
Difference between heartburn and indigestion

Common Questions and Answers about Difference between heartburn and indigestion


Avatar f tn Kinda like a burning sensation. Indigestion is more like a sharp pain right between your ribs, and sometimes shoots into your back, and it is usually accompanied by heartburn as well. All I know is indigestion was so painful for me. Tums are my best friend!!
Avatar n tn t always easy to determine the difference between indigestion and heart trouble. In my case, taking a nitro pill is my test. If the chest discomfort disappears or eases, I tend to think it is cardiac. In the past couple of years I've had three different chest/thorax area discomfort. I had a bowel obstruction, the pain was sharp and unending, and became worse with movement (surgery fixed it).
Avatar f tn I can't ever remember a time when I've had indigestion. I can eat anything and it's never bothered me. For the past 2 days i've had the most horrible indigestion. No matter what I eat I have it . Really don't know if this has to do with pregnancy, but since I've never expereinced it before I thought it might. Does anyone know if it is related? Typically, I eat bran cereal or an egg sandwich for breakfast.
Avatar f tn My symptoms are: tired all the time, don't feel "normal," memory weirdness (foggy), fingers, wrists (bones) hurt, need naps, forgetful, decrease in libido, thinning hair, and chronic headaches. My doctor said that since my thryoid test came back normal that I should't worry about parathyroid problems. Any answers would be appreciated. I feel like I am going CRAZY!
Avatar m tn At random points through out the day the sharp pain comes on and off on my left side of chest right near my rib cage and also on and off the same pain in between my belly button and sternum. I do suffer from chronic heartburn and indigestion. Any idea what this could be?
Avatar f tn I am taking zantac 150 it helps with indigestion and believe it or not it really helps with the nausea
Avatar f tn Is anyone dealing with heartburn and indigestion? I'm having a combination of both. Is there anything that I can take that will help and be safe for the baby as well? I can hardly get any rest or even eat at times. I be in so much pain....
Avatar f tn Is anyone dealing with heartburn and indigestion? I'm having a combination of both. Is there anything that I can take that will help and be safe for the baby as well? I can hardly get any rest or even eat at times. I be in so much pain....
Avatar f tn Does anyone have any tips everything I eat has been giving me indigestion and heart burn I'm 25 weeks and can't even eat a salad without having one of these issues!!
1755643 tn?1313284399 Try drinking a glass of milk. I have horrible heartburn and indigestion when I'm pregnant. I can eat tums tho they have become my best friend through pregnancy lol... u can also mention it 2 ur Dr and maybe they can prescribe u something. As far as sleeping try using pillows to prop ur head up some.
Avatar f tn Is indigestion a sharp annoying pain between your ribs right above your stomach and goes shooting into your back?! I have this and I am literally in tears cause it hurts so bad. I haven't experienced this before and it says on line it could be indigestion. Anyone? Help! If it is indigestion, what can I take???!!!
Avatar f tn Does anyone know of a cure for bad indigestion/heartburn?? I can't take this anymore :(......
Avatar f tn I've been having heartburn and indigestion a lot lately. Drink some cold milk or either eat a tablespoon of mustard and it'll go away.
Avatar n tn Hi ladies I'm 27 weeks with my baby girl and I need some help with the heartburn and indigestion I feel like I'm having a heart attack it's so painful and it's making me lose my appetite I don't eat real spicy foods I've done pepcid, baking soda and water, I eat very little, after I eat I stay sitting up, I drink ice cold water, also I've tried every single kind of tums and nothing seems to work help please
Avatar f tn Hello I have been having really bad heartburn and indigestion before bed and it's causing me not to be able to sleep. I've noticed peanut butter is a very bad cause and have stopped eating it as much as I was and not before bee. I've tried drinking water and milk as well before sleeping but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn And if its really bad your dr can prescribe you something. Im 28weeks and my heart burn is so bad my chest hurts. And i have to sleep upright. And whole milk helps calm it a little bit.... a little bit.
562884 tn?1279632334 MUCH! Gosh, I have had it bad the past couple of nights, I hate rolaids they gag me, *yuck* Well Jeremy bought me some of the chewy ones, they are not too bad, I keep telling myself, it's ok keisha deal with it, this means she will probly have hair! LOL suck it up. BUT it has been so bad I can't sleep, it's way worse when I lay down. This is all new for me, I had my first bout of it about a month and a half ago, then it kinda stopped.
Avatar f tn After two months of mononucleosis, I got symptoms suggestive of indigestion (after heavy meals, pain moving around my stomach). I noticed increased burping throughout the previous month. I did an abdominal ultrasound - nothing out of the ordinary. After 10 days of stomach pain/gas/bloating/burping despite a GERD-compliant diet, my GP prescribed PPIs (once daily) and enzymes.
Avatar m tn I have been taking prilosec daily and I try to be very careful with my diet. This makes a big difference in how I feel . The GI doc I saw at standford medical center for this mentioned that raising the head of the bed about 5 inches by putting blocks or something under whatever supports it can help a lot also.
Avatar f tn Oh my god it sounds like your having a bloody awful time! I've had trouble with sleeping due to heartburn and indigestion too so I know how you feel with that's absolute hell. How many weeks are you now...Hope you havnt got long left?
Avatar f tn Before being pregnant I've never had heartburn or anything like it. The past few days every time I eat, my chest starts hurting. Sometimes accompanied with a burning. Is this normal? I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow.
Avatar f tn After two months of mononucleosis, I got symptoms suggestive of indigestion (after heavy meals, pain moving around my stomach). I noticed increased burping throughout the previous month. I did an abdominal ultrasound - nothing out of the ordinary. After 10 days of stomach pain/gas/bloating/burping despite a GERD-compliant diet, my GP prescribed PPIs (once daily) and enzymes.
Avatar f tn I am having twins so started with heartburn and indigestion many weeks ago. I take Zantac 150mg morning and night and my dr gave me a script for protonics. And yet, I still take tums at night time to sleep. I have to really watch my diet and not eat anywhere from 3-4 he prior to bedtime ( which ***** cause I always go to hungry). I placed pillows under the head of my mattress between the mattress and box springs and that part does help. But I have yet to find 100% relief.
Avatar f tn I am 21 weeks and have day in and day out the worst heartburn/acid indigestion ever. Nothing seems to be working and my doctor told me to take liquid mylanta or maylox. I went looking for both of them and couldn't find either. When I came home and googled them it seems that they have been taken off the market. Is there anything else that is safe to take....anything that will give me any relief at all???