
Dhs gov

Common Questions and Answers about Dhs gov


Avatar f tn and I want to know what insurance or what to apply so I can get help from the gov????? Im first time mom and I have 21 weeks pregg.. I only have medicaid but I have heard that you can apply for food stamps or something that the gov give u money monthly or something like that as long as you are a single mother ?????
Avatar f tn I have been in contact with marijuana.. But do not smoke... But I have heard of people getting a contact high... Will that harm my baby... And if any tests come back with any level of THC will DHS take my baby??? I'm really scared bc all of my friends smoke and I see them quite a bit...
148588 tn?1465778809 ".....In order to stay ahead of terrorist groups like ISIS, Johnson said later, he counts on personnel who will be furloughed if Congress does not fund the Department of Homeland Security by the end of this week. The secretary estimated 30,000 department employees will be let go temporarily if Congress does not act by Friday......
Avatar f tn Try DHS....I know if you file for child support he can request a DNA. If the baby is his, he has to pay for it. If not, DHS pays it.
Avatar n tn Yes, definitely go to your towns DHS, (welfare dept) and they will help you with what you need, especially if you do not currently have a form of work! I wouldn't want your baby taken away either, good luck!! And also check with Central Services, if DHS sets you up with Food Stamps(EBT), then you can get food, diapers and bottles from Central Services, if something like that is available to you in your area!
Avatar f tn That helps with milk bread eggs fruits veggies... after baby they help with fornula if you formula feed. After baby dhs will sometimes help with daycare depending on your income (must have a job). After baby in oklahoma kids can get on soonercare which is insurance for children up to the age of 19 and that pays for everything they need as long as its necessary. Also depending on your income you can qualify for income based housing or section 8.
2006603 tn?1331329327 Go to your local Dhs office and wic office! They will give u food stamps, Medicaid and cash assistance!!
Avatar f tn DHS will do a test but hospitals don't like to do them. You 3 go in, they swab your mouths and you have results in 5-7 business days. My bf had to get one with this girl BC she said he was the dad but I just had a feeling he wasn't. We met when she wasaalready pregnant and I knew a lot about her. But turns out he wasn't the dad.
Avatar f tn If you are on government insurance you just go back out to dhs when baby is born. The baby will go off your insurance at hospital.
Avatar f tn can someone please tell me how to prove who has molested my 5yr old step daughter because I have went through dhs , pediatrician and a hospital that admitted her for three weeks for behavioral issues and I still haven't managed to prove anything but that (someone) has done something. why can't I get anyone to believe who she says did this stuff to her? I believe her and can't see how she could make this up and she has had several bad symptoms!!
Avatar n tn My lease isnt up for 5 months. Ill probably move before then so ill need to go to the doctors here first?
Avatar f tn Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services The Hawaii Department of Human Services is issuing a public announcement of its intention to reduce benefits for 16,000 Medicaid beneficiaries. The announcement is required by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as the first step in seeking approval from the agency.
Avatar f tn My son is 4 now and he has no rights to him. I would contact dhs and ask them. If he wants nothing to do with the baby I wouldn't seek child support. He will have rights and might not treat your baby right.
Avatar f tn im wondering of there is a government grant for single mothers or mothers on maternity leave? i go through dhs for food stamps and i have wic. my specialest at dhs says im able to get cash assistants but its not enough to pay for all my bills and support my daughter and my self.
148588 tn?1465778809 "A federal appeals court panel Monday blocked Indiana Gov. and Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence's attempt to keep Syrian refugees out of Indiana. The court upheld a lower court judge in barring Pence from interfering with the distribution of federal funds to resettle Syrian refugees in his state.
Avatar n tn If she's still doing it she obviously doesn't care about her baby so I'd contact her doctor or Dhs ect because she will have her baby taken until she completes the courses Dhs ask for her to keep her baby.
1310633 tn?1430224091 Washington (CNN) Hillary Clinton is leading top Republican contenders in three crucial swing states by hefty margins, but she has two scenarios where she could be evenly matched, according to a new poll. Clinton has double digit leads over each of her would-be GOP foes for the presidency in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, with the exception of ties in Florida when matched up against the state's former Gov. Jeb Bush and in Ohio against current Gov.
Avatar m tn did they give you MRI metal, Gadolinium metal? fda gov blackbox warning? no mention of metal? see mri side effects, willis law firm, ignore him, he won't take case unless NSF diagnosis by skin doc, but you can have retained metal that dechelates or is retained if told to take iron, zinc , copper, etc, read rsna org, auntminnie com and fiercebiotech com sites, see fda gov and nyas org, free registration, Fourth Annual NSF conference, e briefing 13 Sept 2010.
Avatar f tn ) and my middle name is named after my grandma Margaret (dads mom).