
Dha epa flax oil

Common Questions and Answers about Dha epa flax oil


Avatar f tn Just another point. Fish oil is from the fat in fish, which is obviously exposed to all kinds of oxidation. Animal fat doesn't oxidize as quickly as other things for this reason. But Flax seed oil is protected by the shell of the seed; it has to be pressed, at very cool temperatures, to produce the oil, and that's why flax oil oxidizes much more quickly than not only animal fat oil but also many other plant oils. And personally, I take both.
Avatar f tn Flax oil isn't equivalent to fish oil. While both contain omega 3 oils, the oils they contain are quite different. The reason your shrink recommended fish oil is it's high quantity of EPA and DHA. DHA in particular is essential for proper brain function. Some people do feel lessened depression with a high dose of fish oil daily. I don't know about anxiety. Make sure you buy one from a good company that uses clean fish; I prefer Nordic Naturals.
Avatar m tn An analysis of eight clinical studies which investigated the effects of taking EPA and/or DHA from fish oil with various anti-depressants (including SSRI drugs such as fluoxetine and sertraline and tricyclic drugs such as amitriptyline) found that, overall, there appeared to be additive benefit, especially from EPA in doses of about 1,000 mg — 2,000 mg per day, concluding, "EPA-rich omega-3 fish oil may be recommended for the adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder.
Avatar m tn An analysis of eight clinical studies which investigated the effects of taking EPA and/or DHA from fish oil with various anti-depressants (including SSRI drugs such as fluoxetine and sertraline and tricyclic drugs such as amitriptyline) found that, overall, there appeared to be additive benefit, especially from EPA in doses of about 1,000 mg — 2,000 mg per day, concluding, "EPA-rich omega-3 fish oil may be recommended for the adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder.
Avatar f tn I have tried different brands of fish oil on different occassions as well as my husband. I wished I could take it for the health benefits; but, in our case, it causes digestive upset such as bloating and gas. So, I've replaced fish oil with flax seed oil and we do not experience the gas and bloating we had with fish oil. In my case, I feel much better on flax seed oil, emotionally as well as physically.
Avatar m tn no it is not harmful it is a must, but the quality and concentration of epa and dha must be very high at 2-3g daily (fish oil quantity is not useful check epa/dha), most products are scam with very low dha/epa so useless.
Avatar f tn 4) Natural Factors RxOmega-3 Factors EPA 400mg/DHA 200 mg (400 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA per softgel, 1 to 3 per day) Found only 83.
Avatar f tn Thanks stefano I check the fish oil again. It is only 360 mg EPA and 240 mg DHA per 2000 mg. Its nothing. I will look for higher concentrate ones.
Avatar f tn Hello and thanks for this service! Is it more beneficial to take an "omega 3 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement" or an "omega 3, 6 &9 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement"? I'm a bit confused as to which would be of the optimum benefit to purchase. Thanks for your time and expertise!
475555 tn?1469304339 What is it with this link-snipping stuff? Sheesh! Here are the missing words, in the same order: flaxcouncil bioriginal These are pretty worthwhile websites for anyone interested in beefing up their poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Flax seems to be better than fish and almost as good as chia (unfortunately, one of the chia species IS used in those horrendous pet thingies, but the one high in omega-3 fatty acids is apparently another species of chia that grows in Peru).
518994 tn?1212242047 Another problem - - most fish oil supplement manufacturers do NOT reveal the concentrations of EPA and DHA in their products, and these are the omega-3's we actually need to know for appropriate dosing. We work with a company called Nordic Naturals, and I use their pet-specific liquid omega-3 product. We refer to dosing guidelines that have come from oncology, and we dose to the DHA at 30 mg/kg/day. ********************************* Here is that reference: nordicnaturals.
1192727 tn?1282735542 Fish oil capsules contain both DHA and EPA. Supplements containing EPA may not be recommended for infants or small children because they upset the balance between DHA and EPA during early development. Pregnant women should talk to their doctor before taking fish oil supplements. Fish oil capsules may cause minor side effects, such as loose stools, abdominal discomfort, and belching. In addition, they may prolong bleeding time slightly.
Avatar m tn 5ml, epa 1.8g dha 0.9g equal to 2.7g.
1756970 tn?1314376733 What you will want is the EPA. EPA is found in the fish oil, it helps with mood and brain function. DHA is less needed but is still good for the brain. I think 3000mg of EPA is a good amount but you will need to ask your doctor or professional for the amount. I don't think you can ever have to much. I am on 6 grams of fish oil but with only has 2grams of EPA in the 6 grams of fish oil i take.
1885735 tn?1322375616 Fish oil with dha and epa.
Avatar n tn I answered on your other post, but do want to say none of the brands you're taking are the best quality. You want fish oil sourced from clean fish. Buying bargain brands can be problematic with supplements.
Avatar n tn (2) Japan does not yet have OMOCOR (EPA/DHA). Current drug is Epadel by Mochida (ALL EPA).. So I take over the counter one and prescription half and half. Is there any opinion of whether all EPA/DHA or EPA only is more effective. Omocor comes next year, (3) Given my above cholesterol and triglyceride figures and regimen, is there any evidence that taking niacin would be better than the fish oil alone I am taking? It seems already to be in a good range.
Avatar m tn t just one substance, Omega three are fatty acids just like Omega 6 fatty acids found in oils and meat etc. Omega 3 are EPA, DHA, and ALA . Some experts have said that the balance between Omega 6 fatty acids and Omega 3 is key, but just as many say this is nonsense. Omega 3 do have benefits, mainly reducing inflammation in the body, such as in the arteries or joints. It can also reduce your clotting factor if taken in too high doses, causing excessive bleeding.
Avatar m tn The front of the bottle just tells you the combined mg of EPA and DHA. I believe it helped me. I was also exercising alot. I eventually had a downfall after a bad breakup and all of that went down the drain. Now I am back on Celexa. I couldn't shake it by myself.
Avatar n tn Eating the right foods literally feeds your joints and keeps them strong and flexible. Foods like fish and walnuts or almonds contain essential fatty acids that lubricate. Unless you eat fatty fish like salmon or sardines on most days, you're not getting enough omega-3 fats-or their anti-inflammatory benefits. You want to get two specific omega-3s in particular: EPA and DHA. The best source for both is fish oil. Aim for 1,000-3,000 mg total DHA and EPA.
Avatar n tn html if you use it as a painkiller because of inflammation look for a real supplement of fish oil omega 3 (most contains such low amounts to be useless) that contains 4,5g minimum of fish oil (about epa 1-2g and dha 1-2g).
Avatar f tn Spirulina isn't a supplement, it's food. If you don't take enough, don't take it at all, you're wasting money. What you're doing is like eating one bite of broccoli. Spirulina is a vegetable that happens to be very high in nutritional value, so if you don't take enough, you aren't "eating" it at all. Fish oil is similar, if you don't take enough, you aren't "eating" it.