
Dha in brain development

Common Questions and Answers about Dha in brain development


Avatar f tn I specifically went to buy prenatal vitamins that included dha in them. Its omega 3 which is a fatty acid that is good for brain development and prevents neural tube defect.
Avatar f tn I buy special supplements during breastfeeding for brain development and after a year old I buy supplements that you put in yogurt that are for brain development. Hopefully they make up for me not taking it during pregnancy. I normally do all three if I remember. I was super excited with this baby because I remembered to take my prenatals for about 5-6 months before I got pregnant and I was going to go buy the best prenatal then found out I needed prenatal with a stool softener.
7062279 tn?1388370086 DHA is in fish oil, and it's for baby's brain development. Some women don't like fish, or won't eat it because they're afraid of the mercury content, but the DHA in capsure form is mercury free, and has a lot of really good benefits for you and baby (if you weren't getting DHA from the pills, or from eating lots of fish, baby would just take the DHA in your body and use that, but you use it too, so you'd be in short supply).
Avatar f tn Dha is needed for brain development. And baby's brain will continue to grow and grow. It's also needed for their nervous system and eyes.
Avatar f tn The DHA supplements r believed 2 help brain development, but they are NOT proven 2 help anything. That's what my doctor told me. I wouldn't worry so much...DHA in prenatals is a relatively new thing...take our moms 4 instance, they didn't take DHA and we're obviously fine!!
4163555 tn?1408028522 Anyone taking dha with thier prenatal? So i hear its for brain development and helps with tube defects for baby....has anyone heard that they make baby smarter?
Avatar f tn It is actually best for babies brain development if penatals are taken prior to conception. The big push is folic acid. That is crucial for brain development. The answer is yes! Take them! ASAP!
Avatar f tn Ive heard/read DHA is a good prenatal vitamin to take for brain development. Ask your doctor if there is anything you can be taking to assist in healthy development! I hope everything works out and this is just the doctors being overly cautious.
Avatar m tn Nature Made prenatal multi + DHA......DHA very important for the baby's brain development. Never made me sick either. .
349463 tn?1333571576 i use naturemade with dha. these were my favorite and dha is important for brain development.
Avatar n tn thank you so much for the respond, will buy as suggested.
4105678 tn?1356545271 Read the labels! Look for something with dha because it helps with brain development and growth.
Avatar f tn re looking for a specific brand, I use Brainstrong, which includes DHA (good for their little brain development), but most of the major prenatal vitamins will give you what they need.
Avatar f tn i take fish oil supplementation for DHA. the only concern there is impurities like mercury present in the fish oil - there are brands that make DHA capsules that have been purified for this purpose. some brands will even go as far to source their oils from the purest fish and highest standards, so that purification isn't even necessary. i take this one. it is made specifically for pregnancy: hope this helps!
Avatar f tn I work at a health food store and New Chapter is by far the best brand of vitamin you can buy its made from all whole foods so you can take on an empty stomache and it has probiotics in it which are great for any stomache ir digestive issues you might experience through out your pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I started seeing a therapist to help with my fears and it has helped a lot! I also started taking extra DHA because I read in several books that it is good for your baby's brain development and also for your own emotions. They actually tell people with depression who arent even pregnant to take it because it helps your seritonin flow.
773801 tn?1244520679 The doctor will tell you to take prenatal vitamins and DHA which is Omega 3 which promotes healthy brain development and eyes and nervous system. What they fail to tell you that if you are taking these daily that you need to stop taking them at the end of your pregnancy because it prevents you from going into labor. Omega 3 are used to help prevent preterm labor, PMS menstral cramps in non pregnant women and relieve joint and prevent inflammation.
1492421 tn?1290300515 New studies are lacking scientific evidence for dha or fish oil in pregnancy however further studies are needed.
Avatar f tn You need to take a DHA supplement as well for your babies brain and nervous system development. One good option is Nordic naturals prenatal DHA.
Avatar f tn Ya. DHA is good. You can take regular fish oil on the side.
Avatar f tn DHA is a kind of Omega 3 fatty acid (which is usually DHA+EPA) Omega 3 s are considered really beneficial for our brain and general health..and considered really good for fertility.. they're found in fatty fish or you can take them as supplements..
Avatar f tn I am taking "Kind Organics" they are vegan prenatals and give you all the necessary vitamin and minerals we need
657586 tn?1224587947 s with at least 450mg of DHA, the form responsible for brain, nervous system, and eye development. DHA is ESSENTIAL for these things. As long as you are taking High quality fish oil which is low in mercury or eating fish that are low in mercury then all is fine! Eat away for the health and development of your baby!
Avatar f tn I would just recommend that to give your baby the best help for development that whichever prenatal you choose (which you can get over the counter, or your doctor could prescribe) just make sure that what you get has DHA in it, it's to aid in brain and eye development, and a lot of doctors recommend this. With an previous ectopic pregnancy, and being early on, it would be beneficial to get the most out of a prenatal, and not all of them contain DHA, but it is a very good thing to have.
Avatar f tn Its fine to take them together?
10939157 tn?1413971264 Nestle Good Start with DHA and ARA Natural Cultures had the highest review standing. DHA and ARA are important in the promotion of immune system function, growth and development, as well as, eyes and brain. This formula topped the list, as it contains "comfort proteins," 100 percent whey protein from cow's milk. It easily breaks down during digestion and is available in powder, concentrate, and ready-to-feed preparations.