
Chantix and gas pains

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix and gas pains


Avatar f tn I took chantix for 1 1/2 months and experienced a little gas but that was all. I quit taking chantix 3 days after my last cigarette and that was 9 months 1 week and 4 days ago. I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit.
Avatar f tn Smoking provides immediate relief and over the counter meds or diet/exercise changes do not seem to work. Does it just take many months for the Nicotine to leave the system and for gas symptoms to stop? Do I just need to stick it out longer?
Avatar f tn Not that I'm pro Chantix, but allow me to play devils advocate for a minute. When one contemplates quitting and then sets out to do it, there is a profound losing your best friend, and we all have to deal with. I myself grieved long and hard. Could your depressed state be that you have finally come to terms with the fact that it is your time to quit? I used Chantix and mourned the loss but I also used it before it was linked to "possible" suicide.
427279 tn?1210919821 i was just wondering if any one here uses chantix and is it helping you?....
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.
Avatar n tn I have been on Chantix . My breast are swollen and tender. Has anyone else had this side effect. Not from my periods - had a hysterectomy 15 years ago.
Avatar f tn My suggestion to you is try stopping the chantix and see how you feel. Then you could resume taking it if you feel the withdrawals and cravings come back really strong? Might want to ask a Doctor on that one just to be sure. As far as I know the headaches are part of the withdrawal and I have a bad one right now.
Avatar f tn I used Chantix and had absolutely no extreme effects. A bit of upset stomach was the worst of it. I took it for a month and a half and have been quit for 1 year and 1 month! There are times when I still feel and urge, especially when stressed, but it goes away in mere seconds and it doesn't happen often : ) I hope you feel better with each day and thanks for offering your help.
1937645 tn?1324236061 I recently quit with the help of Chantix, It's been 43 days and still going strong. This is the first time in 25 years that I've been smoke free. Although the medicine is expensive, I spend no more on it than I did on the cigarettes. The only side effects for me are the crazy and vivid dreams, which really don't bother me. If I take the medicine on an empty stomach it really disturbs my belly and I get wicked gas. Sorry I had to bring up the flatulence.
444932 tn?1273980797 Sorry to hear that you had to quit the chantix. I guess I was one of the lucky ones! There are no quick fixes and even though chantix made it easier, there were still withdrawals and cravings. If you have had success using the patch then you really should try that again, read and post to the board when you are feeling vulnerable. Good luck!
729288 tn?1251254433 I will pay the $215 on monday for my shipment then I am waiting the 2 weeks suggested and beginning. Here is my question. I am also on chantix.. the stop smoking drug. I really need to stop because I think 27 years is long enough to smoke for anyone. Does anyone know if it will have any kind of reaction? My doc told me to go ahead it wouldnt hurt me.
Avatar f tn For last 2 days, I've been smelling fumes/gas accompanied by a headache (maybe coincidental however I don't get headaches very often, maybe twice a year). At first I thought that my house can have a gas leak so I asked my husband to see if he can smell it, but he said he can't smell anything.
Avatar m tn I have a question for those of you who used the Chantix to kick the cigarettes. I have smoked on and off for years, and I have quit several times for long periods of time, but this time I am in need of some sort of assistance doing it (the thought of no cigarettes is worse for me than the thought of no norco ever was). I don't want to spend any more money on cigarettes, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, I always have, pretty weird for a smoker, huh?
4332140 tn?1356285844 So I feel like I have gas pains like if I had to fart or poop but I try and I cant. Sometimes its real intense that I cant walk or bend over. Is it just gas or what else couldnit be?? Lots of pressure in pelvic area ah its horrible. Im 38w4d.
Avatar f tn If it gets unbearable I would call the hospital and just ask a nurse if you should be checked out. I know gas pains are the worst and when I got them I felt like I was dying.
Avatar f tn I had horrible gas and gas pains before I knew I was pregnant and it was not common for me at all lol...
Avatar n tn m in my second trimester and I have these painful gas pains. Has anyone ever experienced them and what can I do to relieve the pain? Your help is appreciated greatly, thanks.
Avatar f tn I have really horrible gas pains, nausea, and bloating. I was wondering if anyone has found anything that helps them with these issues besides antacids. I like herbal meds too if anyone has any suggestions that would be wonderful!
Avatar n tn Hi I'm six weeks and whenever I lay down to sleep I get these really bad gas pains I've tried sleeping propped up on pillows and trying to use the bathroom before bed but nothing is working I'm exhausted from Lack of sleep what can I do ?????
4295582 tn?1358796415 I know this sounds funny but are you able to fart. Normally I guess really bad gas pains due to excess gas and also having to use the bathroom. #2. So I eat something that I know will give me the poops sorry tmi. but it helps me. I never thought at the time i had it to try some sort of gas relief. But i would look into that.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Nexium 40 mg one time a day for the past two months and the past week I have been having gas pains in my chest. I can feel the gas bubbles moving after I eat and stays around for a long period of time which is very uncomfortable. Is it ok for me to take Gas X along with the Nexium?
Avatar n tn I'm having horrible gas pains at night the last two days..I can't even sleep. I feel like my uterus is contracting. I'm 13w 1d. Anyone else go through this. Tips hints help??
Avatar f tn Im having super bad gas pains, I know gas is normal but should it hurt this bad? I just wanna lay in bed and die... well not die but you get the point. It *****!
Avatar n tn does anybody else have gas pains? I'm 5 1/2 weeks along and this is the 2nd time in the past week I have had horrible gas pains. They aren't like cramps the are higher like under my ribs. I never experienced thus with my first pregnancy.
Avatar n tn The last 2 nights I'm having horrible gas pains and can't sleep...feels like my whole uterus is contracting. Not sure what to do...I'm only 13w 1d. Tips hints ppl that have experienced this?
Avatar n tn usually going to the bathroom would help me with the gas pains. I would eat something that I know would take me to the restroom and immediately feel better.