
Chantix with paxil

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix with paxil


Avatar f tn I HATE PAXIL too!!! I can't believe no one tells you how serious the side effects are when you want to come off of it....I seriously think that something should be done about that..... I thought about taking chantix and chickened out because of the recent (over the summer) bad press it got. I will try it, I think. As soon as I get a clear mind and get over these withdrawals. Today is much, much better. I woke up feeling "semi-normal". Not so strange.
444932 tn?1273980797 Read the post by Joanna564 dated 3/11 titled "Is itching a symptom of nicotine withdrawl." It's hard to say what is or isn't normal but I'm quite sure that it does have to do with with your cutting back or the Chantix even though it isn't listed as a side effect. I had itching also but mainly my nose and scalp. I had finished taking Chantix by then so I didn't think to blame it on that. You said that you were having headaches a few days ago. Have those subsided?
Avatar m tn So the fact that playing with your brain neurotransmitters, something that Chantix does as well, makes you feel better than you did doesn't mean you were depressed, it means you felt a bit better because nicotine causes an increase in dopamine release and Chantix mimics this effect as it blocks nicotine from attaching to nicotine receptors.
Avatar n tn I'm not too sure but I do know my friend killed himself because of that drug.
Avatar n tn Threw em away and went cold turkey then a week or two into it I went to the doc and got Paxil to help with anxiety. It is going on three months and had not one problem. You can also go to and lurk there, is a pretty neat site where people tell their little secrets and share their support.
407029 tn?1253992623 They recommend that you use the Chantix for 3 to 6 months. I did so well with it that I was off it in less than 3 months. When you start forgetting to take it you know it's time to come off it. If I could, I we be a walking advertisement for Chantix. I had tried the patch, the gum, zyban and hypnosis in the past and got absolutely no where. Chantix is a wonder drug as far as I'm concerned. To me the benefits of Chantix far out way any of the risks.
Avatar f tn I quit cold turkey the day I was diagnosed and have not smoked since, but did get paxil to help with the anxiety and anger.
Avatar f tn So your on both suboxone and chantix? Do you feel wierd or anything? Ive heard things about chantix like it causes nightmares and suicidle thoughts. Im kind of scared. Do you really feel good? How long have you been on suboxone?
596605 tn?1369946627 She recommended that I cut my Chantix dose in half, if it continues. So yes i am working very closely with my doc. Thanks for the kudos, the Chantix has really helped me , knock on wood.
Avatar n tn Sometimes you can get free samples from your doctors office or a coupon from the maker to use with the prescription from your doctor. Let me give you a warning before you try chantix. Always research any new medication before trying it. My husband was prescribed chantix to quit smoking. After he started taking it he began having panic attacks. He had never had one before the medication but began having them during. Unfortunately that is now something he has to live with for the of his life.
Avatar m tn and a month later and not taking it. i still have it. I also quit drinking with using Chantix. I wasn`t an alcoholic or anything , but the taste of alcohol still tastes like rubbing alcohol to me.... I am proud that I quit, sad that I lost my baby, and dying to get a decent nights sleep. And I am supprised my fiance hasn`t left me yet.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix for my quit but had no ill side effects. Hindsight, I probably wouldn't use it again because of all the negativity so what I would suggest is if you have already gone 2 days without a smoke, you might want to consider stopping the Chantix. You are still going to have a physical withdrawal regardless of how long you use the pill though I don't know to what degree, all I can say is that I had a rough go of it.
Avatar n tn I am also experiencing sore breasts while on Chantix. This is actually the 3rd time I have quit smoking with this drug. I did not experience this the last 2 times. I have now discontinued taking the medication after having quit smoking for 8 days. I know that the recommended dosing is for a whole month to three months. I have found that taking it until the general nicotine withdrawl symptoms have gone works for me.
Avatar n tn We are not medical doctors so if you want to know about the side effects then you should call them (chantix) directly at 1-877-CHANTIX. Also, there is something that comes with the prescription that tells you about the risks. You had better read up on it. Sorry to hear that you are having seizures. I took chantix with very little side effects. Good luck with everything and if you need support with your quit, then we are here for you.
Avatar f tn I've been off Chantix for over 3 years and I'm still dealing with depression. Sure you can quit with the drug as it worked for my husband but if totally RUINED my life. I had a severse adverse reaction and had to stop the program in my 2nd last week when I was down to one cig every 3 days. I was extremely impulsive, hostile, agressive and suicidal and I had almost no control over myself. I had the crazy dreams along with the other typical side affects.
Avatar f tn Unlike many drugs that form metabolites with longer half-lives than the parent compound, Chantix remains virtually unchanged and isn’t subject to significant metabolism. Therefore you won’t need to worry about its metabolites lingering in circulation for a longer duration than varenicline itself. In the vast majority of users, average elimination should occur within 5 to 7 days after complete discontinuation."" 5 to 7 days is how long it is SUPPOSED to last at most.
Avatar f tn I'm going to say thyroid issues are the least of your worries with Chantix, the first two friends I know that tried it developed hallucinations while on it. None of my other friends will touch the stuff after seeing that.
984138 tn?1359813073 Hi Erin, I quit with chantix after smoking for 40 years and I think it worked well because, in the end, I really wanted to quit even though I didn't know just how much I wanted it when I began taking it : ) You should research it though as it can be harmful to younger people. As for taking his prescription, the first week is a half dosage so you might really need to get your own. It is expensive, but depending on how much you are paying for your smokes, it will be worth it in no time.
Avatar f tn Last night I looked up Chantix side effects on the web and found HUNDREDS of people with problems like mine that persist long after they stopped taking the pill. Many people in their thirties that just had a heart attack one day out of the blue (this is what I am most afraid of happening to me) Does anyone know how to undo the damage that chantix is causing?
393419 tn?1228447393 If you have nausea in the morning be sure to drink juice or eat some fruit with the pill. I had a full glass of grapefruit juice with the Chantix and it stopped all of the nausea. Without the juice I tossed my cookies. Taking one more medication was a pain but it was worth the results. I have been about 10 months smoke free.
Avatar n tn I would not think that Chantix would affect your thyroid, but everyone is different. Are you still taking Chantix? I am assuming not. ALso, I feel compelled to mention that I too had the symptoms you had, except for the trouble breathing, and my vitamin D level was extremely deficient. You may want to get that checked. Wishing you the best.