
Diabetes mellitus urine flow rate

Common Questions and Answers about Diabetes mellitus urine flow rate


Avatar m tn Also, there is possibility blood vessels do not function very well with diabetes, or history of diabetes as diabetes can have a damaging effect on the endothelium cells. Endothelium cells line the blood vessels and act and function as a monitor to the system's nerve center. For example, when the blood flow is reduced (i.e. low cardiac output or loss of blood...
738333 tn?1232967475 Hi, The most common cause of kidney infection is the backward flow of infected urine from the bladder to the upper urinary tract. Bacterial infections also may be carried to one or both kidneys through the bloodstream or lymph glands from infection that began in the bladder. Kidney infection also results from urine that becomes stagnant due to obstruction of free urinary flow.
Avatar f tn Cr exceeds 20, this is predictive of prerenal injury (kidney disease caused by change in the blood supply to the kidney). Kidney disease or blockage of the flow of urine from your kidney causes both BUN and creatinine levels to rise. The stages of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) are mainly based on measured or estimated GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate). There are five stages but kidney function is normal in Stage 1, and minimally reduced in Stage 2.
Avatar m tn Certain lifestyle changes can prevent the progression of CKD. Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus need to be adequately controlled. Lifestyle changes such as losing weight and getting more exercise can also help slow the progression of CKD and reduce any symptoms. These changes also help with high blood pressure, diabetes and other problems that make kidney disease worse. Use of medications called ACE inhibitors can help protect kidney function.
Avatar f tn She never mentioned anything about insulin and that's because she has Diabetes Insipidus, which she clearly stated. Diabetes Insipidus IS NOT Diabetes Mellitus.
454221 tn?1259445739 This can happen if the child is in a hurry to pass urine. The child stops the urine flow voluntarily and since the bladder is not empty, it will fill up again. You can talk to your son regarding this, and train him and put him on a schedule to pass urine every 2-4 hours to start with and slowly increase the gap. There are medical causes too like diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Small for size bladder is another possibility. Please consult an urologist. Hope this helps.
Avatar m tn If you are passing urine too often and have to get up at night daily, will suggest you to rule out diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus by consulting a physician. I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.
Avatar n tn I received a staff infection from the procedure which I think is gone now. I tried the flow max for a month. I now take some herbal remedies and my urine flow is strong (in fact it was always strong). I still am having the incontinence almost every night after I get deeply asleep. I do not want to do the roto rooter and mess things up even more. After the cyscoscopy, I got the UTI and also I sometimes get a pain in the scrotum that comes and goes. I never had this before.
Avatar n tn Hello Candikane, Your doctor's advice is surprising to me, also. I'm guessing that s/he is not a diabetes specialist and that's the type of physician who should be guiding your diabetes care. Specialists might be called endocrinologist or diabetologist. None of us here is a physician, but we're long-time diabetics or care-givers for diabetic children. You didn't mention if you've been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2, and the treatment options vary for these types.
Avatar m tn I see you have the word 'diabetes' crossed. Diabetes is a Greek word meaning large amounts of urine. Both diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus fall into this realm but both are separate mechanisms. This forum deals mostly with type 2 diabetes, people who have high blood sugar levels [mellitus]. Diabetes insipidus is kidney related. For best answers, the forum to post on is Kidney Disease & Disorders.
Avatar m tn Hi, Veltam is primarily used for benign prostatic enlargement which usually occurs in much older age group. I don’t think you have got any evidence of prostate enlargement. A PVR volume of greater than 100 ml is generally accepted as the criterion to define incomplete bladder emptying. However, in your case it’s only 14 ml which is absolutely normal. There’s a possibility of chronic prostatitis/chronic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).
Avatar m tn The basic disease which is causing the micro albuminuria needs to be tackled to control this excretion. The commonest cause for this is diabetes mellitus. ACE inhibitors improve the renal perfusion and hence improve the GFR and prevent/reduce the progression of kidney disease. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn All my labs were fine, except my LDL was 107, and my glom flow rate was 59. Should I be concerned. I have not heard from my Doc. Should I contact him? I have never heard of a Glom flow rate. Everything I have read talks about kidney disease. Is this something I need to be concernd about???
1685471 tn?1305360419 It can be also be due to many other reasons which can be physiological or disease-related, and include excessive intake of liquids, diuretic substances (including tea, caffeine, alcohol, certain drugs), anxiety, exposure to cold, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus (central or nephrogenic), urinary tract infections or obstruction, etc to name a few more common ones. In males prostatitis can also cause such symptoms.
Avatar f tn So when the doctor came in she said your blood is good. No diabetes, I asked her was it in my urine and she said you don't have diabetes. My Mom has type 1. And I'm scared. I have these symptoms and can't make sense of this?
Avatar f tn Hi, By excessive urination, you probably mean the increased volume of urine and this occurs commonly in the following conditions. Diabetes mellitus – this can be ruled out by getting the Blood sugar tested. Diabetes inspidus – this is diagnosed by getting the urine specific gravity tested as in this the urine is more dilute. In this the concentrating ability of the kidney is lost due to decreased absorption of fluid from the kidneys.
Avatar n tn Hi there, The common causes of frequent urination in night are urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, prostate problems, interstitial cystitis, diuretic use, bladder dysfunction or overactive bladder syndrome. Each of these conditions will have its associated symptoms. A physical examination and medical history is very important .Depending on the findings of the physical exam and medical history, you may need tests like urine analysis, ultrasound KUB,cystoscopy,cystometry etc.
Avatar f tn Hello, This is known as urgency of urine and can be due to many reasons like polydypsia( excessive intake of water)and polyuria( excessive urine production) which occur due to diseases like diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Excessive intake of coffee and cola drinks can be another reason. In men prostatic hypertrophy can cause this. You need to get some tests done to diagnose the underlying problem. I suggest you to get it evaluated from a urologist. I hope it helps.
Avatar f tn Hello, Without examination confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but frequent urination(polyuria) can be due to diabetes mellitus. Other possibilities are diabetes insipidus, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis(inflammation of the kidneys),urinary tract infection, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia(low potassium),hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism and diuretic drugs. Also UTI’s need to be evaluated. For this is suggest you to consult a physician and get urine culture done. I hope it helps.
Avatar m tn Minimal pain urinating now, but still feel like I have somehow lost my "control" of my PC muscle, so whenever I try to tense it, I actually tense my spincter instead. I have tried to stop my urine flow with the muscle but I can now only stop it for a few seconds, so I'm guessing it's weak and might need some kegels, followed by reverse kegels, because it is also probably tight.
Avatar n tn The most common causes of repeated UTIs are kidney stones and diabetes mellitus. Making a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection includes performing a urinalysis test, which checks for the presence of pus, white blood cells, and bacteria in the urine, which point to a urinary tract infection. A urine culture and sensitivity is usually performed to find the exact microorganism that is causing the infection. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms it can be due to urinary tract infection, obstruction to the flow of urine in urethra, urethritis or prostatitis. Symptoms of UTI are frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, passing of blood in urine and even fever. The most common causes of repeated UTIs are kidney stones and diabetes mellitus.
Avatar m tn Symptoms of UTI are frequent urination, burning sensation during urination, passing of blood in urine and even fever. The most common causes of repeated UTIs are kidney stones and diabetes mellitus. Making a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection includes performing a urinalysis test, which checks for the presence of pus, white blood cells, and bacteria in the urine, which point to a urinary tract infection.