
Desogestrel blood clots

Common Questions and Answers about Desogestrel blood clots


Avatar n tn i started use Desogestrel in december at start when my period came was all fine period was gone after 4 days. january 4th started some lil bleeding and spotting and didnt stopped ever since. like 3 weeks ago i went to my doctor she said lets change to Slynd . but i am still spotting sometimes more sometimes less. my question is if i take a 1 week brake and resume taking pills will stop the spotting ?
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago after passing a blood clot the size of a grape fruit since then randomly I will pass blood clots, but they are not quite that size. Tuesday I started my period and it has been heavier than normal. I am passing about 7-8 clots a day. but tonight in the last 30 minutes I have had about 10 clots pass. I can feel them falling out of my body and they are about the size of 2 or 3 grapes. Should I be concerned?
Avatar f tn Well i called today to get more answers as to what was causing the bleeding, and apparently i have blood clots forming in the layers of the placenta where its suppose to attach to the uterus....but the clots should be dissolving on their own. Currently on light bed rest and no sex. Has anyone experienced this before its called Subchorionic hematoma...
Avatar n tn I just found out I was in my first weeks of pregnancy yesterday, this morning I been bleeding not super heavy but period heavy and I had blood clots... what does that mean? I'm not miscarring right? Do I have to wait until the bleeding stops to take another pregnancy test to verify?
Avatar m tn When it comes to heavier bleeding or actual blood and not the brown dried up blood, or passing clots it's best to be seen at er asap.
11587059 tn?1427628263 Always better to play it safe and see what they say. He or she can better determine the cause. Blood clots can be very serious. I have a clotting disorder and am on daily lovenox shots throughout my pregnancy as a preventive measure.
Avatar f tn Has anyone developed blood clots in there legs while pregnant? I'm 31 weeks and I think I have one...Will be calling doctor in the morning.
Avatar n tn This month I had my period for 4 days as usual... Seven days later I start passing Huge blood Clots. The flow is heavier then my heaviest day on my period... Whats going on?????
Avatar n tn I woke up with blood clots. 3 clots the size of a loonie.Now i went in and seen a dr. He checked me n said baby is fine n to go home an rest. Im weak n feel sick! Did anyone else experience this at 18 weeks?
Avatar n tn About five in the morning I felt wet so I decided to go take a shower. Went to the bathroom first and I was pushing, a big red bloob came out. Ive had blood clots before in my time but never this huge.I could fit it in the palm of my hand. I flushed it took a shower. Now I feel like I have to push again and the bleeding has not stopped. Im just very confussed and concerned. I cant be pregnant cause my tubes are tied.
Avatar n tn First can you tell how old a clot is? Thern how long does it take to disolve a clot in the right chamber of a enlarged heat 4 times normal size? The heart also has only a 10% explusion rate or something like that it should normally be 70% from what I was told. Craig Stevenson This discussion is related to <a href=''>Dissolving Blood Clots</a>.
Avatar n tn t know really about blood clots... only that there is medication out there that is suppose to get rid of them. I have a question though... how did they find out she had a blood clot in her head? I have been dealing with the same type of pain....
Avatar f tn Abnormal periods are cause enough to go to a gynecologist. There are several causes to this, like hormonal imbalances and things like polycystic ovary syndrome. The blood clots are probably not something that would cause too much concern, but I'd bring it up with your doctor either way. That said, be aware that in your period, you're not only shedding blood, but also the endometrium, which isn't so much the lining of your ovaries as it is the lining of your uterus.
Avatar f tn I have a self harm problem (I am getting better), and almost every cut the blood is runny like normal but also clotty. Like I can literally pick up clots of blood. Is that normal?
Avatar n tn Well I started my period 2 days ago and noticed it was heavy..I have since then seen 5-6 blood clots come out ... One the size of a loonie..Im starting to worrie again but I cant see my doc for another 2 months b/c they are soo full.. Does anyone know what is going on with me?..Am I just becoming a hypercondracte? Sorry about the spelling guys Im writing fast...
688915 tn?1227320560 i've been having blood clots in my period i've been on for 2wks n 4 days now and sometimes my period does'nt come for two months straight i'm scared i dont no what to do i need help and sometimes i bleed very heavy while im on can someone help me wat should i do im a 19 yr old lookin for some answers
1069666 tn?1255243515 I'm 21 years old and I've been having blood clots with my period. When I was 13 I started out with a normal period but the next couple of years I started not having any that lasted till I was about 16, then it started with huge blood clots. Over the next couple of years I went to the doctors and they seem not to be able to help.
Avatar f tn i think you shud talk to your doctor, i dont think this is normal
Avatar f tn What conditions should i be worried about that might possible be affecting my blood...I have had my blood count checked a few times and all is fantastic, meaning it's not cancer, so what else can it be...I've never really been sick before...and If i had some kind of blood clotting disorder than wouldn't you think this would have been noticed before...?
Avatar f tn Good day, I have been passing large(and small) blood clots for the past several months. I went to my gyn and he found that I have polyps. Understanding that, I am still passing clots intermittently and it is detrimental to my sex life. Although my husband doesn't say anything, it's like playing russian roulette. You just never know when the clots will appear, could be before, during or after sex. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Could this be related to endometriosis? How can this be resolved?
Avatar n tn I am 19 and have very bad blood clots when I have my period, sometimes the size of quaters. they cause really bad cramps to the point where its hard to go to work or even walk. should I go to the Dr or is this normal???