
Dha in rice cereal

Common Questions and Answers about Dha in rice cereal


432779 tn?1364494875 but I am buying the Gerber DHA/ARA cereal. I also have the plain Gerber cereal also in case the DHA/ARA irritates their stomachs. They make the DHA/ARA in the baby food also..Gerber. I have found Target to have the best prices on baby food.
571042 tn?1271447141 Noah will normally have about 2-3 tsp of Rice or Oatmeal Cereal in the morning after he gets up and that is around 7:30 or 8am My sister watches him during the day for me so I am aware of his schedule but not to sure how solid it is lol - When i get him there about 8:30 he will have a 6 0z bottle an another bottle here and there until about 2 around 1-2 my sister will feed him either cereal or Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes or Bananas about 1-2 tsps Then he will have a couple bottles until about
341551 tn?1266980730 ) and we just started him on Rice Cereal last night. We put 1 Tbsp. of Cereal in his bottle (which is about 5-6 ounces of formula). He did great on it! He LOVED it..sucked it down and even though we put it in his 5:00pm bottle he had a 9PM bottle, fell asleep at 10 and slept until 9AM!! So not sure if the Cereal had anything to do with that, but we'll see if the pattern continues tonight. It was awesome for mom and dad though! Anywho, my 1Tbsp the right amount?
383536 tn?1225030613 when you start feeding yor baby rice cereal how often are you supposed to?
290867 tn?1333569278 All 3 of my kids had reflux and the doctors (3 SEPERATE pediatricians) recommended putting small amts of rice cereal in their formula from just a few weeks of age. One is now 12, ones 5 and one is 3...NONE of them have allergies or any other ill effects from it. If you are going to mix the cereal with the formula I would mix the formula REALLY WELL first...then add a small amout of the cereal to the bottle and shake well. As BTS may need to make the nipple hole a little bigger...
Avatar f tn But yes they can have rice cereal. The main ingredient in no spit up formula and some others is rice. Go with your mommy instincts. "Researchers say" changes every few years, you know whats best.
341551 tn?1266980730 I actually started Rice Cereal in her bottle way before 15 weeks. It just never seemed like she was getting full enough after her bottles and she would always spit up after her bottles. Everyone I ever talked to said they did they same. My daughter is now 5 and perfectly healthy.
Avatar f tn I breastfed my first baby but at night I would pump a bottle and put a teaspoon of rice cereal in her bottle every night. Then she would sleep an extra hour which I was grateful for. So I don't see a problem with it but it's ultimately up to you no matter what anyone says.
Avatar f tn So husband and I are really contemplating adding rice cereal to his last bottle before we go to bed. Just enough to get him to maybe drop 1 night feeding and be fully hungry at the next. What are some of your thoughts. I know they say 3 months or older but this whole waking up just to feed 1.5 ounces every 2 hours is super annoying. And we're wasting a lot of formula.
443968 tn?1288612689 He was in his Bumbo sitting up and I decided to mix 1 tbsp of Gerber DHA Rice Cereal with 4-5 tbsp. of formula and give it a whirl with the new Gerber spoons I got last week. Jack did GREAT and after a few bites put together how to get it off the spoon - and open his mouth when it was near him. He started crying when I stopped to give him a break..then laughing when I gave him another bite. He spit out a little bit, or it leaked out all over his chin, but he kept most of it down.
Avatar f tn he still wakes up once or twice during the night for a bottle.... im wondering if i gave him rice cereal in his bottle would he sleep longer??? I give him 6oz of formula, how much rice ceral should go in there???
