
Coffee caffeine tea

Common Questions and Answers about Coffee caffeine tea


Avatar f tn I changed to decaf. Decaf coffee and decaf tea bags so I still got the same taste and raised less suspicion at work. I just had to dramatically reduce my chocolate and cola intake but I'm not finding that too hard. What I'm struggling with at the moment is around 1pm at work with the sudden realisation of how tired I am. This is where I have a real cup of instant coffee to keep me going. Good luck!!!
Avatar f tn I keep lipton cold brew caffeine free tea in my fridge at all times cuz I luv my tea too something to try
Avatar f tn I drink a glass of tea sometime and had a craving for a soda the other day but I usually don't drink any
Avatar f tn t good for the baby, I used to drink a 20 Oz espresso every day, but the Dr said that about the cup of one cup of coffee is okay, as long as you are not exceeding 200mg of caffeine, that applies to tea too. And absolutely no energy drinks. I completely stopped drinking coffee all the way and I was the biggest addict.
Avatar f tn My doctor told me I have to have caffeine at least once a day because I am addicted to it and so I have a glass of either coke or coffee a day or I will get sick. Drinking tea lowers your iron so I'd watch how much tea you drink but you will be fine unless your doctor says you can't.
Avatar f tn U can have 1 glass of soda or coffee a day. But more caffeine in the first trimester is linked to higher miscarriage rates. For me, I avoid it completely. It's not worth the risk.
Avatar f tn My ob said limit ur caffine intake to once a day is fine. Whether its soda, coffee, tea...
406957 tn?1202996900 I love love tea, so I just buy decaf tea with flavored herb tea and it is wonderful to drink! Too much caffeine gives me insomnia which turns into mania,, not a good combo for me! Also, be aware of how it interacts with your meds. I take a Lithium/wellbutrin combo and both stress to be careful with caffeine intake. Hope this helps!
Avatar f tn I drink coffee or tea. Not every day, but every other at least. I'll get headaches if I dont. Just don't go crazy and it's fine.
8778737 tn?1413827423 t (aka they are addicted and dependant on caffeine) I like tea more than coffee but I crave coffee sometimes and my bf is also very strict about coffee intake! At least he cares but we researched it and it's okay for me to have a cup a day or two small cups!
Avatar f tn I try to stay away from caffeine, but every once once in a while I will have a natural black tea with Stevia when fatigue is real bad. But, as a rule, I stay away from it because I also will crash after it wears off, sometimes feeling worse than before I drank it. Never have liked coffee, but being from the south, I miss sweet tea. Also miss Mountain Dew, but I haven't had a soft drink because of the sugars and other bad "stuff" for almost three years.
Avatar f tn ) oh and its ok to drink it in moderation I drink one cup of coffee in the am and the caffeine free soda later if I miss the coffee in the morning I have bad headache all day
Avatar f tn The recommendation is no more than 200mg of caffeine in a day, and a regular cup of coffee will not exceed that. If you are uncomfortable with a cup of full caffeine you can always try the half-caf and still get a little pick me up in the morning. I have a cup in the morning and then a cup of decaf if I want another in the afternoon.
Avatar f tn Hot tea has less caffeine and would be a better choice then coffee. It's recommended to stay under 200 mg of caffeine per day.
Avatar f tn As my gynaicologist said, you are not allowed to take those quantities of coffee)tea and have a sodathat contains caffeine as well. Have in mind that dark soda (cola, pepsi) normally isnt allowed coz it has ingredients that might harm your baby. Anyhow, if its not very important for you to take those drinks, is better if you forget them for a while.
Avatar f tn I'm allergic to Irish black tea, I've red there is more caffeine in Irish black tea than in coffee. I drank Irish blended black tea for years and years, then one day I broke out in huge welts and blisters from it. I broke out in 5 different place from, over 5 months until I figured it out. It also gave me chronic fatigue for over 15 years. I stopped drinking it and never got the blister's again the constant fatigue was gone too.
Avatar f tn s a bit silly and if I had around 6/7 cups a day that would do no harm at all, just curious as to why tea and coffee seems to be limited in the things I read compared to what my doc has told me
Avatar f tn Drinking Coffee in opregnancy should not pose a problem as long as it is kept under 200-300mg a day (which is classed as light consumption) Just as a guide this is the approx content of some products Instant coffee - 80-90mg Espresso - 100mg Black tea - 40mg Cola drinks (1 can) - 20mg Chocolate and hot chocolate beverages aklso contain caffeine, but in small amounts. The danger period for large consumption is really in the first trimester when the risk of miscarriage is high.
461781 tn?1285609481 I just googled has less caffeine then coffee. Like an 8 oz coffee has 100mg and an 8 oz ice tea had 40...
Avatar f tn Okay, so really how bad is caffeine for the baby? I'm almost 35 weeks and I have done well with eating right and not drinking any pop but these last 3 weeks I have been craving Dr. Pepper! I get scolded by family members sometimes but I have been told I am allowed to drink 32 oz of pop a day and I hardly drink 2 a week. So I'm wondering what other mommy's think about this?
Avatar f tn ^ But not as much as black tea, or anywhere close to coffee. If you're cutting out caffeine everywhere else, you can probably afford a few cups a day.