
Chantix medication guide

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix medication guide


Avatar n tn Always research any new medication before trying it. My husband was prescribed chantix to quit smoking. After he started taking it he began having panic attacks. He had never had one before the medication but began having them during. Unfortunately that is now something he has to live with for the of his life.
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
Avatar f tn My friend just quit taking Chantix due to the inability to handle the side effects. She has noticed that since quitting the Chantix alcohol has effected her differently. While on the Chantix she noticed the effects of alcohol tokk in quite quickly where now she seems to have a tolerance that was not there before. Is it possible that theh Chantix caused her intolerabilty to alcohol?
Avatar f tn I heard there is new medication to help curb the need to drink alcohol. I heard it was originally used for tobacco. Can you please let me know if there is medication that can help with alcohol addiction?
Avatar n tn I have been on Chantix . My breast are swollen and tender. Has anyone else had this side effect. Not from my periods - had a hysterectomy 15 years ago.
664798 tn?1225821618 Apparently it can and does effect your siezure condition if your meds are of a specific type, I had a severe epsiode back in december 08 and had to be put in a COMA because of the fact that I began hallucinating badly after I had just stopped tasking the chantix. I stopped taking chantix because of the nightmares it caused me,...Nightmares I'd rather forget about,.....I think I almost re-lived me entire childhood up to age 5 in three ngihts of "non-sleep".....
Avatar m tn First thing...stop the Chantix. Yes, in many people even those with no history of major depression Chantix is proven to have the potential to cause depression. There are better ways to stop smoking than to alter your brain chemistry.
393419 tn?1228447393 I was fatigued (another possible effect of thyroid) and the chantix gave me more energy. I eased into the chantix and when I was near the end of the treatment, I weaned off slowly. My husband also took Chantix, but right after he started, he read some of the articles about some possible side effects and he panicked and in spite of my warnings, stopped it cold turkey. At the same time, he quit taking his anti-depressant and I can't describe the problems he had.
Avatar f tn I took chantex for 3 days and on day 2 i was on the sofa with the WORST headach i have ever had... it has been almost 2 weeks since i stopped taking the medication and i'm still suffereing from headachs and a full numb face.. has any one else had this problem?
Avatar f tn Last june i was hospitalized with pneumonia, being a smoker they put a patch on me, i am to understand that they are not for 24 hr use and should be moved from one place to another, when i was realeased i bought patches and had a very bad reaction my Dr.
Avatar f tn Overall, there were 1,055 reports of serious problems with Chantix reported in the third quarter of 2010, more than any other prescription medication regularly monitored by the drug safety agency, Moore said. Before last July, the FDA had logged 122 reports of suicides linked to Chantix, including 37 reported by Pfizer and 85 reported by health professionals or consumers, Moore reported. After the 150 new Pfizer reports were added, the total jumped to 272.
Avatar m tn Ok well it may be the Chantix... but I dont know... most symptoms I know of with Chantix are stomach related. Just in case I would try stopping... if you still get you know thats not it... However, i actually think you may have a sinus infection... Very common when you first quit. Usually appears as though you get a cold or something within the first 3 weeks... it's actually like all the crap is coming up from your system.
Avatar m tn weakness,tired,confused,non tolerance of exercise,muscle weakness,sleep of headache, Taking only Metformin . You can please guide.
407029 tn?1253992623 does anyone know if chantix is hard on the liver? im taking it to stop smoking before TX? anyone knows of anyone who took it does it work?
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.
444932 tn?1273980797 I just started taking Chantix yesterday. I have heard lots of great things about this medication and how much it helps, but I've also heard lots of scary things - bad dreams, depression, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, hallucinations. Obviously, I chose to ignore all those things and take it anyway b/c I know me and I know that I need something pretty powerful to help me quit. I also quit taking pain pills four days ago.
Avatar m tn It is very difficult to know anything based on what you posted. First, lab ranges even for the different labs in the US differ so without ranges - have no idea if you are low, high or normal. Second - no idea if you are sick or how you are sick. The tests run are not really run for adrenal except DHEA (and that is really more of an adrogen - e.g. it converts to testosterone and estrogen) so not sure why it belongs in this forum.
334876 tn?1229979296 s time to quit being the Marlboro man and quit smoking, my doc finally gave me the rx for chantix so I guess this is day one and I should see how good it works in about 7 days as it tends to taper off the well to smoke Wish me luck Cowboy
Avatar f tn So your on both suboxone and chantix? Do you feel wierd or anything? Ive heard things about chantix like it causes nightmares and suicidle thoughts. Im kind of scared. Do you really feel good? How long have you been on suboxone?
Avatar f tn Not that I'm pro Chantix, but allow me to play devils advocate for a minute. When one contemplates quitting and then sets out to do it, there is a profound losing your best friend, and we all have to deal with. I myself grieved long and hard. Could your depressed state be that you have finally come to terms with the fact that it is your time to quit? I used Chantix and mourned the loss but I also used it before it was linked to "possible" suicide.
596605 tn?1369946627 Hi I am on Chantix to quit smoking and quit a few days ago. I am very tired so tierd that I cant even turn on the TV.. Is this a normal side effect from going off nicotine? This is the third day that has been like this. I was a heavy smoker before at 1 1/2 packs a day for 30 plus years.
Avatar n tn I would not think that Chantix would affect your thyroid, but everyone is different. Are you still taking Chantix? I am assuming not. ALso, I feel compelled to mention that I too had the symptoms you had, except for the trouble breathing, and my vitamin D level was extremely deficient. You may want to get that checked. Wishing you the best.
Avatar f tn Since I am struggling with my moods due to lack of meds, I am very concerned about how the nicotine withdrawals if I were to quit cold turkey. Any suggestions? From my research I have found that Chantix is definitely not an option for me.