
Ciclopirox for ringworm

Common Questions and Answers about Ciclopirox for ringworm


Avatar n tn I tried lamisil cream for 4 weeks with only a slight improvement and then saw my GP. He prescribed ciclopirox which I used for 5 weeks with maybe 25-50% improvement, but it would occasionally flare and come back just as strong. Went back to the GP and he suggested maybe the fungus was almost gone and that it was more inflammation than anything. To be sure, he prescribed oral ketoconazole for 2 weeks and prescription hydrocortisone.
569705 tn?1217017492 Thank u for ur answer. My daughter recently developed a ringworm on her arm and the I thought "How did she get that?!" Anyway, I got her meds and have been using them on the soles of my feet as well and they are showing major improvement after only two days without even using my other prescribed meds........I'll let u know how it turns out. However I am not sure if I should use it on my hands. I think I'll see how my feet turn out first. Again thank you for ur advice.
951906 tn?1246287693 Is this really ringworm? (pictures below) Or something different? Should I go to the ER or wait till tomorrow? BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Over 2 months ago this gross circular thing started growing on my leg. Since it was really itchy and formed little bubbles I thought it was posion ivy. Then about 2 weeks ago It started "spreading" and forming more of these circular rashes. Like 2 more.
Avatar n tn My advice is to believe your test results. I see no reason for concern and no reason for further testing. I hope this comment is helpful to you.
Avatar m tn I visited my doctor last Monday and he thought it was fungal and prescribed Ciclopirox Olamine Cream 0.77% anti-fungal and 7 x Fluconazole 200mg tablets antibiotic, one per day for seven days. Nothing affected the rashes visibly or stopped it from spreading. Today I went to a friend's hospital laboratory and they took two skin KOH prep skin scrapping done. Samples were obtained from my foot and upper right arm, result was NO yeast and NO fungal elements were detected.
Avatar f tn Is there an over-th-counter medication for ringworm ? I can't get to my dermitologist before New Years and i would like to at least try to get rid on this ringworm.
19434616 tn?1477610086 Hello, everyone! A year ago I began to get rashes on my legs. I figured it was normal, as I get eczema, and promptly ignored it. I went to a dermatologist after several months, and she diagnosed it as nummular eczema. It's true it looked very similar, but the lotions she suggested didn't help. I went to another dermatologist as they started to show up in other places. She took a skin test, and it came back positive for ringworm.
Avatar n tn Both ringworm and yeast infection are fungus. in fact one of the very best treatments for ringworm is monostat mixed with hibiclense I am not a medical pro, but I did rescue 3 infested kittens 4 years ago and my hairless dogs got ringworm. from that i learned the ringworm spores can live many months. I bought a woods lamp, only to discover all ringworms do not florese. dry skin does florese. grr a waste of good money.
1136812 tn?1383347165 Hey back here for the last time , too naive. Back in March I had went down on a woman unprotected, for a long time . No intercourse was involved, though I did finger her a bit. Recently Ive noticed on my scalp that I have two small lesions that I thought to be ringworm or some type of fungi. It looks pretty obvious though I havent had it sampled. If it is ringworm hypothetically, and I know it is a symptom of HIV infection, would I have been at risk from the oral sex I administered to the woman.
Avatar m tn // Ringworm is not difficult for a physician to diagnose and treatment varies depending on the severity of the issue. Treatment usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to clear it up and prevent it from returning. Let us know what your doctor says.
Avatar f tn For possibly 6-8 weeks I have had several very small bumps on my cheek like pimples that had not truly surfaced yet. The odd thing about it was that the pimples were in a circular form. I didn't think much of it. It seemed like 1 or 2 of them would come out, be red for a few days like any other pimple and eventually fade away, but for 6-8 weeks I have still had this going on. Over the weekend my aunt who hadn't seen me since, thought perhaps I had ringworm. What do you think?
Avatar f tn When i put Lotrimin on it, it stops growing and does eventually dry up but even though i used it for a while even after the ringworm cleared, i found another ringworm 5 months later (today). I'm really frustrated. My sister told me to use Triamcinolone acetonide for this new ringworm and the ointment is anti bacterial and not anti fungal. I'm a little skeptical to use it (i have seen pictures of numular eczema though and what i have does look like it once it spreads a little more).
Avatar n tn Apply warm compresses on the lymph nodes and complete the treatment for ringworm as prescribed by your doctor. Once ringworm is treated, lymph nodes will come back to their normal size. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how your daughter is doing.
Avatar f tn is there a chance of me being positive for hiv.i have literally dying for the past 8 months. please advice me.
Avatar m tn Alright, this is an ugly sad situation I am in. I slept with a prostitute ( protected ) and got a fungal infection on my back a week or two later ( ringworm ) ... It was protected so no HIV risk here.. . I also tested negative conclusively for this....
Avatar n tn Ringworm can be contagious. I strongly you suggest you make an appt for your nephew to see his doctor for an exam.
Avatar m tn ok so i have started gettin spots that look like ringworm it started on my elbow it was a patch that looked like ringworm but it took a while to go away even tho i was using the cream but now like weeks later im gettin little ringworm spots all over i have one on my cheek one above the eye 1 on each forearm one on my thigh and a few on my back they look just like ringworm to me they are small area's not noticeable much the ones on my body arms are red the ones on my face are just skin color
Avatar f tn d call my obgyn and tell him/her, mine prescribed me medicine for it.
Avatar f tn By the next day the ringworm will be gone. My children got ringworm in school and a Fillipino lady cured them this way. In case it isn't ringworm that you have, you might want to try this on just one spot.
Avatar f tn Or go to a vets office and ask for ringworm shampoo and use that when you shower. It works great.
Avatar n tn I was put on the oral anti fungal drug Terbinifine. I took it once a day for 2 weeks for a severe case of ringworm. The ringworm started clearing up fast, but I developed many side effects. They included: an itchy red rash, which my dermatologist said was an allergic reaction to the drug, loss of appetite, swollen glands, occasional right upper quadrant pain, which has subsided. I had shortness of breath, and I have developed a persistant productive cough.
Avatar f tn Ringworm is a fungal infection, so I would imagine if you have it in one area, you could get it in another. For ringworm on the scalp, you do need to see a doctor for medication to treat it. I'd say it's worth a trip to the doctor to verify what is going on and get a treatment plan together.
Avatar n tn My son has redmarks that look like ringworm but we put ringworm meds on the areas hasnt gone away, the middle of the circle is whie and stays white it also has little bumps inside the circle, any idea what this could be
Avatar f tn If the investigations for fungal infections(ringworm) have come negative, I suggest you to take a second opinion from another dermatologist and get nummular dermatitis also ruled out. If it is ringworm then you may be needing oral antifungals as well. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.