
Diltiazem in atrial fibrillation

Common Questions and Answers about Diltiazem in atrial fibrillation


Avatar n tn I am only a layperson, but I had the impression that for younger people, that was a last resort procedure, as it leaves the heart in atrial fibrillation, although it slows the ventricles. It used to be the treatment, but that was before less drastic measures were available. My impression was that first, a different class of meds than your Mom is on would be tried - Flecainide, Tikosyn, among others.
Avatar n tn OK then, atrial fibrillation does need to be controlled. Because of the upper chambers quivering, there's the chance of clots forming. Are you on any blood thinners as well? From your last line it sounds like a-fib has not been diagnosed yet. As to what causes it, I'm not sure. Some folks get it as they get older. Some people have ablations to correct one problem only to have a-fib rear its head. Not sure if the ablation actually causes it or just uncovers it.
706949 tn?1228923298 Adenosine and other AV node blockers should be avoided in atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter with WPW or history of it; this includes adenosine, diltiazem, verapamil, other calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers." And my son is on atenolol for WPW. Should I be concerned?
Avatar m tn Flecainide and Dilt are a common combination for management of symptomatic atrial fibrillation in patients with normal healthy hearts. It's an effective regimen that you will have to stay on. There is no way to cure atrial fibrillation with medications, however, there is an ablation procedure which is indicated in those who can't tolerate medications. There is about a 75% chance of curing atrial fibrillation with this procedure. You have to stay on the ASA for life.
Avatar f tn I tried Verapamil and it did not agree with me at all. I could handle the fatigue and muscle aches but the chest pain and SOB did me in. Recently I was on Diltiazem for awhile. Was tired a bit, had headaches the first couple of weeks but overall it wasn't a bad med. I can't take beta blockers because of asthma. The Diltiazem was helpful in easing some of my tachy times and got rid of my chest pains.
Avatar f tn Hi ! I have been taking Flecainide 100mg twice daily for 9 years for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Since taking it I have noticed a small amount of hair loss each time I wash my hair but I still have my hair - it hasn't thinned or anything. I did notice fatigue for a while after starting the drug but I think once my body got used to it that passed. Hope all goes well for you.
Avatar m tn I am 28 years old and otherwise a healthy individual. Last April I woke up one day with what I believe to have been atrial fibrillation, but by the time the EMT's arrived, I had converted. The doctor's at the hospital told me not to sweat it. I then had about two more episodes of atrial fibrillation after binge drinking the night before, but converted on my own. I did not think there was much of a problem until about a month and a half ago when I started to get PVC's every night.
Avatar n tn I had atrial fib in 2005, had a successful cardioverson done in 2006. I went back into Atrial Fib sometime this winter. I seem to become lethargic, tired, and depressed. The first time I went to the doctor he said he was sure I was fine, 3 months later I returned and told him I was not getting better, something was wrong, sure enough he listens to my heart and orders a EKG, I'm in Atril Fib once again. This time seeing a different cardiologist.
Avatar n tn I'd like to B59 too ; >) I have had AFib for about 10 years myself with long periods of sinus following electrocardioversion procedures. They no longer work for me, so I am now just trying to decide if I can just live with AFib or do I want to do something else to try to stop the AFib. One driver I have is I'd like to return to more vigorous exercise, including bike riding, street bike.
Avatar m tn I am one year older than you, so I do not stand a a proof of living into 80 years, but I can say I have suffered from atrial fibrillation and other heart problems for about 15 years and following my medical advice has helped sustain my life that long.
Avatar f tn I have been in atrial fibrillation for about a year .I have been asking to come off these pills for that long and the doctors ignore my wishes. Now I am in the UK and I tell a two different pharmacies my problem. I think metropolol and diltiazem should not be combined they are contraindicated and make me feel awful. I had no afib symptoms before these pills. They make me feel worse than I ever felt in my life.
Avatar n tn Hi, What about trying propranolol (inderal) I use it for mitral valve arrhythias (fibrillation) to reduce rate though I have a minor side effect (Raynaud's disease). or Lowpressor Do you have blue fingers, LBBB, atrial enlargement or other?
Avatar n tn My daughter, age 49, has been diagnosed with Paroxysmal AF after heart tests and wearing an event monitor, for symptoms of palpatations and minor chest tightness that would come and go at any time of day. She has been under particular stress in the past six months while back in college, but is active and involved in life! Her cardiologist prescribed coumadin therapy. As an RN, I am aware of the distressing dangers and constant monitoring of patients on this drug.
Avatar m tn When the atria of the heart beat improperly (fibrillation) , blood doesn’t flow properly through your heart. This can cause blood to pool in your heart’s chambers, possibly resulting in blood clots. These blood clots are not necessary deadly, but they can be. They can travel through the body and cause problems. For example, a blood clot that blocks blood flow to your brain can cause a stroke, damage to brain cells, or permanent damage to your brain.
Avatar f tn Speaking of HR, what is the reason that you see an electrophysiologist? Atrial fibrillation? and are you feeling poorly when your heart rate is 40s? I would say that if your HR needed to be a little faster than 40s, then adjust metoprolol or diltiazem as your had done, but then increase the enalapril and/or telmisartan to treat the blood pressure.
Avatar n tn Abnormal electrical impulses cause the atria to beat very fast and in a disorder manner. Proxysmal atrial fibrillation indicates that the arrhythmia (fast and/or irregular heartbeats) occurs at varying intervals rather than consistently or constantly. An irregular, fast heart rate often does not give enough time for the ventricles to fill and that would be worst case scenario. Treatment would be medication to slow the heartbeat.
Avatar n tn Is it possible your daughter has premature atrial contractions and not atrial fibrillation? I am not a doctor but I have not heard of afib described that way and atrial contractions are not a danger where afib could be due to possible blood clots. Does your daughter have an unusually high heart rate keeping in mind children's heart rates tend to be more elevated than adults. An average heart rate for a baby in their first year can be anywhere between 100-160 from what I have read.
1540775 tn?1292988555 Permanent atrial fibrillation means my left atrium is in fibrillation all the time. However, most of us don't feel the atrium beats or fibrillation, what we feel is the atrium pulse signals that get through the sinus node and cause a ventricle pump. The left and right ventricles are the power pumps that move blood though our bodies. When we hear of feel a heart beat it is the ventricle contractions. For me I have a untreated ventricle rate of about 130.
535882 tn?1396576685 High blood pressure and thyroid disease are both risk factors for developing atrial fibrillation. The fact that you had post-operative atrial fibrillation confirms that your left atrium is capable of maintaining atrial fibrillation. Furthermore, your left atrium is enlarged which is also a risk factor for developing atrial fibrillation. All this put together with the ongoing symptoms would make me concerned about episodic or as we call it paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Avatar n tn s only one situation where pacemakers play an important role in patients with atrial fibrillation, and that is in patients who have both atrial fibrillation and they have slow heart rhythms. That's a condition that's referred to as tachy-brady syndrome. There are some patients that will go into atrial fibrillation for a period of time. The atrial fibrillation will stop and then their underlying heart rate is extremely slow.
Avatar f tn Technically atrial fibrillation with a rate as fast as 240 would be a type of SVT. I hope you have a primary care physician trying who is working on rate control because 240 is outrageoulsy fast!
Avatar f tn For some insight, Atrial Fibrillation induces an abnormal heart rhythm (irregular, slow, fast, skipped beats) and can affect almost anyone. Although it is linked to several cardiac conditions, Artial Fibrillation can also occur in otherwise normal hearts. The risk of Atrial Fibrillation increases significantly with age.