
Chantix how to prescribe

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Avatar n tn ve been a smoker for 40+ years also and after stopping Chantix I started getting night sweats, not able to sleep for more than 4 or 5 hours a night waking up sweating , tired & unable to go back to sleep.
Avatar f tn I agree, Chantix is an amazing tool to help kick the habit. I have only known one person who wasn't able to quit using Chantix and by her own admission she was not ready. Even my FIL who had been a heavy smoker for over 40 years quit with Chantix and hasn't looked back.
Avatar f tn Certainly it's better if you cut down on the cigarettes. Ask your OB or RE to prescribe Chantix for you. I hear it's ok to take during pregnancy and it really helps with trying to quit smoking. Know you're not a lone if you can't quit, many women aren't able to completely quick during pregnancy and the baby turns out okay. I'm not endorsing it of course, just letting you know that you're not the only that's pregnant and could just cut back.
Avatar m tn just long have you been taking Chantix, and can you stop taking Chantix without the need to have either a cigarette or a Chantix 'fix'??
540521 tn?1221699706 I smoked for 38 years and found that Chantix curbed my urges and eventually, I was able to stop completely. That was 8 1/2 months ago. If you really want to prepare yourself for your quit and down the road to protect your quit, keep the website handy and visit it daily. It has helped me through some extremely rough times. Also, keep posting here for support.
Avatar n tn I'm not too sure but I do know my friend killed himself because of that drug.
Avatar f tn As far as cognitive therapy, she learned how to calm herself down. She also learned how to ride out these panic attacks (we live in California, so this was explained to her like "riding out an earthquake"). Her therapist also forced her into states of panic, so that she would become desensitized to the feelings of anxiety. Everything that she feared, her therapist made her confront-- after about 6 months of this treatment, she is doing so much better.
Avatar f tn I had depression 16 years ago, which started off with post pardom depression that lead into severe depression which this is feeling way too familiar to that and I do NOT want to go through that again. There is no chance that Chantix brought it back and even though I quit the Chantix it's stuck?
Avatar n tn my wife is taking chantix to stop smoking and when she finishes the first month of chantix can she then take welbutrin as it is not as strong. The chantix is giving her bad dreams.
390388 tn?1279636213 Hi. I just started taking levothyroxine 25 two days ago. I have been EXTREAMLY tired and tend to get light headed after eating. I have also been getting leg cramps and I'm either freezing cold or my face is flushed. I was told it is not menapause and my heart is ok. How long does it take to get used to this medicine? I was told sometimes it can get worse before it gets better. I have a thyroid ultrasound to go to next week.
Avatar m tn If you have depression you know it. Life is miserable. It's not just not being as happy as you'd like to be, it's being in a pit of despair. We have a tendency in today's society to medicalize everything, and then sell a drug to you for everything. These drugs might in fact make you feel better until they don't anymore or you have to stop taking them, which can be really hard. Alcohol makes you feel better until it doesn't.
380558 tn?1309042387 There is a smoking forum here also. Don;t know if you knew that. It started up a little bit ago and it just now starting to pick up but there are folks there that can help. Anyway, congrats on your effort. GOD knows I need to quit and can't seem to be able to get to where I WANT to quit. How sick is that? I have been smoking for 42 years and it is literally killing me. I have a 2 month supply of Chantix and pray that I get to where I will begin that program.
Avatar f tn I just went to the doctors today. She perscribed chantix to quit smoking. Ive been on suboxone(for opiate addiction) for 1 year and 4 months. I take 16mg. a day. Im just wondering if it is OK to take them together. I just want to find out as much as i can befor i start chantix. Please give me as much info as possible.
Avatar f tn Early pregnancy and can't quit smoking entirely-yes I know it's AWFUL and am mad at myself and feel terribly guilty but I can't seem to give it up completely. Anyone know if chantix or the patch is better or worse than actually smoking & pg? Ideally I'd be able to quit but can't so far.
Avatar m tn ( Maybe you should send an e-mail to the makers of chantix and see if they can give you an estimate of how long your symptons should last.
Avatar f tn I had depression 16 years ago, which started off with post pardom depression that lead into severe depression which this is feeling way too familiar to that and I do NOT want to go through that again. There is no chance that Chantix brought it back and even though I quit the Chantix it's stuck?
984138 tn?1359813073 Hi Erin, I quit with chantix after smoking for 40 years and I think it worked well because, in the end, I really wanted to quit even though I didn't know just how much I wanted it when I began taking it : ) You should research it though as it can be harmful to younger people. As for taking his prescription, the first week is a half dosage so you might really need to get your own. It is expensive, but depending on how much you are paying for your smokes, it will be worth it in no time.
Avatar f tn I'm going to play the devils advocate here and ask you how you know that Chantix caused all of your problems? You ailments may be coincindental and there are plenty of people who have problems at your age who have never taken the drug. I used Chantix and quit with it after nearly 2 months on it. I am 54 and had no problems at all. I have noticed complaints about the "during and aftermath" of Chantix but no one can definitively link it to the drug.
Avatar f tn I am ready to quit, and noticed you said you took Chantix. would you recommend this pill? How long after being on Chantix did you actually stop smoking? I was prescribed bupropian, and wonder if maybe Chantix would be better.
444932 tn?1273980797 I was so incredibly thrilled to read that you stayed on the Chantix and continued to smoke for nearly two months. When my one week was up and my quit day arrived, I just knew I wasn't ready, that it wasn't going to happen. I know damn well that this stuff is not a magic bullet, but I believed (maybe as ALL addicts believe) that the stuff just hadn't had long enough to really DO anything for me yet.
Avatar f tn I, too, smoked for over 40 years. Between that and severe acid reflux, I had built up excess tissue on my vocal cords, to the point that I could hardly talk. I'd gotten to the point that it was so painful to even make sound that I tried not to talk as much as possible. I was sent to an ENT, who said he could remove that tissue (it wasn't cancer, but he was sure it would be soon), but he wouldn't touch me until I had quit smoking for 2 months.
Avatar m tn Hi~I have been on anti-depressants but not at the time I took Chantix. I would even call the pharmacist and ask if there is potential for problems taking both together. I did have major side effects-mostly nightmares, bad sleep, bad stomach aches and nausea so I stopped it before I quit smoking. I have started it again just two days ago. I am taking it at night with over the counter sleep aid because I know that was the hardest part. It also makes me a little cranky.