
Chantix bad

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix bad


407029 tn?1253992623 i dont know if chantix is bad for your liver but i do know that i am a huge supporter of the pill. i took it for four months and it worked great! i have smoked for about twelve years. all of a sudden after a few weeks you just notice that "hey i havent smoked in five hours!" without even thinking about it. my husband is taking it now and he starts treatment in one month. so i hope that it isn't bad for the liver. good luck!
Avatar f tn my best friend quit smoking but first tried chantix an had some really bad side effects felt strange awful nightmares an had seazure from chantix doc took her off asap. Also seen on tv a lawyer saying if you had bad side effects from taking chantix or even death pls call today we have law suit in effect.
Avatar f tn I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit. Keep us posted!
Avatar m tn yeah, i had to quit the chantix after just a few days-i got very irritable, suicidal, miserable, crazy dreams, all bad-not worth it. like i said before, if you take it, know when you don't feel like yourself-maybe ask others around you to tip you off if they think you are acting differently. for me, it was not worth the way i was feeling-absolutely not. might try hypnosis again...or acupuncture.
444932 tn?1273980797 Hi greenlady : ) I have to say that my experience with Chantix was pretty good. I don't remember any bad dreams but I think I do remember feeling like I was outside of myself looking in. I have had that spacy feeling before and it generally happened when I was taking effexor for panic/anxiety. I am also going through my changes and so I haven't slept well in a few years. The crappy feeling in your gut, yup, that about sums it up. Can't do much about it and it really isn't to bad.
1755816 tn?1317861184 Chantix has some of the same psych warnings as interferon. That would be the med that I'd be sure the doc Rxing the IFN was aware you were also taking. Be sure to take your ribavirin with fatty food for best absorption. Drink plenty of water. Good luck.
729288 tn?1251254433 However, I did take Chantix last June to quit smoking. I only took it for 2 1/2 weeks as the nausea was so bad. I was successful in quitting so far - it has been eight months. I read somewhere that one of the symptoms of Hep C is a lost taste for cigarettes. Not only did I not the the taste anymore of cigarettes but the smell made me sick as well.
Avatar n tn I have been on Chantix . My breast are swollen and tender. Has anyone else had this side effect. Not from my periods - had a hysterectomy 15 years ago.
984138 tn?1359813073 DON"T DO CHANTIX. My son, 19, took chantix for 3 months and the research was not done on young people. He did quit smoking but at a great risk to his health. It has been 10 months of hell since he went off the med. While on the med he has mild side effects but after many blood tests, a positive ANA and anxiety/panic attacks - he is slowly getting healthy again. We did not do our homework and the result was a very sick young man.
950277 tn?1247274551 My mother in law went on the chantix program. She was a smoker of over 50 years. She has been on Chantix for 3months. She actually lights her smoke but does not smoke it. She does this twice daily. She really has quit. It is amazing!
1096641 tn?1271707225 and I really don't think of smoking all that much. I am taking Chantix and for me its awesome...takes away my desire for a puff. Not 100% but so much that i no longer obsess over smoking. I've changed some smoking habits...when i take the dog outside in the morning, i have my coffee instead of a cig, on the way to work I drink out of my bottle of water, instead of lighting work, I eat an apple, take a walk, or brush my teeth when my 'smoke time' comes...
380558 tn?1309042387 They said that after 72 hours on the Chantix (because Chantix blocks the nicotine from entering the receptors and the nicotine will be out of the system within 72 hours as well) I shouldn't be feeling any major cravings after.. So, it should be alot easier by tomorrow.. :D.. just go to the website, you'll get a whole read up on it.. :D.. it's WORTH taking! Everyone else.. thanks so much for your encouragement and support! I'm so glad I logged on today! Love you all!
393419 tn?1228447393 I was fatigued (another possible effect of thyroid) and the chantix gave me more energy. I eased into the chantix and when I was near the end of the treatment, I weaned off slowly. My husband also took Chantix, but right after he started, he read some of the articles about some possible side effects and he panicked and in spite of my warnings, stopped it cold turkey. At the same time, he quit taking his anti-depressant and I can't describe the problems he had.
Avatar m tn First thing...stop the Chantix. Yes, in many people even those with no history of major depression Chantix is proven to have the potential to cause depression. There are better ways to stop smoking than to alter your brain chemistry.
Avatar f tn Chantix is sounding greater and greater. Has anyone had any bad dreams from Chantix? We did have one patient quit taking them. He said his nightmares where just to vivid.
Avatar n tn Wow! I didn't have any real bad side effects when I took Chantix. A bit of an upset stomach, but I dealt with it. I guess I should consider myself lucky! I took it for a month and a half. If it wasn't for Chantix, I doubt very seriously if I would have ever given up smoking and I am happy to say, after 38 years of it I am now 10 months, 3 weeks and 1 day smoke free : ) Good luck to you all.
Avatar f tn I started having problems in Oct 2008 after taking Chantix for about a month. I quit taking the meds because I had a really bad reaction to it. I was angry, very emotional and thought of suicide. I have never been this way before and didn't like so I stopped the med. About a month later I had an episode where I was having slurred speech (alot) and I would drive to work and then sit there and think "how did I get here". I couldnt remember driving. This lasted or about a month.
Avatar m tn Ok well it may be the Chantix... but I dont know... most symptoms I know of with Chantix are stomach related. Just in case I would try stopping... if you still get you know thats not it... However, i actually think you may have a sinus infection... Very common when you first quit. Usually appears as though you get a cold or something within the first 3 weeks... it's actually like all the crap is coming up from your system.
1609058 tn?1298089127 Evidently, the mixture of Lexapro and Chantix is not one to take lightly, and the fact that I abruptly stopped the Chantix caused me to have a severe withdrawal from the Chantix. Does anyone know more about this, or has anyone had any experience like this? I'm still blown away at all the stuff I said and did, very disconcerting to have absolutely no recollection of anything I said or did over 2 days time. Please help!
444932 tn?1273980797 Sorry to hear that you had to quit the chantix. I guess I was one of the lucky ones! There are no quick fixes and even though chantix made it easier, there were still withdrawals and cravings. If you have had success using the patch then you really should try that again, read and post to the board when you are feeling vulnerable. Good luck!
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.