
Citalopram side effects drowsiness

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram side effects drowsiness


497348 tn?1283436066 The most common side effects associated with citalopram are nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, excessive sweating, headache, tremor, drowsiness, and inability to sleep. Overall, between 1 in 6 and 1 in 5 persons experience a side effect. Citalopram is also associated with sexual dysfunction. Some patients may experience withdrawal reactions upon stopping citalopram.
671285 tn?1292660161 Many of the symptoms you experienced are potential side effects of Celexa (aka Citalopram), namely agitation, anxiety, fatigue, drowsiness, sweating, and panic. There is no question that you did the right thing in immediately notifying your doctor of these side effects and I'm glad you did. While it is unfortunate that your experience with Celexa was a negative one, it is important not to generalize your experience to all antidepressants.
Avatar f tn Drowsiness can be a side effect of Celexa, but if it's this bothersome you may want to give your prescribing doctor a call. There is an adjustment period of 1-2 weeks with these types of medications, and then things get better. It takes 4-6 weeks for this medication to reach a full therapeutic level in your system, and for you to feel the full benefit of it.
697574 tn?1273955747 The manufacturer has by law to list all known side-effects on their product data sheets, even rare side-effects. Remember many people get through their treatment without suffering any major side-effects and hopefully this will be the case with you. So I would relax and forget it. If you worry about a decrease in libido, you'll definitely get a decrease in libido!
384099 tn?1226443429 no side effects, nor helped with anything. so the next month they bumped me up to 20mg. i still didnt have really any side effects.. they started helping. They were going to bump me to 40 mg, but i ran out of the 20's and never went back to the doctor till this month (3 months later) and they started me back up on 20mg's. so i am currently taking them.
697574 tn?1273955747 t get me wrong, it works wonders and the side effects disappear almost as soon as the positive effects start happening. Just keep to them and keep a positive attitude that they'll work and everything will be fine.
769503 tn?1238496321 Citaloporam takes 2-3 weeks, give or take, to reach therapeutic levels and side effects may be present during this time. Any concerns about side effects should be brought to the attention of his doctor. There ARE some cases where the side effects are just too difficult for someone to manage and that's when a dffferent med should be tried..............
Avatar n tn I have been prescribed Acebutolol for PVC's and I am literally exhausted since beginning this medication but I didn't see that as one of the side effects. Also, my vision is blurred. Is this normal?
695983 tn?1242774124 I have told the doctor 3 times now about these effects and they still say the side effects take time to go away. My breasts are so sore, im worried. Im sick of going back every week. I have seen two different doctors now.
Avatar m tn The Doc wants me to take citalopram for stress. What is the most common side effect?
Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar n tn ve been on citalopram (including myself) and there was no weight gain. However, weight gain is listed under possible side effects, so it does happen to some people. But it's not like mood stabilisers, where the weight gain is very likely. I wouldn't worry about it. Most things that are listed under the side effects of any given drug are very rare.
Avatar n tn too much of these drugs/sub or subutes carry lots of side effects..and doctors seem to oer prescribe sub..too much causes drowsiness, fogginess etc..
Avatar f tn I want to keep going and get back to my normal, but the side effects are scary. I have two small kids to take care of and am afraid of the side effects getting even more in the way of taking care of them. Please, any stories to help me on my way would be greatly appreciated! Thanks you so much!
539209 tn?1225972263 Lyrica is wonderful once you get passed the side effects,,usually takes a week,,,,,Also lyrica is a schedule 5 drug,,with Morphine componants
Avatar f tn usually any side effects to the medications, disappear after a week or two on suppressive therapy odds are it's the herpes itself and your body fighting it that is making you drowsy, not the medication.
Avatar n tn Dilaudid-HP All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Dilaudid-HP: Constipation; dizziness, drowsiness; dry mouth; flushing; lightheadedness; nausea; sweating; vomiting.