
Contractions during the 5th month

Common Questions and Answers about Contractions during the 5th month


Avatar f tn Yes in the beginning my son would freak out during contractions.
5615074 tn?1378316840 I lost part of my mucus plug about 2am on Christmas morning. There was also a bit of blood in it. Now I have been going to the bathroom probably 3 times a day. So I'm guessing that's my body "cleaning" itself out? The doctor told me I can go into labor as early as the 5th of this month and they won't stop my labor. On the 5th I will be 35 weeks. How long does your body usually "clean" itself before labor starts?
Avatar f tn I have no effing clue what is going on with my body, but i'm starting to get really concerned. My periods are normally 28-29 days and my periods are normally medium/heavy for 4 days. The past 2 months i've had really weird periods. In Augsut I started spotting on the 5th, on the 6th it was heavy, 7th pretty light, then returned to spotting for 3 days.
8365413 tn?1407251515 Does the baby move during contractions.? & does the movement hurts? I cant remember.
Avatar f tn Anyone at their 5th month yet... Have u felt the baby kick . kinda feels like a poke from the inside lol. How do you feel. I'm exhausted still all the time but I'm eating everything within two hrs I'm empty and eating again. What your symptoms and ur pregnancy like .
Avatar f tn Omg I will have my baby girl this Saturday April 5th my due date was April 19th but my doctor told me I wasn't going to make it because of my blood pressure is to high but I will be 38weeks on Saturday that's not bad right?
Avatar f tn I miscarried on the 5th of November. I just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant and started to have flakey brown spotting. (sorry TMI) I have not had any cramping just really bad head achs and super dizzy. Please help me I have miscarried 7times and I am super worries.
689528 tn?1364135841 OCTOBER 5th!!! LOL I was floored when I looked it up since it's this Tuesday! ALSO!! One of the most popular days during the week to have a baby is on a Tuesday...they are saying Wednesday now but it was Tuesday's for a very very long time!!
Avatar f tn Baby Kassidy is here!Born March 4th 7lbs 10 Oz 19 1/2 inches. Born 11 days early. I posted a question on Monday on if my baby was thought to come soon because I had my cervix checked and I was dilated 3 cm and 75% effaced. Well ironically enough she came the next night, I was eating spaghetti and went to squat down and my water broke.
Avatar n tn A woman ovulates on average 2 weeks before her period, so if you have a regular period based on a 28 day cycle, you would ovulate on about the 3rd-5th of the month. You would have to have sex within a 48 hour window of those days to get pregnant. Regardless, when doctors measure the length of a pregnancy, they start from the last day of your last period, so they would consider the 21st to be your conception day.
Avatar f tn I did not bleed, possibly because i suffered an injury to my vagina when i fell down as a kid n hit the edge of the narrow curb i was walking on. The next time me and my boyfriend had sex was on the 5th day of my period(my periods last max 5 days, usually just 4), and i bled this time. Could it have been due to the sensitivity of the vaginal wall during periods? My vagina bled the next time we had sex too- which was 2 days later.
4235497 tn?1356982472 It could have a lot to do with your babys diagnosis & just pregnancy hormones. I've been so happy during my pregnancy until my 5th month anatomy scan when they said one if my twins might have down syndrome because they found a few "soft markers". They offered an amnio & I declined it.
Avatar f tn Im due in 4 days and all last night and today ive been having lower abdomen pains which comes and goes like crampy pains, lower back ache and it takes my breath away when it comes too and does go when i move etc, anyone knows if its contractions or not? Baby has dropped really low as my midwife said hes 2/5th engaged and they couldnt measure his head at last scan due to being too far down...
Avatar f tn 7th Month = Wks 27,28,29,30 8th Month = Wks 31,32,33,34,35 9th Month = Wks 36,37,38,39,40 Week 1 till end of week 13 Begin week 14 till end week 26 Begin week 27 till Birth
Avatar n tn Contractions from orgasm can make your uterus contract. It's theoretically possible that their contractions could shake off the endometrium (that's loose in your uterus already) at a little more rapid rate. But not more blood overall.
Avatar f tn Due date is Jan 5th.. just getting really uncomfortable over here as some of the contractions im getting are really strong.
Avatar f tn m just really not sure! I had unprotected sex on August 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th---ejaculated inside of me on the 5th and 12th(sorry if tmi).. What are the chances of pregnancy this cycle? It's sorta just a big guessing game because I really don't know when I'm supposed to start my period if it isn't back to normal, i guess just wait until the end of the month and see if i have one! but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn I noticed the only difference it makes having babies so close together is the healing process and aches and pains during pregnancy. I have 4 kiddos under the age of 5.
Avatar f tn I was having contractions yesterday at my 36 week appt that were very uncomfortable so i spent all evening at the hosp at my drs request...I started out having them 7 to 10 mins apart and they got to two minutes apart and were lasting about a minute ......and they never changed my cervix from 1cm.....the nurse told me to wait until I couldn't talk during contractions to come back.......this is my 5th babe but my youngest is 11 so I feel like a beginner too!!!....
Avatar f tn We will make it through this. By the end of next month we should all have babies... But until then.... we just have to stay strong....
Avatar f tn Apparently I have BH but don't feel them. The last time I saw my midwife I had several during the exam but couldn't feel anything even when she pointed it out. So maybe you actually are having them, a lot women don't feel it happening.
Avatar f tn I'm going to we later having contraction as an last night just anciuse to know if I'm dilated more where they can keep me and induce me because it is possible to go into labor with out feeli mg the contractions
Avatar n tn is it okay to mastrubate during 8th month?? Everyone is telling me to be extra cautious during this time period but im so turned on all the time.. I do feel slight discomfort after orgasm.. But nothing to much..