Avatar f tn I have 3 kids 10years old 3 years old and 2 months i gave them all cereal its up to u talk to ur doctor my 10 year old was eating 8oz right from birth and it wasnt enough so we put cereal in it my 3 year old was losing weight fast doctor put her on a rice based formula and added rice cereal to it as well my son is 2 months and i give him a rice cerael bottle at night he sleeps from 10:30pm to 6:30am it is all about what u feel comfortable with u can always talk it ovet with ur doctor
Avatar f tn I have 2 very healthy daughters and I started giving them rice cereal in their bottles at around 4 weeks old. It helped them sleep through the night also. They loved it. I would only use unflavored rice until they are about 4 months and then use the flavored rice and about 6 months old you can start with the oatmeal and barley. My daughters never had any problems with cereal.
Avatar f tn You can buy it inexpensively by the bag in the cereal section. I like it myself. And I used to eat rice cakes for awhile and I would say I think I prefer puffed rice with butter myself!
Avatar f tn Hey everyone I know this is a pregnancy forum and I haven't posted on here since I had my baby but I have a couple ?s and I know some of y'all have older kids so here it goes lol my daughter is now 2 1/2 months old and has really bad acid reflux so bad that when she spits up she chokes on it so her pediatrician put her on baby zantac and suggested thickening the formula in her bottle with cereal to help with her reflux and we tried rice cereal and it constipated her so my ?
470885 tn?1326329037 So today is the 5th day that I've been trying Baby G on rice cereal, his first solid food (up to now he's been mostly breastfed with an end of the day feeding of formula). The first day he tried it (Friday), I posted a picture of his "yuck" face on here. While he's no longer making that face, he's still resisting the cereal pretty hard, pushing the spoon away, spitting most of it out, turning away, etc.
Avatar f tn he still wakes up once or twice during the night for a bottle.... im wondering if i gave him rice cereal in his bottle would he sleep longer??? I give him 6oz of formula, how much rice ceral should go in there???
4503653 tn?1355583969 she drink a 5 oz bottle about every 2 hours, sometimes sooner. i was thinking about starting her with baby rice cereal. she seems hungry still after a bottle. i read everywhere that you shouldnt start till 4 months old. my doctor reccomends 4 months also. i was just wondering when did you mommies start with the cereal? any bad experiences from starting early? im so back and forth with this...
Avatar f tn I am not having any trouble with production of milk, but I am wondering whether I can start him on rice cereal or not. I know the usual age to start is 4 months, but if I can I would rather start him now so he remains fuller longer. My first was so different- he only drank 4 oz every 2-3 hours until he was one. Micah weighed 15lbs at one, but Mark is already 12.5 lbs..... they are so different!
9399295 tn?1403752593 I started my son on rice cereal at 3 months. I added a teaspoon of rice cereal and a teaspoon of Karo syrup to help with digestion and to prevent constipation. Oatmeal is easier on the belly and works just like rice cereal.
364288 tn?1300144506 I also started a little before 6 months but not with rice cereal. It is not essential that rice cereal is the first 'food' for babies, but it is preferred because you can make the texture of it runny. Do you still breastfeed? If you do, mix the rice cereal with some expressed breast milk. That usually works with most breastfed babies. I tried Medina with pureed carrot and now she is eating carrot, white potato, zucchini (courgette), pumpkin, banana and apple.
Avatar f tn My son us six weeks and has bad reflux. We put rice cereal in his formula just for my substance for him because if he drinks over 2 ounces he aspirates and can't breathe. The two ounces leaves him hungry still do that's where the rice cereal comes to play.
4105678 tn?1356545271 I'm wandering ima ftm
364288 tn?1300144506 m proud to say that my little monster is finally eating the baby food and his rice cereal. I found a rice cereal that has bananas or peaches mixed in with it and he loves it! He gets that every morning and then a veggie and a fruit in the evening. I'm so proud of him!
Avatar f tn With my first i added rice cereal in my sons bottles starting at 8weeks. And by 4months he was on stage 1 foods. He was also born 5weeks early and he never had a problem starting solids earlier.
539156 tn?1281818356 Brown rice is a core food, puffed rice cereal is a core food, plain rice cakes however, are not. Does anybody know why? The store brand of rice cakes that I buy is whole grain brown rice and nothing else...what's up with that? X O to all....