
Differin keratosis pilaris

Common Questions and Answers about Differin keratosis pilaris


Avatar n tn Hello, The symptoms are suggestive of keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar f tn Hello, Yes the symptoms are suggestive of keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar n tn I thought I had Keratosis Pilaris on the back of my arms (both) and also some tiny bumps on my chest, however I went to my doctor and he told me it was Folliculitis, dry skin. Said to apply baby oil after showering etc.... Well these bumps don't itch at all, really doesn't bother me, and doing some research I found that most people say Folliculitis is itchy? Mine doesnt itch at all, and looking at photos it looks more like KP than anything.
Avatar f tn Hi doc i just want to know if keratosis pilaris always red in color because mine is not red its just like bumpy chicken skin and its itchy when i scratched it pimples will appear is it KP?
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms clogged pores due to keratosis pilaris needs to be ruled out. Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin. There is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris, however, there are effective treatments available which make its symptoms less apparent. Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication.
Avatar n tn Hi, This is called Keratosis pilaris.Keratosis pilaris (KP, also follicular keratosis) is a very common genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin and hence colloquially referred to as "chicken skin" as well as "meat bumps". Keratosis pilaris occurs as excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming hard plugs (process known as hyperkeratinization).
Avatar f tn Hi, This may be a case of keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition which involves the hair follicles. It is a harmless condition but may be discomforting to have. It may present with raised bumps on the skin which is rough and sand papery to the touch. The cause of which is not known and may be present in childhood. The condition may resolve as one grows older. Have you had this assessed by a dermatologist before? I suggest that you have this assessed.
Avatar n tn Keratosis pilaris is the condition and respond to vitA.Do consult your doc.Pregnancy would be contra for high dose vitA.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be dermatitis,keratosis pilaris or eczema. Eczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. Symptoms include dryness and recurring skin rashes which are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and dryness, crusting and flaking.
Avatar n tn I took my 2 year old to the dermatoligist due to the bumps, reddness and ruff texture on her arms and face. The doctor told me She had Keratosis Pilaris, and other than mild soaps, and lotions, she said there was nothing to really due. I've been bathing her in Ivory soap and using Cetaphil lotion. Her face looks better, but her arms and hands look worse, and her fingers and elbows look kind of spotted, from a distance they look like litte warts, but the skin isn't raised or anything.
3200261 tn?1345319939 There are many types of rashes, infections and other skin conditions that can cause bumps on the back of arms. The commonest possibility is Keratosis pilaris that are pinkish red bumps which are inflammed. Keratosis pilaris is a genetic condition. The bumps are hair follicles clogged with a naturally-occurring hard protein called keratin that protects the skin. Avoiding drying soaps and cleansers may help .Confirm the diagnosis with the help of a dermatologist.
Avatar m tn Ive jus learn that my skin condition on the back of my thighs n buttocks is called keratosis pilaris, ive been trying everything in the book thought it was acne all along. please is there anyone on out the that has this same problem n if u do plz tell me what to do or use to get rid of it? im now 25 n have had it for a number of yrs now. plz i want it gone or jus treated i hate to feel it or see, i cant wear shorts or skirts, it pisses me off, plz help?
Avatar n tn It's called keratosis pilaris. Apparently a lot of people have it and it's perfectly normal. I know a little girl who gets it all over the side of her face, and a friend of mine has it all over her upper arms and legs. Try exfoliating it everyday in the shower and try lotions with glycolic acid in them.
Avatar n tn Hi There are several types of keratosis pilaris and the lesions usually depend on the type. In your case, this may be keratosis pilaris alba. The skin may have some whitish bumps and may present with a sand papery feel. Scratching the area may lead to some discoloration or hyperpigmentation. An overlying dermatitis or fungal infection may also heighten itchiness. I suggest that you ask your physician about the right type of exfoliant here.
Avatar n tn know you're pain, because I have it too. It's called keratosis pilaris, and it's often called 'chicken skin' because the bumps are always raised and look like goosebumps. Although it's unflattering, it should become less apparent as you age, although this isn't true in all cases. There is no cure for it, it's a heriditary thing, so you can pass it on to your kids (the girls will NOT appreciate it) and it's really just a superficial thing.
Avatar m tn Could be keratosis pilaris also known as "chicken skin". I had this symptom due to vitamin A deficiency (in my case the deficiency was due to hypothyroidism). Keratosis pilaris can also be due to omega 3 deficiency.
Avatar n tn Hello, Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough,but it sounds like keratosis pilaris. It is a common genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin like goose bumps and hence colloquially referred to as "chicken skin".Milia are found commonly in children. Keratosis pilaris occurs when the human body produces excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin.
1451080 tn?1438527660 Sounds like Keratosis Pilaris. I also wanna say it's also known as "chicken skin". I too have those small bumps on my thighs, upper arms and lower arms. Is he fair skinned? I've noticed the lighter the skin, the more bumps there are. My aunt is much lighter then I am, and she has these tiny bumps as well. It's almost as if you have the goosebumps...just all the time. If it is this, then this is the treatment for mild KP: Wash area with Glysal cleanser once a day.
Avatar m tn hey i have keratosis pilaris on my back and chest, i don't know how to get over with this stuff can you help me? im 100% sure that it is kp base on the articles that i've you know what is the cheapest remedy? please help me... tnx.
Avatar n tn Hello, I have Keratosis pilaris on the backs of my arms, thighs and butt. It's pretty bad...a lot of red, inflamed follicles (sp?). I went online and saw products were available to help the appearance but they were so expensive, and the products do not cure, they just treat as you use them. I was just wondering if there was something less expensive I could used, or do, like exfoliation? It's a little embarrassing, people tend to confused it with acne....