
Comtrak logistics

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Avatar m tn There are plenty of issues that can pop up while on treatment which would make being in a different country quite difficult. The logistics of carrying the meds with you at the proper temperature is also an issue. I'm not particularly a risk taker so those potential issues would make me wait until after the trip. If you're not easily rattled by the "what ifs", then maybe you're well-suited to start treatment now and deal with treatment while traveling.
Avatar n tn Hi all! I will be having decompression surgery on 6/4 5 hours away from home out of state. I'll be staying near the hospital where I'm having my surgery until my staples are removed and I'm "cleared" to leave town (anticipated to be 10 days post op). I'm assuming others have gone thru this but I'm wondering about the logistics of traveling the 5 hours home after surgery with the "lay flat for 30 minutes every 30 minutes you're up" rule.
Avatar f tn m alone here in recommending a liver specialist that is a part of a liver transplant clinic if logistics allow. If anything becomes serious, they are going to be on your speed dial (so to speak), so build a good relationship now.
Avatar m tn t sure about the logistics of the diagnosis, his symptoms, and his ability to be contagious. Can anyone shed light on this? Thank you.
Avatar n tn I'm a 65 year old man. I have worked as carpenter all of my life. Recently I had some tests to find out why I was having pain in my arms and hands. The EMG and follow up tests revealed carpal tunnel syndrome and muscular atrophy in the hands. They followed up with a MRI and say that I need surgery on my neck for some nerve problem.
148588 tn?1465778809 PARIS - France became the first foreign country to publicly join United States airstrikes in Iraq on Friday, bombing a logistics depot controlled by Islamist militants, Iraqi and French officials said. Rafale fighter jets accompanied by support planes "entirely destroyed" the depot controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in the north of the country, President Francois Hollande said. Iraq's military spokesman said four morning airstrikes killed dozens of fighters.
Avatar n tn Another real world consideration, would be the expertise of the urologist, you may need to have it done somewhere else, there may be some waiting involved, and hence the logistics needed may make you change your mind.
Avatar f tn I delivered my first at a birthing center and it looks like this one will be delivered there too (we had been considering a home birth but logistics and insurance denials are getting in the way). I know not all places have the same protocols and guidelines... but in my case I never went to a checkup there, I always just go for office visits with my midwives who deliver at that facility.
1339665 tn?1334070769 You are not understanding the logistics of HIV. You are thinking of it as because they have HIV, you can be affected. The only way you are going to be affected is if their blood mixes with yours or sexual contact. HIV positive people don't walk around with infections or bacteria that will make you sick. If they did, they would be even more sick than you. You are thinking the wrong way. Post in the HIV prevention community and they can tell you lots more.
Avatar n tn Was January the last time you had sex? Or did you anytime during or immediately after the bleed you had.
Avatar f tn I need to know rough due date soon as I live in a different country from my home country and need to sort logistics of where to give birth!!
403153 tn?1297254495 Its a privilege for people to have access to a free doctor on the internet. The logistics of having to sort though thousands of questions per day (for both doctor AND other members) just doesn't make a free posting for all option particularly feasible in my opinion. Anyone that has a highly pressing question should contact their own doctor for advice and always has the option of posting in the member-to-member forum in the interim.
Avatar n tn regardless of anchors...also, trying to figure out logistics of sitting in the back seat with them. Looking for a bigger SUV that can comfortably seat 3 without getting a 7 passenger SUV....
285896 tn?1237211227 I had a 3D u/s done. This little boy is in there with his hand on his wee-wee. Anybody who's ever had a 3D u/s before knows that they kinda move in slow motion. So needless to say it looks like he was knocking it from side to side. The u/s tech called the nurses in so they could witness this act of perversion. The only thing I could say was "he's acting like his dad already". I was so think I'm harboring a little wee-wee grabber!
Avatar m tn If its bacterial prostatitis, and you have a UTI or similar, you need an 'antibiotic susceptibility test' performed on your urine. They can test your urine against like 20 or so ab's. Some will be resistant, some not. Obviously, take an antibiotic thats susceptible. It's worth a try. If you have a bacterial infection though, you might have other symptoms like odd smelling urine, burning, stinging etc.. Go for an AB that has good prostate penetration.
Avatar f tn s let out body worry about the logistics and free our mind of stress. As long as you are eating right and taking care of your body from an external stand point we are doing the best we can. I hope you find comfort that you are not alone. If you are in a stressful situation try to sit back and count to 10 and take deep breaths. Tell yourself you can do this, you can't control what's going on around you but you can control how you react to it. Best of luck to you and baby.
Avatar f tn t really speak from personal experience. The logistics are getting pretty tough for me! But- good for you! - and sorry for your pain..!
Avatar f tn Hey all, I am 36 and 7 weeks along with my 2nd child. We have been together 5 years and havea 2 year old together and my husband has a 9 year old from a previous relationship. This was a unplanned pregnancy so I was totally taken by a surprise by the news of another baby. My husband is a total planner so he's struggling with the logistics ($ needed for daycare & diapers, where we will fit all the stuff a new baby needs).
Avatar f tn Even a birthing center would be fine. Everything is just 2+ hours away. Child care logistics for my other two make it almost impossible. I am just frustrated and depressed. We just moved to this area back in march. If I would have known then what I know now. I never would have agreed to the move. just feel like crying.
6709254 tn?1389303349 Definitely, unemployment also holds seminars for veterans to assist with the job search (some do the resumes for you because we tend to use military lingo). I get emails everyday for jobs they I may qualify for.
Avatar n tn My son has for approximately 9 months has been driving trucks or car carriers in Australia. He works either 5 or six days per weeks and shifts of up to 12 hours. For the last 6 weeks he has been off work following an accident which in my view was a direct result of sleep deprivation. His employer (a large well known logistics firm) schedule drivers' shifts on a weekly basis bearing no similarity to the previous week, Shifts are quite different from one week to the next.
168348 tn?1379357075 Going to endo today for my 5 month post surgery appt. to find out the logistics of the 6 month RAI and scan. Also, getting results of the gallon of blood I donated last week!
Avatar m tn I'm in the military which may help to explain things. The gonorrhea test was a microscopy culture test on the swab. The chlamydia was an ELISA test on the urine. They said NAATS's tests could not be done due to the logistics and the amount of time it would take to get a sample to a laboratory making it void. I have a repeat test for next week.
Avatar f tn Or if he starts showing more signs of being ready. We are trying to figure out hte logistics of two cribs in one room...