaging is especially common when exercise is submaximal or in dipyridamole/adenosine studies of patients with severe obstructions of all three major coronary vessels. False positive scanning may be caused by signal attenuation from an elevated left hemidiaphragm or from breast tissue.
1709162 tn?1314084832 He did however say he was sending me for a 24hr holter test( which I had 6 weeks ago with no results) and a Myocardial Perfusion Scan. I have read about this and am now petrified I went to my GP who does not think I need it and says he has had patients who have been ill from it but it was up to me for my own piece of mind.
Avatar f tn Yesterday I had a Myocardial Perfusion Scan. For the rest of the day I felt terrible. Nausea, sometimes feeling like I would pass out. I was told that I should feel ok after the scan. Has anyone else had this side effect from it. I have also felt some nausea as well today. Thank you.
Avatar f tn Recently, had a PET Myocardial Perfusion Scan. Results showed: myocardial perfusion imaging was abnormal. There is a medium to large sized area of ischemia in the inferoseptal wall. Left ventricular systolic function was normal with no wall motion abnormalities.. Echocardiogram was normal. Also, electrocardiographic response to pharmacologic stress was normal. Should I be concerned?
Avatar n tn Mild cardiomopathy with anteroseptal hypokinesis (ejection fraction 45%) Dr sent me to a cardioligest where they did Gated SPECT cardiolite myocardial scan and exercise cardiolite myocardial scan. results were mild intensity perfusion defect in the anterior wall without any evidence of reperfusion on the delayed images.. Gated SPECT analysis reveals an ejection fraction of 62%..what does all of this mean...
Avatar n tn I didn't even know a nuclear perfusion scan was used to establish ejection fractions of the Ventricles, but you learn something every day. I thought this looked at the myocardium and established oxygenation of the tissue. The Ultrasound is used most commonly because it's the cheapest. It is usually calculated over 10 cycles but is still estimated to some extent. The gold standard for measuring Ejection fractions is ventriculography.
Avatar f tn A week and a half ago I had a exercise stress myocardial perfusion scan done. Some of the results are as follows: 1. Good functional aerobic capacity patient achieving 10.1 METS. 2.At peak exercise ekg reveal sinus tachycardia with lmm horizontal ST depression . . .consistent withy stress-induced ischemia. 3.Normal SPECT myocardial perfusion scan . . .4. Transient ischemic dilation of the left vetrical with TID of 1.42 suggestive balanced ischemia. 4.
Avatar m tn Inhomogeneous perfusion to slightly large heart with a predominantly fixed apical-anteroseptal perfusion defect. The left ventricular ejection fraction is 52%, and the end-diiastolic volume is 122ml.
Avatar n tn stress myocardial perfusion study .excerise stress was preformed on the bicycle for seven minutes.the resting ecg showed sinus rhytm with suinus rhythm with occosional atrial ectopies .the 12 lead excerise stress ecg showed sinus tachycardia with more frequent atrial ectopics and occasional veb but no ischaemic changes s.p.e.c.
Avatar m tn The echo showed mild mitral and mild tricuspid regurgitation. The perfusion scan was negative, at 99% of 159bmp, no perfusion abnormalities at rest or at peak. I did not experience throat tightening. I still occasionally experience throat tightening at peak exercise; on the inhale. The Cardio invited me to participate in a CCTA trial. Would a CCTA provide additional useful info?
Avatar m tn This is suggestive of mild ischemia in the distal left anterior descending artery territory. Gated perfusion images show normal wall thickening of all myocardial segments. Resting ejection fraction is 73%. Resting end diastolic volume 92 mL. Resting end systolic volume 25 mL. Stress ejection fraction 77%. Stress end diastolic volume 98 mL. Stress end systolic volume 23 mL. TID 0.98 is within normal limits.
Avatar n tn HAVE ALREADY POSTED THIS IN "HYPOTHYROIDISM" FORUM, BUT HAVE CROSS-POSTED BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS THERE. THANKS! ********************* Hi, there - Greatly appreciate in advance any help or advice someone can provide on the painfully circular issue we're presented with that I explain below!
Avatar m tn The stress myocardial perfusion tomograms show mild decrease in the proximal two-thirds of the inferior wall which improves at rest. The gated images shw normal wall motion. The rest eject fraction is 44% and the post stress ejection fraction is 48% OPINION: although the decrease in the proximal inferior wall could be secondary to diphragmatic attenuation artifact. I think there is some improvement at rest and ischemia in the RCA territory cannot be excluded. Dr.